Percentage Increase Formula

Percentage increase formula is the ratio of value increased to the original value and multiplied by 100. It is expressed in percentage. If there is an increase in the value of anything, then there is an increase in percentage.

The Percentage Increase Formula is given as,

\[\large Percentage\;Increase=\frac{Increased\;Value}{Original\;Value}\times 100\]

Solved Example


What is the percentage change in the rent of the house if on the month of January it was Rs. 10,000 and in the month of March it is Rs. 15,000?


We can clearly see that there is an increase in the amount of rent.

Here, Increased value = 15000 – 10000 = 5000

Original Value = 10000

Percentage Increase = (Increased Value ⁄ Original Value) × 100

= (5000 ⁄ 10000) × 100

= 50%

Hence, there is a 50% increase in the amount of rent.


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