Mother Earth Essay

500+ Words Mother Earth Essay

The planet we live on is also known as Mother Earth. This is due to its life-giving properties and resources that nurture all the living beings on Earth, just like a mother does. Our Mother Earth has nurtured us, provided food and shelter to us and cared for us to help us grow and evolve. But we humans haven’t reciprocated in kind, instead, we’re the cause of many of the problems that have put the planet at risk.

We have exploited our Mother Earth for many years by using its resources indiscriminately without giving anything back. We take over land by cutting down trees to build homes, industries, and more. And we don’t bother about the destroyed trees or plants or about planting them again. All this has led to environmental issues that have put our planet at risk of degradation and ruin. It is high time that we realised the need to save Mother Earth.

Why Should We Save Our Mother Earth?

Our planet is vital for our survival. Had it not been for the abundant resources available on Earth, we would not have been able to flourish on this planet. The excellent atmosphere, which contains gases, especially oxygen, ensures that life sustains on the planet. But the constant exploitation has led to the degradation of the planet and depletion of resources. We cannot wait for someone else to save our planet; we need to take action now. We should collectively work towards saving our Mother Earth because there’s no other planet to live on.

Human Activities Resulting in Damage to Mother Earth

1. Human-made Disasters

To satisfy our reckless needs and self-interests, we have exhausted most of the earth’s non-renewable resources. Many oil wells have been exhausted, compensating for the fuel needs of the growing population and countless vehicles. As a result, we have depleted all these precious energy sources and degraded the quality of life for other living beings.

2. Earthquakes and Air Pollution

The ever increasing demand for fossil fuels, such as coal, has led to constant digging and mining of the land. This is one of the primary reasons behind the frequent catastrophic disasters like earthquakes. Additionally, the toxic fumes and gases produced by the combustion of these fuels have increased air pollution and caused global warming.

3. Deforestation

The ever-expanding population means more need for land for habitation and factories. This has resulted in an enormous increase in deforestation. More and more trees are being cut to clear the land and build homes. Deforestation leads to the loosening of the soil, which means higher chances of floods, landslides and other disasters. Additionally, trees are the main source of oxygen, and lesser trees mean less breathable air and more greenhouse gases.

4. Extinction of Flora and Fauna Species

Constant deforestation leads to the loss of habitats. Wild animals have no place to live, and as a result, their chances of being hunted or killed also rise. This is the reason many animal species are becoming extinct. Small species like butterflies, birds etc., play an essential role in human survival. So, the more we exploit Mother Earth for our greed, the more we destroy.

5. Scarcity of Water

The diminishing forest areas are responsible for inferior air quality and disturbed water cycles. Lack of rain creates drought, and farmers face a significant challenge in irrigating crops. This again gives birth to more severe issues, such as scarcity of food and clean drinking water.

Measures to Save the Earth

The need of the hour is to take drastic measures on a large scale to help save our Mother Earth. But we can take simple measures as individuals too. We should spare the forests and revive them through afforestation and reforestation. Plants are essential for life on Earth to survive and sustain. They are necessary to maintain the harmony of the environment. We should also stop deforestation and clean up water bodies. Using water and other natural resources sparingly and efficiently also helps save Mother Earth.

A significant number of animal and bird species have been wiped out due to the destruction of their environment. They play a significant role in balancing the evolved way of life in nature and in saving our Mother Earth. The favourable conditions on Mother Earth for our survival have been reduced continuously because of deforestation, industrialisation, urbanisation, and contamination.

The government and individuals must come together to save the Earth. We can make people aware of the consequences of not taking care of the earth. They can be taught how to contribute to its protection. If this collective effort starts happening, we can save Earth.

Conclusion of Mother Earth Essay

In conclusion, the journey to save mother Earth is still in its early stages. But it is possible to restore Mother Earth and protect it if we take the right measures now. The Earth has everything that is necessary to sustain our existence, and that is why it is essential to save it from extinction. In the quest to save the Earth, further destruction should be prevented to impact the efforts.

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