Mineral Resources Questions

Minerals play an indispensable part in human life. Almost all things we use are made of minerals. They are naturally occurring homogenous substances with a specific internal structure. We use minerals for our livelihood, decoration, festivities, and religious and ceremonial rites. They are also an integral part of our diet and are used in buildings, ships, railway lines, cars, buses, aeroplanes, and other implements.

Definition: Minerals are naturally occurring homogenous substances with a specific internal structure.

Mineral Resources Chemistry Questions with Solutions

Q1. Which of the following state is the leading producer of Bauxite ore?

(a) Orissa

(b) Madhya Pradesh

(c ) West Bengal

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Orissa is the leading producer of Bauxite ore.

Q2. Which of the following plateau is richest in minerals?

(a) Chota Nagpur plateau

(b) Deccan plateau

(c ) Mysore plateau

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Chota Nagpur plateau is richest in minerals.

Q3. Majhgawan mines are located in which of the following state?

(a) Uttar Pradesh

(b) Madhya Pradesh

(c ) Andhra Pradesh

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Majhgawan mines are located in Madhya Pradesh.

Q4. Which of the following state is the leading producer of gold?

(a) Karnataka

(b) Madhya Pradesh

(c ) West Bengal

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Karnataka is the leading producer of gold.

Q5. Which of the following coal is the most popular coal in commercial use?

(a) Lignite coal

(b) Anthracite coal

(c ) Bituminous coal

(d) None of the above

Answer: (c ) Bituminous coal is the most popular coal in commercial use.

Q6. What is a mineral?

Answer: Minerals are naturally occurring homogenous substances with a specific internal structure.

Q7. What is a conventional source of energy?

Answer: A conventional source of energy is a non-renewable source of energy which can’t be renewed once exhausted. They are present in a limited quantity in the environment. Coal, oil, natural gas and fossil fuels are examples of some conventional sources of energy.

Q8. Explain different classes of iron ores.

Answer: There are four classes of iron ores.

1. Magnetite: Magnetite is the best quality iron ore. It has the highest amount of iron up to 70 per cent with outstanding magnetic properties. It is also used in the electrical industries.

2. Haematite: Haematite is the class of iron ore. It has about 50 to 60 per cent of iron and is one of the significant classes of iron used in industries.

3. Limonite: Limonite is the class of iron ore. It has about 40 to 60 per cent of iron.

4. Siderite: Siderite is the class of iron ore. It has about 40 to 50 per cent of iron.

Q9. Why is mining hazardous?

Answer: Mining is the process of extracting valuable minerals from the earth by digging. There are a lot of harmful effects of mining on the environment and human health. A few of them are mentioned below.

1. The toxic fumes and dust particles released during the mining can cause dangerous diseases like asthma and cardiovascular mortality.

2. It can pollute the air and drinking water.

3. It encourages deforestation, thereby leading to soil erosion and biodiversity loss.

Q10. Name the mineral used for manufacturing

(a) Aluminium

(b) Cement

(c ) Synthetics


(a) The mineral used for manufacturing aluminium is bauxite.

(b) The mineral used for manufacturing cement is limestone.

(c ) The mineral used for manufacturing synthetics is oil or coal.

Q11. What is a mineral? Give any three facets of minerals?

Answer: Minerals are naturally occurring homogenous substances with a specific internal structure. The three facets of minerals are mentioned below.

1. Quality of minerals is inversely related to the number of minerals.

2. Minerals are unevenly distributed over space.

3. Minerals are non-renewable sources.

Q12. What is a placer deposit?

Answer: A placer deposit is the minerals deposit occurring in the sands of valley floors and the base of the hills as alluvial deposits.

Q13. Match the following.

Column A

Column B

Highest petroleum-producing area


Metallic mineral


Non – Metallic Mineral


Conventional sources of energy


Non-commercial sources of energy

Mumbai High


Column A

Column B

Highest petroleum-producing area

Mumbai High

Metallic mineral


Non – Metallic Mineral


Conventional sources of energy


Non-commercial sources of energy


Q14. How will you differentiate between metallic and non-metallic minerals?

Answer: Metallic and non-metallic minerals can be differentiated in the following ways.

S. No.

Metallic Minerals

Non-Metallic Minerals


A metallic Mineral is a mineral in which metal is present in its raw form.

A non-metallic mineral does not contain any metal.


Metallic minerals are usually found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Non- metallic are found embedded in a young mountain fold and sedimentary rocks.


Metallic minerals generally have lustre.

Non-metallic minerals do not have lustre.


Metallic minerals have high malleability and ductility.

Non-metallic minerals are non-malleable and non-ductile. It can break down easily.


Metallic minerals are good conductors of electricity and heat.

Non-metallic minerals are insulators of electricity and heat.


A new product is formed by melting a metallic mineral.

No new product is formed by melting a non-metallic mineral.

Q15. How will you differentiate between hydroelectricity and thermal electricity?

Answer: Hydroelectricity and thermal electricity differ in the following ways.

S. No.


Thermal electricity


It is produced from falling water from turbines.

It is produced by burning coal, petroleum and natural gas.


Its source is perennial and thus is inexhaustible.

It is non-exhaustible.


It causes no pollution.

It causes pollution in the form of smoke and fumes.

Practise Questions on Mineral Resources

Q1. Minerals play an important role in human life. Justify your answer.

Q2. Which are the immaculate requirements under which minerals can be mined?

Q3. Why should we conserve minerals?

Q4. How can we conserve minerals?

Q5. Energy plays a vital role in human life. Justify your answer.

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