Hemiacetal vs Acetal

Hemiacetal is formed as an intermediate product between acetal formation. Hemiacetal and acetal are acknowledged as functional groups. The critical difference between hemiacetal and acetal is that hemiacetal contains one -OH and one -OR group while acetal contains two -OR groups.

This section will learn about Acetal, Hemiacetal, Synthesis of Hemiacetal and Acetal, Differences between Hemiacetal and Acetal, and Applications of Hemiacetal and Acetal.

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What is a Hemiacetal?

Hemiacetal is acknowledged as a functional group with the general formula R1R2C(OH)OR, where R1 and R2 are hydrogen atoms or organic substituents. OH is a hydroxyl group, and OR is an ether group. It is formed as an intermediate product between acetal formation from an aldehyde and a ketone.

  • Most of the sugars are hemiacetal.

Synthesis of Hemiacetal

The term hemiacetal is derived from the Greek word “Hemi”, which means half. Hemiacetal combines two functional groups joined together to form a single functional group. In it, alcohol and ether are bound to a single carbon atom. A hydrogen atom occupies the fourth bonding position in the hemiacetal.

A hemiacetal molecule has four groups, i.e., H group, -OH group, OR1 group, and R2.

Hemiacetal is synthesised by nucleophilic addition of alcohol to an aldehyde. It can also be synthesised by partial hydrolysis of an acetal. Or nucleophilic addition of alcohol to a resonance stabilised hemiacetal cation.

Aldehyde + Alcohol ⇔ Hemiacetal

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What is an Acetal?

An acetal is synthesised from a hemiacetal and alcohol. A single bond attaches two ether oxygen to the carbon atom in it. An acetal is acknowledged as a functional group with the general formula R2C(OR’)2, where R is a hydrogen atom or an organic substituent while OR’ is an ether group.

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Synthesis of an Acetal

An acetal combines two ether groups joined together to form a single functional group. An acetal is synthesised from a hemiacetal and alcohol. In it, two ethers groups are bound to a single carbon atom.

Hemiacetal + Alcohol ⇔ Acetal + H2O

An acetal molecule has four groups, i.e. two -OR groups, one R group, and an H group.

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Difference between Hemiacetal and Acetal

S No. Hemiacetal Acetal
1. In hemiacetals, the central carbon atom is bonded to four groups, i.e., OH group, –OR group, –R group, and a –H group. In acetal, the central carbon atom is bonded to four groups, i.e. two –OR group, –R group, and a –H group.
2. The general formula of hemiacetal is R1R2C(OH)OR, where R1 and R2 are hydrogen atoms or organic substituents, OH is a hydroxy group and OR is an ether group. The general formula of an acetal is R2C(OR’)2, where R is a hydrogen atom or an organic substituent while OR’ is an ether group.
3. Hemiacetal is formed as an intermediate between an aldehyde and alcohol. Acetal is formed when aldehyde and alcohol react together.
4. Hemiacetal is less stable than acetal. Acetal is more stable than hemiacetal.
5. Examples: Glucose, Mycorrhizin A, Thromboxane B2 etc. Examples: Dioxolane, Benzylidene, Metaldehyde, Paraldehyde etc.

Frequently Asked Questions on Hemiacetal vs Acetal


What is an acetal?

An acetal is acknowledged as a functional group with the general formula R2C(OR’)2, where R is a hydrogen atom or an organic substituent while OR’ is an ether group. An acetal is synthesised from a hemiacetal and alcohol.

  • A single bond attaches two ether oxygen to the carbon atom in an acetal.

What is a hemiacetal?

Hemiacetal is acknowledged as a functional group with the general formula R1R2C(OH)OR, where R1 and R2 are hydrogen atoms or organic substituents. OH is a hydroxy group, and OR is an ether group. It is formed as an intermediate product between acetal formation from an aldehyde and a ketone.

  • Most of the sugars are hemiacetal.

Do acetal and hemiacetal give Tollen’s test?

Due to the presence of the alpha hydroxyl group, hemiacetal gives a positive Tollen’s test. In contrast, the Acetal group do not show a positive Tollen’s test.


Do acetal and hemiacetal give Fehling solution test?

Due to the presence of the alpha hydroxyl group, hemiacetal gives a positive Fehling solution test. In contrast, the Acetal group do not show a positive Fehling solution test.


What is the structural difference between an acetal and a hemiacetal?

The critical difference between acetal and hemiacetal is that acetal contains two –OR groups, whereas hemiacetal contains one –OH and one –OR group.




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