Cube Root Formula

The cube root formula is used to give the cube root value of any number. To recall, the cube of any number is found by multiplying the number three times. For example, 5 × 5 × 5 = 125. Now, the cube root formula is the vice versa of the cube formula.

Formula for Cube Root

Check the example below for detail:

5 Cube = 53 = 125
Cube Root of 125 = 3√125 = 5

Thus, the cube root of 125 is 5. The number 125 is a perfect cube.

Cubes of Some Numbers are as Follows:

  • 13 = 1
  • 23 = 8
  • 33 = 27
  • 43 = 64
  • 53 = 125
  • 63 = 216
  • 73 = 343
  • 83 = 512
  • 93 = 729
  • 103 = 1000

Solved Examples Using Cube Root Formula

Question 1: What is the cube root of 1728?


The factors of 1728 are given as,

1728 = 12 × 12 × 12

3√1728 = 3√(12 × 12 × 12)

3√1728 = 12


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