What is Malleability Questions

The ability of a substance, usually metal, to be deformed or moulded into a different shape is referred to as malleability. For chemists, metal malleability provides an important means of describing the specific properties of a metal and relating them to the arrangement of the atoms within the metal. This property in engineering applications enables the production of a wide range of products, from pots and pans to currency coins.

Definition: Metals’ malleability refers to their ability to be beaten into thin sheets.

What is Malleability Chemistry Questions with Solutions

Q-1: Malleability is a property characteristic to

  1. Metalloids
  2. Non metals
  3. Metal
  4. Gas

Answer: c) Metals

Explanation: Metals are the only ones that have malleability. Metals are the only materials that can be beaten into thin sheets.

Q-2: Which of the following can be beaten into thin sheets?

  1. Sulphur
  2. Phosphorous
  3. Oxygen
  4. Calcium

Answer: d) Calcium

Explanation: The only metal among the given elements is calcium, and the rest are non metals. Because only metals can be beaten into thin sheets, it is calcium.

Q-3: When you beat coal, can it be drawn into sheets?

Answer: Coal is a hard substance that is primarily composed of carbon, a nonmetal. Because coal is nonmetal, it lacks the property of malleability.Since coal is brittle and a hard substance, applying pressure to it will cause it to crumble into small pieces.To be drawn into sheets, the substance must have the property of malleability. As a result, coal cannot be drawn into sheets.

Q-4: Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. All metals are malleable
  2. All non metals are malleable
  3. Generally, metals are malleable
  4. Some non metals are malleable

Answer: c) Generally, metals are malleable

Explanation: The ability of a material to be beaten into thin sheets without breaking is referred to as malleability. Metals are generally malleable, with the exception of graphite (a nonmetal).

Q-5: Malleability is a

  1. Chemical property
  2. Physical property
  3. Optical property
  4. Magnetic property

Answer: b) Physical property

Explanation: A physical property is a property of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the substance’s identity or composition.

Malleability is a physical property because it can be observed without causing a change in a substance’s composition. Only the metal is transformed into a thin sheet; its composition remains unchanged.

Q-6: Malleability is only possible if the material is

  1. Not brittle
  2. Brittle
  3. Not able to withstand high temperature
  4. Not capable of compression

Answer: a) Non brittle

Explanation: Not brittle substances are those that do not break when subjected to any kind of force.The force can be caused by a hammer blow, the impact of a fall, high pressure from being squeezed, or a collision.

Such forces are applied to the material during malleability in order to convert it into thin sheets. They are said to be malleable if they can be formed into thin sheets without breaking. It can only happen if the material is not brittle.

Q-7: Name the two factors that influence a material’s malleability.

Answer: Multiple factors can influence a metal’s malleability, but the strength of the metallic bond and temperature are two of the most important.

The nature of the metallic bond can have a significant impact on metal atoms’ ability to rearrange themselves. Stronger metallic bonds require more energy to move metal atoms into different alignments. Weaker metallic bonds require less energy for metal atoms to shift positions, making the metal much more malleable.

Another important factor influencing malleability is the metal’s temperature. Some metals become much more malleable only when exposed to high temperatures.

Q-8: Which of the following is the best example of malleability?

  1. Flow of thick liquid
  2. Wood burning
  3. Hammering of steel
  4. Melting of a plastic

Answer: c) Hammering of steel

Q-9: Which of the following statements is incorrect for liquids?

  1. The do not have definite shape
  2. They are malleable
  3. They have definite volume
  4. They are incompressible

Answer: b) They are malleable

Explanation: Malleability is possible in case of solids. Liquids cannot be drawn into thin sheets. Hence are non malleable.

Q-10: Explain the bonding in the material which is non metal and malleable.

Answer: The only non metal which is malleable is graphite.

Graphite is a large covalent structure in which each carbon atom is covalently linked to three other carbon atoms. Each carbon atom has undergone sp2 hybridization. With a hexagonal arrangement of carbon atoms, these carbon atoms form a layer-like structure. These layers are held together by weak van der waals forces. Because of the weak forces, the layers can easily slip over each other, making graphite a softer, more malleable material.

Q-11: Match Column I with column II.

Column I

Column II

a) Pb

i) ornaments

b) Ag

ii) Communication cables

c) Steel

iii) Jewellery

d) Au

iv) Utensils

e) Cu

v) Pipes

Answers: a)-ii, b)-i), c)-v), d)-iii),e)-iv)

Q-12: Which of the following is not a use for malleability?

  1. Making of gold coins
  2. Making of bronze wires
  3. Silver foil manufacturing
  4. Making of Gas cylinders

Answer: b) Making of bronze wires

Explanation: A material’s ability to get converted into wires under tensile stress is ductility. Thus, making bronze wires is an application of ductility and not malleability.

Q-13: Which property is not characteristic of K(potassium)?

  1. Conductor of electricity
  2. Malleable
  3. Shiny
  4. High MP

Answer: d) High MP

Explanation: K has weak metallic bonds due to its large size. As a result, it has a low melting point.

Q-14: Sodium is less malleable than gold. Why?

Answer: The elasticity of a substance determines its malleability. The more elastic a metal is, the more malleable it is. In other words, a substance must be malleable if it can perform under compressive stress. Because alkali metals are so soft that they can be cut with a knife,therefore they are less malleable. Gold on the other hand is the most malleable.

Q-15: Malleability is the property of hammering into sheets by employing ________ stress.

  1. Tensile stress
  2. Compressive stress
  3. Both the above
  4. Torsional

Answer: Compressive stress

Practise Questions on What is malleability

Q-1: Is malleability an extensive or intensive property?

Q-2: Give reasons for the following:

  1. Silver foils are used to decorate sweets.
  2. A shovel changes its shape on heating.

Q-3: Malleability occurs because

  1. Metals can deform due to covalent bonds within them.
  2. Of the metal’s crystalline structure that provides strength
  3. Of metallic bonds that hold the atoms together.
  4. None of the above

Q-4: Which of the following materials is not malleable?

  1. Gold
  2. Aluminium
  3. Glass
  4. Zinc

Q-5: Give the chemical symbol of the metal which is not malleable. Also state the reason.

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