10 Best Bank Exams To Gear Up For In 2023

In this article, we shall look into the top 10 bank exams that candidates should gear up for in 2023.

Nowadays, candidates are aspiring for a prospective career in the banking industry. Every year lakhs of candidates appear for different bank exams depending upon the availability of bank vacancies.

As the number of bank vacancies is in few hundreds or thousands, the competition is fierce among banking aspirants to make it to the final list of shortlisted candidates.

The difficulty level of various bank exams is also dependent upon the posts and numbers of candidates appearing for the different bank examinations.

To read in detail about the popular Government Exams, aspirants can check the linked article.

Top Bank Exams in India

In India, State Bank of India (SBI) and Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) are the bank exam recruitment bodies, which conduct various bank exams as listed below:

  1. SBI PO
  2. SBI SO
  3. SBI Clerk
  6. IBPS Clerk (CWE Clerical)
  8. RBI Officer Grade B
  9. RBI Officer Grade C
  10. RBI Office Assistant
  11. NABARD

To learn extensively about SBI Exams, check at the linked article.

Government Exam 2023

Best 10 Bank Exams to gear up for in 2023

Given below is the list of best bank examinations that aspiring candidates can apply to, for their recruitment in the banking sector. Let’s look into the best ten bank exams one at a time:


Every year, the SBI PO bank examination is conducted for the recruitment of personnel for the post of Probationary Officer (PO) by State Bank of India (SBI), which is the largest and oldest recruitment bank in the country.

SBI PO Exam Pattern: The SBI PO exam pattern has three phases –

Phase 1:  Preliminary Examination (Prelims)

Phase 2:  Mains Examination

Phase 3: Personal Interview.

To learn more about SBI PO Exam Pattern, check at the linked article.

The SBI PO Prelims and Mains exams have objective-type questions such as MCQs in the exam pattern. The following sections are standard both in the Prelims, and Mains exam, just the level of difficulty is higher in the second phase of the SBI PO exam. The sections include:

  1. Reasoning Ability (Prelims + Mains)
  2. Quantitative Aptitude (Prelims + Mains)
  3. English Language (Prelims + Mains)
  4. General/Economy/Banking Awareness (Mains)

Job Profile: The SBI PO job mainly comprises general banking or banking administration role.

The SBI PO 2023 exam schedule released along with the official notification. Given below are the tentative exam dates as per the official Probationary Officer notification:

SBI PO Exam Dates
Event Name Dates
SBI PO Notification 04th October 2021
Registration Dates for Online Application 05th October 2021 to 25th October 2021
SBI PO Exam Date (Prelims) 20th, 21st & 27th November 2021
SBI PO Prelims Exam Results 16th December 2021
SBI PO Mains Exam Date 02nd January 2022
SBI PO Mains Exam Results 25th January 2022

Candidates can check the detailed schedule for the Probationary Officer exam at the SBI PO Exam Dates page.

2. SBI Clerk

Every year, State Bank of India conducts a competitive examination for bank recruitment of personnel for Junior Associates or clerical cadre posts.

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern: The SBI Clerk exam pattern has two phases –

Phase 1:  Preliminary Examination (Prelims)

Phase 2:  Mains Examination

To learn more about SBI Clerk Exam Pattern, check at the linked article.

The SBI Clerk Prelims and Mains exams have objective-type questions such as MCQs in the exam pattern. The following sections are common both in the Prelims and Mains exam, just the level of difficulty is higher in the second phase of the SBI Clerk exam. The sections include:

  1. Reasoning Ability (Prelims + Mains)
  2. Quantitative Aptitude (Prelims + Mains)
  3. English Language (Prelims + Mains)
  4. General/Financial Awareness (Mains)

Job Profile: The SBI Clerk job profile comprises direct data entry and direct interaction with the customers.

The official SBI Clerk notification for the 2023 recruitment has been released and important dates regarding the same are as follows:

SBI Clerk Exam Dates
Event Name Dates
SBI Clerk Notification April 2022(Tentative)
SBI Clerk Online Registration Start Date To Be Announced
SBI Clerk Prelims Exam To Be Announced
SBI Clerk Prelims Results Declaration To Be Announced
SBI Clerk Mains Exam  To Be Announced
SBI Clerk Mains Results Declaration To Be Announced

To learn the SBI Clerk Exam Dates, check at the linked article.


The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts examination for the recruitment of the Probationary Officers for all the public sector banks in India, except SBI.

