Multicellular Organisms Definition
“Multicellular organisms are those that are made up of many cells.”
What are Multicellular Organisms?
A multicellular organism is an organism composed of many cells. The term “multi” is technically used to refer to something that is more than one, hence “multicellular” means more than one.
The multicellular organisms are developed by cellular specialization and division of labour. Cells become efficient in a single process and become dependent on other cells to carry out various processes. All the cells work in coordination for the proper functioning of an organism.
Also Read: Unicellular Organisms
Characteristics of Multicellular Organisms
Following are the important characteristics of multicellular organisms:
- Multicellular organisms are made of more than one cell and are complex organisms.
- They are visible to the naked eye.
- They possess distinct organs and organ systems.
- They are eukaryotes, i.e., they contain membrane-bound structures.
- Their cells exhibit division of labour.
- Their size increases with the number of cells in an organism.
Multicellular Organisms Examples
Following are the important examples of multicellular organisms:
- Humans
- Dogs
- Cows
- Cats
- Chicken
- Trees
- Horse
Also Read: Difference between Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms
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