Essay on Criticism

500 Words on Criticism

The word criticism can mean different things. It can be an expression of disapproval or condemnation based on the perceived faults or mistakes of a person. It can also be a judgement passed on the merits and faults of someone’s work after thorough research and analysis. Often, people don’t understand what criticism means, and they perceive it to be something negative. So, people have a misconception about the word criticism. When we criticise someone, that doesn’t mean we are saying something wrong to them. Criticism can be positive, too, it can be a way to assess and improve our faults. Learning to take criticism positively is extremely important. It is an essential skill that helps develop our personality. This essay on criticism will give you an idea about the correct definition of criticism.

What Is Criticism?

Criticism can be defined as an expression of disagreement with something or someone based on perceived mistakes, faults and beliefs. It can also be a judgement passed after analysing a person’s work. While most people don’t like being criticised, criticism can give us pointers to better ourselves and our work. It helps us learn from our mistakes and never repeat the same mistakes. Taking criticism positively not only helps us improve ourselves but also reduces stress and improves our mindset. But, this depends entirely on the perceived value hidden behind the criticism.

Constructive and Destructive Criticism

Criticism is of two kinds: constructive and destructive criticism. We can differentiate between constructive and destructive criticism by how comments are delivered.

Destructive criticism doesn’t achieve anything as it doesn’t seek to honestly bring about any positive change in the person involved. Sometimes people deliberately do so to hurt the other person and demoralise them. In some cases, it can lead to anger and aggression. When you receive destructive criticism from other people, it lowers your self-confidence and hurts your pride. Destructive criticism challenges your character, ideas and ability.

On the contrary, constructive criticism offers guidelines and pointers to improve on our faults without demoralising anyone. It highlights our mistakes and shows the path to improvement. So, individuals also welcome this kind of criticism and, hopefully, try to bring about positive changes in their personalities.

Positivity in Criticism

Human beings are likely to make mistakes. It is human nature to err occasionally. As life goes on, we get opportunities to work on our mistakes to better ourselves. We find it hard to digest when some people criticise us, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore their words. So, we should try to learn to take criticism positively and analyse it to see where we need to improve. For example, when we receive any criticism or feedback at work, we should take it positively, as it will help us improve.

We all are aware that criticism speaks truth instead of bitterness. When we receive any kind of criticism, at that point, we find it baseless. But, later, when we think calmly, we realise that the person was right. We all are aware that criticism speaks truth instead of bitterness. One should see themselves from the other person’s perspective to take criticism positively. By doing so, they can improve their interpersonal skills. Any kind of criticism should be used as a learning experience.

Ways to Handle Criticism

Take Criticism Positively

Many people get defensive about the possibility of negative feedback. It’s okay to think about strengths and weaknesses. No one’s perfect. When you’re about to receive both types of feedback, approach the situation with an open mind to understand the difference.

Decide if feedback is constructive or destructive

Think about whether the feedback comes from someone who cares about you, references an area you want to improve, or specifies how to get better.

Some people criticise others for no reason and often try to hurt to boost their own ego. You’ll usually be able to recognise this if the criticism is baseless and hurtful.

It’s essential to take stock of the people in your life who want the best for you. These are people who’ll offer constructive criticism to help you improve. They also involve you in conversation and offer criticism that won’t hurt or demoralise you.

Avoid harmful people

If you notice that certain people around you are often negative and criticise you for no reason, it may be time to cut them off. You should distance yourself from them even if they’re the people closest to you. If they cannot contribute to your growth and development, they’re not the people you should pay attention to.

Standing your ground against these people is vital for building an identity and developing flexibility. You’ll find it hard to show grace to the well-purposed criticisms when letting those with bad intentions walk all over you.

Flushing toxic people from your life will help you lead a happier, more successful and stress-free life. You might find that these people have been behind your combative responses to criticisms.


Criticism is not as bad as people think. It entirely depends on people and how they take it. People should take it positively as it will provide space for improvement. But, some people take criticism negatively, which affects their lives.