IBPS PO Exam Pattern: The IBPS PO exam pattern has three phases –

Phase 1: Preliminary examination

Phase 2: Mains examination

Both the IBPS PO Prelims and Mains exams have objective-type online mode examination.

Phase 3: Personal interview

To learn more about IBPS PO Exam Pattern, check at the linked article.

The IBPS PO Prelims and Mains exams have the following sections in common. Just the difficulty level is higher in the second phase of the IBPS PO exam. The sections include:

  1. Reasoning Ability (Prelims + Mains)
  2. Quantitative Aptitude (Prelims + Mains)
  3. English Language (Prelims + Mains)
  4. General/Economy/Banking Awareness (Mains)
  5. Computer Aptitude (Mains)

Job Profile: The IBPS PO job profile basically comprises general banking, bank administration, supervision of the clerical works and working for increasing the bank business level.

Given below is the tentative IBPS PO Exam schedule based on the IBPS PO Notification 2021:

IBPS PO Exam Dates
Event Name Dates (Tentative)
IBPS PO Exam Date (Prelims)
04th & 11th December 2021
IBPS PO Prelims Exam Results 05th January 2022
IBPS PO Mains Exam Date 22nd January 2022
IBPS PO Mains Exam Results February 2022(Tentative)

To learn more about different IBPS Exam Dates, check at the linked article.

Also, aspirants can check the detailed IBPS PO Exam Dates for the 2021-22 recruitment at the linked article.

4. IBPS Clerk

Every year, IBPS conducts a competitive examination for bank recruitment of personnel for clerical cadre positions.

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern: The IBPS Clerk exam pattern has two phases –

Phase 1: Preliminary examination

Phase 2: Mains examination

Both the IBPS Clerk Prelims and Mains exams have objective-type online mode examination.

To learn more about IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern, check at the linked article.

The IBPS Clerk Prelims and Mains exams have the following sections in common. Just the difficulty level is higher in the second phase of the IBPS Clerk exam. The sections include:

  1. Reasoning Ability (Prelims + Mains)
  2. Quantitative Aptitude (Prelims + Mains)
  3. English Language (Prelims + Mains)
  4. General/Economy/Banking Awareness (Mains)
  5. Computer Aptitude (Mains)

Job Profile: The IBPS Clerk job profile comprises direct data entry job and direct interaction with the bank customers.

The IBPS Clerk schedule for the 2020 examination as per the IBPS Calendar 2021-22 is given below:

IBPS Clerk Exam Dates
Event Name Dates
IBPS Clerk Exam Date (Prelims) 12th, 18th and 19th December 2021
IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Results 13th January 2022
IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Date 25th January 2022
IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Results April 2022(Tentative)

To explore the Best Bank Coaching Centre in Bangalore, check at the linked article.

5. IBPS RRB Officer Scale I

Every year IBPS conducts examination for filling the bank vacancies of Officers in Regional Rural Banks of the country.

IBPS RRB Officer Scale I Exam Pattern: The IBPS RRB Officer Scale I exam pattern has three phases –

Phase 1: Preliminary examination

Phase 2: Mains examination

Both the IBPS RRB Prelims and Mains exams have objective-type online mode examination.

Phase 3: Personal interview

The exam generally conducted in the month of November.

Job Profile: The job profile of an IBPS RRB Scale I Officer is to handle the day-to-day operations of a branch.

To learn more about IBPS RRB Previous Year Question Paper, check at the linked article.

6. IBPS RRB Office Assistant

IBPS recruits Multipurpose Office Assistants for the recruitment of IBPS RRB Clerk in Regional Rural Banks.

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Pattern: The IBPS RRB Office Assistant exam pattern has two phases –

Phase 1: Preliminary Examination

Phase 2: Mains Examination

Job Profile: The job profile of an IBPS RRB Office Assistant is a low-level management role and is a support function role in various banks.

Given below is the detailed schedule of IBPS RRB exam dates of 2022:

IBPS RRB Exam Dates
Event Name Dates
IBPS RRB Prelims Exam Date July 2022(Tentative)
IBPS RRB Single Exam Date To be announced
IBPS RRB Mains Exam Date To be announced

To explore IBPS RRB Bank Exam Preparation Tips, check at the linked article.

7. RBI Grade B Officer

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is one of the largest banking sectors in India for candidates who aspire to get into the banking sector. RBI is the apex bank of the country and being a part of this banking institution is considered a matter of pride and prestige.

