CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 4

Struggling to find the unseen passage for the Class 4 English exam? Then, you have landed on the right page. Here, we have compiled different sets of unseen passages for Class 4 students to prepare for the English exam. These unseen passages are the best way to boost the reading section of the English subject. These comprehension passages cover around 5 to 20 marks in the exam. So, practising unseen passages before the exam can help in increasing the scores of the students.

Unseen Passage for Class 4 English

The unseen passages consist of a comprehension passage followed by a few questions. Students are required to read the passage carefully and then answer the questions. With the introduction of the multiple-choice questions, some of the unseen passages may contain the MCQ questions. So, students should thoroughly prepare for this section. To help them, we have provided different sets of unseen passages; some have multiple-choice questions, and some have descriptive questions. So, students should go through them and practise them seriously to boost their exam preparation.

Unseen Passage for Class 4 English – Passage 1

Read the following unseen passage and choose the correct answers.

There are a great many million fish in the sea, but this story is about just one of them and a very small one at that. Now, this little fish had everything in the sea to make him contended, but he was not happy. You will laugh when I tell you why he was not. He was unhappy because he was very small.

I. How many fish was there in the sea?

(A) Thousand fish

(B) Billion fish

(C) Million fish

(D) Lac fish

Answer: Option (C) Million fish

II. Where did the fish live?

(A) In the pond

(B) In the sea

(C) In the river

(D) In the tub

Answer: Option (B) In the sea

III. Who was unhappy?

(A) Fish

(B) Mouse

(C) Cat

(D) Lizard

Answer: Option (A) Fish

IV. This story is about just………

(A) Two of them

(B) One of them

(C) Three of them

(D) Many of them

Answer: Option (B) One of them

V. What did the little fish have in the sea?

(A) Something

(B) Nothing

(C) Everything

(D) Anything

Answer: Option (C) Everything

Self Study Class 4 btla

Unseen Passage for Class 4 English – Passage 2

Read the following unseen passage and choose the correct answers.

Bears are found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. They are massively built, with short tails

and thick legs. Bears are not really carnivores. They eat almost anything, the chief exception in

the polar bear, which in its natural state lives on fish and seals. However, in captivity, they seem

to enjoy meat, vegetables, fruits, milk, rice and porridge.

Bears are not quite as dangerous as people imagine them it be like most animals; they will do

their best to avoid human beings. They have a special sense that is eyesight to see things.

I. Where are bears found?

A. America

B. Australia

C. Arctica

D. None of the above

Answer: Option (A) America

II. What does a bear eat in captivity?

A. Meat

B. Chapati

C. Seal

D. Trees

Answer: Option (A) Meat

III. What does a bear avoid like most animals?

A. Hunters

B. Human beings

C. Fish

D. None of the above

Answer: Option (B) Human beings

IV. What kind of body do the bears have?

A. Massively built

B. Weak

C. fat

D. None

Answer: Option (A) Massively built

V. What is the strongest sense of a bear?

A. Touch

B. Sight

C. Smell

D. Hearing

Answer: Option (B) Sight

Unseen Passage for Class 4 English – Passage 3

Read the following unseen passage mindfully and answer the questions given below.

The smile is the best tonic for our mind and body. It takes thirteen muscles to smile, but forty-three to be angry. So, it is easier to smile and difficult to be angry. To be cheerful, we have to create positive thoughts. On the other hand, if we constantly think about negative things, we feel unhappy. So, the best way to avoid a negative idea is to replace it with a positive one. When we are relaxed in bed, we should practise putting some cheerful thoughts.

1. What is the best tonic for our mind and body?

2. What should we do to be cheerful?

3. What is the best way to replace a negative idea?

4. What should we practise when we are relaxed in bed?

5. What happens when we constantly think about negative things?


Ans 1: Smile is the best tonic for our mind and body.

Ans 2: To be cheerful, we have to create positive thoughts.

Ans 3: The best way to avoid a negative idea is to replace it with a positive one.

Ans 4: When we are relaxed in bed, we should practise putting some cheerful thoughts.

Ans 5: When we constantly think about negative things, we feel unhappy.

Practice Passage for Class 4 English

Below, we have provided 2 unseen passages for students to practise. So, read the passage and answer the questions carefully. Students can either check their answers themselves or give them to a friend for evaluation. If they get stuck on any question, they can take the help of their teacher.

CBSE Class 4 Unseen Passage 1 for Practice

Read the passage carefully and answer the given questions.

Once a cunning jackal jumped into a big tub of blue dye. “I am your king,” he said. All the animals, big and small, believed him and bowed before him. The clever jackal smiled. Now he was the most powerful animal in the forest. He was proud to be a king.

Once, the jackal woke up in the middle of the night. The jackals in the forest were howling at the full moon in the sky. The blue jackal forgot he was a king. He, too, began to howl. “Hu…aah! Hu…aah!” he cried. The animals ran out to see. “He is not a king. He is just a jackal!” they shouted. They rushed to attack him. “Stop, stop! I am sorry I tricked you. Please do not kill me!” said the blue jackal. The animals forgave him, but only after giving the jackal a good beating.

1. Who jumped into a big tub of blue dye?

2. Why did the animals think that the jackal was a king?

3. How did the jackal become blue?

4. What did the animals do when they saw the blue jackal?

5. How did the animals know that the king was just a jackal?

6. When did the jackal wake up?

7. Find out opposites of the following words from the passage?

i) Queen

ii) Day

8. Write the name of any colour mentioned in this passage.

9. Which animal is known as the ‘King of the Forest’?

10. What does this story teach us?

CBSE Class 4 Unseen Passage 2 for Practice

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions:

The milkman’s cow was in a bad mood. It sat in the middle of the road and refused to move. The milkman begged the cow to get up. “The children are waiting for their milk to help them grow strong. Please get up,” he pleaded. He pulled and tugged and prayed. But the cow wasn’t going anywhere that day.

Along came a policeman, his buttons and buckles gleaming bright. “Humph,” he said, twirling his long moustache, “I’ll show you how to do it right.”The policeman and the milkman pulled and tugged and prayed. But the cow wasn’t going anywhere that day.

Along came a grocer with bags of potatoes and peas. He said, “I’ll move this cow with the greatest of ease.” The grocer, the policeman and the milkman pulled and tugged and prayed. But the cow wasn’t going anywhere that day.

Along came a wrestler, his muscles gleaming in the sun. He said, “I have the strength of ten horses, so this should be fun.” The wrestler, the grocer, the policeman and the milkman pulled and tugged and prayed.

1. Who was in a bad mood?

2. Where did it sit down?

3. Why did the cow refuse to get up?

4. What did the milkman do to make the cow move?

5. Was the milkman alone able to move the cow?

6. Who had a long moustache?

7. Who came with bags of potatoes and peas?

8. How much strength did the wrestler have?

9. Name those who tried to make the cow move?

10. Can you make the cow move? How?

We hope students must have found this page on Unseen Passage for Class 4 English helpful for their studies. For more study material related to the CBSE Class 4 exam, keep visiting BYJU’S. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study videos.


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