Calcium Questions

Calcium is a macromineral, i.e. is required in large amounts by the human body. Calcium plays an important role in blood clotting, muscle contraction, regulating normal heart rhythms and functioning nerves. It is often linked with healthy bones. Around 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in human bones, and the remaining 1% is stored in muscles, blood and other tissues.

Definition: Calcium is a macromineral, i.e. is required in large amounts by the human body. It is often linked with healthy bones.

Calcium Chemistry Questions with Solutions

Q1. Which part of the human body is responsible for absorbing calcium?

(a) Duodenum

(b) Oesophagus

(c ) Mouth cavity

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Duodenum is responsible for absorbing calcium in the human body.

Q2. Which of the following can increase the rate of calcium absorption in the human body?

(a) Acidic medium

(b) Alkaline medium

(c ) Parathyroid hormone

(d) None of the above

Answer: (c ) Parathyroid hormone can increase the rate of calcium absorption in the human body.

Q3. Which of the following can decrease the rate of calcium absorption in the human body?

(a) High dietary fibre

(b) Acidic medium

(c ) Alkaline medium

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) High dietary fibre can decrease the rate of calcium absorption in the human body.

Q4. Calcium is responsible for

(a) Muscle contraction

(b) Blood coagulation

(c ) Nerve conduction

(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) Calcium is responsible for muscle contraction, blood coagulation and nerve conduction.

Q5. CASR is the abbreviation of _______.

(a) Calcium sensing receptor

(b) Calcium separating ratio

(c ) Calcium suppressor ratio

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) CASR is the abbreviation of the calcium sensing receptor.

Q6. Which of the following hormone is associated with increased calcium excretion via urine?

(a) Growth hormone

(b) FSH hormone

(c ) LH hormone

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Growth hormone is associated with increased calcium excretion via urine.

Q7. What is calcium?

Answer: Calcium is a macromineral, i.e. is required in large amounts by the human body. Calcium plays an important in blood clotting, muscle contraction, regulating normal heart rhythms and functioning nerves. It is often linked with healthy bones. Around 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in human bones, and the remaining 1% is stored in muscles, blood and other tissues.

Q8. How much calcium does a body need?

Answer: Calcium is a macromineral, i.e. is required in large amounts by the human body. It is often associated with healthy bones. The amount of calcium a body needs depends on an individual’s age.

1. An infant of age 0 to 6 months requires 200 mg of calcium.

2. An infant of age 6 to 12 months requires 260 mg of calcium.

3. An infant of age 1 to 3 years requires 700 mg of calcium.

4. A child of age 4 to 8 years requires 1000 mg of calcium.

5. A child of age 9 to 18 years requires 1300 mg of calcium.

6. An adult of age 19 to 50 years requires 1000 mg of calcium.

7. An adult of age 51 to 70 years requires 1200 mg of calcium.

8. An adult above 70 years requires 1200 mg of calcium.

Q9. What interferes with the absorption of calcium in the human body?

Answer: Calcium is a macromineral, i.e. is required in large amounts by the human body. It is often associated with healthy bones. The following factors can interfere with calcium absorption in the human body.

1. Consuming high amounts of caffeine can hinder calcium absorption in the human body.

2. Consuming high amounts of sodium (table salt) can hinder calcium absorption in the human body.

3. Consuming too much dietary fibre can hinder calcium absorption in the human body.

4. Consuming a lot of soft drinks can hinder calcium absorption in the human body. Soft drinks have phosphates inside them which alter the calcium absorption in the body.

5. Few medicines like tetracycline and antacid containing aluminium hinder calcium absorption in the human body.

Q10. What are the signs of calcium deficiency in the human body?

Answer: Calcium is a macromineral, i.e. is required in large amounts by the human body. It is often associated with healthy bones. The following symptoms will be observed if a person is calcium deficient.

1. Muscle cramps in hands and feet or weakness.

2. Osteoporosis

3. Humping of back

4. Abnormal heart rate

5. Poor appetite

Q11. Who is at the most risk of calcium deficiency?

Answer: Calcium is vital for healthy bones. There is a particular population that is at peak risk of calcium deficiency. They are

1. People with lactose intolerance.

2. Postmenopausal women.

3. Vegan people, i.e., those who avoid animal and dairy products.

4. People who are on certain medications.

5. People with inflammatory bowel, parathyroid disorders, or liver or kidney disease.

Q12. What are the side effects of consuming excess calcium?

Answer: Calcium is an essential micromineral. However, extra calcium can affect our health. It can cause

1. A high level of calcium can cause kidney stones.

2. A high level of calcium can cause the calcification of soft tissues and blood vessels.

3. A high level of calcium can cause constipation or bloating problems.

Q13. Match the following.

Column I

Column II


Muscular Fatigue








Muscular cramps


Column I

Column II




Muscular cramps


Muscular Fatigue





Q14. Match the following.

Column I

Column II

Column III





Strengthens our teeth and bones



Hemoglobin – oxygen transport

Kheer, Jaggery


Column I

Column II

Column III


Strengthens our teeth and bones



Hemoglobin – oxygen transport

Kheer, Jaggery




Q15. How can I raise my calcium level quickly?

Answer: Calcium is an essential macromineral required by the human body in large amounts. We can quickly increase the amount of calcium in our body by increasing the amount of calcium we consume. We can include the following food items to increase our calcium levels.

1. Dairy products like milk, yoghurt, cheese, and calcium-rich drinks like almond and soy milk.

2. Dark-green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, turnip leaves, watercress, and kale.

3. Nuts and seeds such as almonds, sesame, and chia seeds.

Practise Questions on Calcium

Q1. Why do we need calcium?

Q2. What are the top 3 sources of calcium?

Q3. What happens if you don’t get enough calcium?

Q4. How can you complete your calcium intake if you are lactose intolerant?

Q5. What are the side effects of calcium supplements?

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