Like and Unlike Decimals Calculator

Enter a Decimal Number 1 .

Enter a Decimal Number 2 .

The given decimals are

The Like and Unlike Decimals Calculator is an online tool that shows if two given decimals are Like or Unlike. BYJU’S provide the best online Calculator that makes calculations simple and easy. The calculator given here compare the two input values and displays the result in output field.

How to use Like and Unlike Decimals Calculator?

To use the like and unlike decimals calculator, we should follow the below given steps.

Step 1: Mention the two decimals in the input field, which are required to compare.

Step 2: Click on “Solve” button to get the result

Step 3: The calculator will compare the two decimal and produce the result in output field.

What is Like and Unlike Decimals?

Like decimals are those decimals that have same number of decimal places (after decimal point). For example, 2.33 and 4.52 are like decimals, because both have up to two places of decimals.

Decimals that do not have same number of decimal places (after decimal point), are called unlike decimals. For example, 3.4 and 6.89 are unlike decimals


Like Decimals:

  • 2.6 and 7.8
  • 1.7890 and 1.899

Unlike Decimals:

  • 22.789 and 8.900
  • 7.65 and 7.654


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