HOI - Hypoiodous Acid

What is Hypoiodous Acid?

Hypoiodous acid is a greenish-yellow solution with the chemical formula HOI. Hypoiodous Acid is an aqueous inorganic compound.

Iodine acts as a catalyst that reacts with hydroxyoxidanium ion to form hypoiodous acid. It is also formed along with iodide ions by dissolving iodine in dilute alkali or by the action of mercuric oxide upon iodine and water. Hypoiodous Acid is a volatile iodine species neither elemental nor organic, which has been found in steam/air atmospheres.

Other names – Oxidoiodine

HOI Hypoiodous Acid
Conjugate base Hypoiodite
Molecular Weight/ Molar Mass 143.89 g/mol
Hydrogen Bond Donor 1
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor 1
Chemical Formula HOI

Hypoiodous Acid Synthesis – HOI

When iodine reacts with cold and dilute sodium hydroxide solution sodium hypoiodite is formed which undergoes hydrolysis to give hypoiodous acid.

  • 2NaOH + I2 → NaIO + NaI + H2O
  • NaIO + H2O → NaOH + HOI

Another reaction possible is

  • NaOH + I2 → HOI + NaI

Hypoiodous Acid Structure – HOI

Hypoiodous Acid Structure

Physical Properties of Hypoiodous Acid – HOI

Odour No odour
Appearance Greenish-yellow solution
Covalently-Bonded Unit 1
Heavy Atom Count 2
Complexity 2
Solubility in water Soluble in water

Uses of Hypoiodous Acid – HOI

  • Used as a strong oxidizing agent and is used in rocket fuels and as an insulator.
  • Used as an active agent in microbial destruction and the major iodine compounds used for sanitizing are iodophors, alcohol-iodine solutions, and aqueous iodine solutions.
  • Used in atmospheric samplers so as to explain the abnormally high organic fractions reported by other investigators.
  • Used as a source of ‘OH radicals.
  • Used to eliminate chloramines from swimming pool water to avoid the build-up of eye irritants.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


Write some uses of HOI.

Used in atmospheric samplers so as to explain the abnormally high organic fractions reported by other investigators.
Used as a source of ‘OH radicals.
Used to eliminate chloramines from swimming pool water to avoid the build-up of eye irritants.

Write the name of the conjugate base of hypoiodous acid.

The conjugate base of hypoiodous acid is hypoiodite.

What is the chemical formula of hypoiodous acid?

The chemical formula of hypoiodous acid is HIO which is formed by the reaction of iodine with water and its chemical equation is I2 + H2O <=> HIO + H+ + I+.

At what pH, the dissociation of hypoiodous acid takes place?

The dissociation of hypoiodous acid takes place at pH = 4.
HIO <=> H+ + IO.
Test your knowledge on Hypoiodous Acid


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