RBI conducts bank examination for the recruitment of candidates for Officer level posts.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern: This examination consists of three phases –

Phase 1: Prelims Examination (General Awareness+English Language+Quantitative Aptitude+Reasoning Ability)

Phase 2: Mains Examination (Economic and Social Issues+English Language+Finance & Management/Economics/Statistics)

Phase 3: Personal Interview (General Awareness and Interpersonal Skills)

To explore at length about RBI Grade B Exam Pattern, check at the linked article.

Job Profile: The job profile is an entry-level post for the managerial position in Reserve Bank of India.

Given below is the detailed schedule of RBI Grade B exam dates of 2022:

RBI Grade B Exam Dates
Event Name Dates (Tentative)
Official Notification Release of RBI Grade B 2020 To be notified
Start date of Online Registration and Payment of Application Fee To be notified
Examination Date for Phase – I Exam To be notified
Result Date of Phase – I To be notified
Examination Date for Phase-II Exam To be notified
Exam Result of Phase – II To be notified
RBI Grade B Interview Date To be notified
Final Result Declaration To be notified

To explore more about RBI Grade B Syllabus, check at the linked article.

Get the detailed exam schedule for the Grade B Officer post at the RBI Grade B exam dates page.

8. RBI Office Assistant

RBI conducts the RBI Office Assistant bank examination for the recruitment of clerical and assistant cadre positions, who are responsible for handling the day-to-day operations of the bank. 

RBI Office Assistant Exam Pattern: The RBI Office Assistant exam pattern has two phases –

Phase 1: Preliminary Examination

Phase 2: Mains Examination

To learn more about RBI Assistant Cut Off, check at the linked article.

Job Profile: The job profile is to deal with data entry job and is more of an operational role in RBI.

Given below is the detailed schedule of RBI Office Assistant exam dates of 2022:

RBI Assistant Exam Date 2022
Event Name Date
Online Application Form Release Date To be notified
Payment of Examination Fees (Online) To be notified
RBI Assistant Preliminary Exam To be notified
Schedule of Online Main Test  To be notified

To know more about RBI Syllabus, check at the linked article.

9. NABARD Grade A and B Officer

Every year the National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) conducts examination for the bank recruitment of Grade A and B officers.

NABARD Grade A and B Officer Exam Pattern: The examination has three phases – 

Phase 1 & 2: Computer-based examination (Online)

Phase 3: Personal Interview

Important Bank Exams Related Topics:

SBI PO Syllabus SBI Clerk Syllabus SBI SO Syllabus
IBPS Clerk Syllabus IBPS PO Syllabus IBPS RRB Syllabus

Job Profile: The job profiles include:

Grade A is for a managerial post and Grade B is for Assistant Manager posts.

Both the job profile is related to the day-to-day functions of Rural and Agricultural Development in rural or suburb areas.

Given below is the detailed schedule of NABARD Grade A & B Officer exam dates of 2022:

NABARD Grade A and B Officer Exam Dates
Events Dates
NABARD Grade A Officer 2022 – Phase 1 Exam Date To be notified
NABARD Grade A Officer 2022 – Phase 2 Exam Date To be notified
NABARD Grade B Officer 2022 – Phase 1 Exam Date To be notified
NABARD Grade B Officer 2022 – Phase 2 Exam Date To be notified

To know at length about the different upcoming bank exams, click at the linked article.

10. NABARD Development Assistant

The NABARD Development Assistant exam is conducted for the recruitment of clerical and assistant cadre positions who are responsible for handling the day-to-day operations of the bank. 

NABARD Development Assistant Exam Pattern: There are two phases of this examination –

Phase 1: Preliminary Exam

Phase 2: Mains Exam

To know how to Choose Right Bank Exam For Your Banking Career, check at the linked article.

Job Profile: The job profile is of clerical and assistant cadre positions.

Given below is the detailed schedule of NABARD Development Assistant exam dates of 2022:

NABARD Development Assistant Exam Dates
Events Dates (Tentative)
NABARD Development Assistant 2022 – Phase 1 To be notified
NABARD Development Assistant 2022 – Phase 2 To be notified

For further information about bank exam preparation, stay tuned with BYJU’S and join BYJU’S Bank Exam Learning Program to learn more.


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  1. I want to apply for the banking jobs through various phases while learning.

  2. I want to know about banking exam

  3. Hi I want to know about banking exams