Terms and Conditions and Refund Policy for Doubts on Chat


Terms & Conditions and Refund Policy for Doubts on Chat


Terms and Conditions for Doubts on Chat

These Terms and Conditions are applicable to the use of Doubts on Chat services availed by the customers who have subscribed to (a) DoC Complimentary Subscription (as defined below), and/ or (b) DoC Subscription (as defined below), (such terms shall be referred to as the “DoC Terms”).

The Doubts on Chat services are add-on services to TLPA Subscription (as defined below), being provided by Think & Learn Private Limited (“Company”/ “our”/ “us”) wherein, subject to the terms set forth below, upon:

  1. you getting a complimentary access and/ or opting and subscribing to any of the following DoC Products (as defined below), and
  2. you or your ward (who is studying in a grade between grades 4 to 10 in any school in India) as named in the order form (“Customer Order Verification Form” and such named ward the “Student”) request for a clarification of the Doubt Query (as defined below) in a Subject (as defined below) through the procedure set forth below.

One on one online chat sessions are provided through a dedicated chat box, vide – (i) the Think and Learn Premium Application available for download on Android and iOS devices (“TLPA”); and (ii) https://byjus.com/learn (“Learn Portal”); wherein a tutor is assigned to the Student for clarifying the relevant Doubt Query (as defined below) in the relevant Subject (as defined below) as may be applicable (“DoC”) and each such chat session shall hereinafter be referred to as a “DoC Session”.

For the purposes of the DoC Terms, (a) customers who have subscribed to a DoC Product shall be referred to as “you” or “your”; (b) “DoC Product” shall mean either the DoC Complimentary Subscription (as defined below) or DoC Subscription (as defined below), as the case may be; (c) “TLPA Subscription” shall mean the paid subscription for Think and Learn Premium Application.

The types of subscription are set forth below:

  1. DoC Complimentary Subscription: 30 (thirty) DoC Sessions, valid upto the earlier of – (a) expiry of your TLPA Subscription or (b) expiry of 03 (three) months from the Order Date (as defined below) of you availing the TLPA Subscription or (c) the number of DoC Sessions offered by us in the DoC Complimentary Subscription have been exhausted, are provided complimentary to all customers who have enrolled and subscribed to TLPA on or after 17-November-2022.
  2. DoC Subscription: Any of the DoC subscriptions or packs mentioned in Table A below (each such pack or subscription a “DoC Subscription”) may be availed by a customer who has enrolled to purchase a TLPA Subscription upon paying the fees (as more particularly specified in the Customer Order Verification Form, pertaining to the relevant DoC Subscription). Please note that a DoC Subscription expires on the – (a) expiry of your TLPA Subscription or (b) expiry of the validity of the relevant DoC Subscription opted by you as mentioned in the Customer Order Verification Form starting from the Order Date or (c) the number of DoC Sessions offered by us in the relevant DoC Subscription (subscribed to by you) have been exhausted, whichever is earlier.

For the purposes of the DoC Terms, “Order Date” shall mean such date on which the Customer Order Verification Form is created by us and issued to you, as more particularly mentioned therein.

Table A


DoC Subscription Type

No. of DoC Sessions



Exam Preparation Pack – DoC Subscription


This DoC Subscription expires on the (i) expiry of 03 months from the Order Date for this DoC Subscription or (ii) expiry of your TLPA Subscription or (iii) 100 DoC Sessions offered by us in this DoC Subscription have been exhausted, whichever is earlier.


Half Yearly Pack – DoC Subscription


This DoC Subscription expires on the (i) expiry of 06 months from the Order Date for this DoC Subscription or (ii) expiry of your TLPA Subscription or (iii) 200 DoC Sessions offered by us in this DoC Subscription have been exhausted, whichever is earlier.


Full Year Pack – DoC Subscription


This DoC Subscription expires on the (i) expiry of 12 months from the Order Date for this DoC Subscription or (ii) expiry of your TLPA Subscription or (iii) 500 DoC Sessions offered by us in this DoC Subscription have been exhausted, whichever is earlier.

These DoC Terms shall govern your relationship with us, in addition to the terms and conditions (available at https://byjus.com/tnc_app/#tncdesc) applicable for – (a) your use of our website www.byjus.com (“Website”), our applications including the TLPA (collectively “Applications”) or any products or services in connection with the Applications/ Website/ products (“Services”); or (b) any modes of registrations or usage of products, including through SD cards, tablets or other storage/ transmitting device (hereinafter “Terms of Use”). If you do not agree with the Terms of Use or DoC Terms or the Privacy Policy (as defined below), please do not use the Applications or Website or avail the Services or DoC or other products offered by us. Any access to our Services/ Website/ Applications/ DoC/ other products through registrations/ subscription is non-transferable.

  1. Eligibility for DoC Products:
    1. Only customers who have enrolled and subscribed to TLPA on or after 17-November-2022 will be eligible for DoC Complimentary Subscription.
    2. Only customers who have enrolled for TLPA Subscription will be eligible to subscribe to a DoC Subscription.
    3. Customers who are not enrolled for TLPA Subscription cannot avail DoC Subscription.
  2. Access to DoC Product(s): All existing customers who have enrolled to avail TLPA Subscription may access the relevant DoC Product – (i) through the TLPA by clicking the “Ask a Doubt” button on the homepage of TLPA; and/ or (ii) at the Learn Portal by clicking on the left navigation and selecting “Ask a Doubt”.
  3. Purchase and payment completion process: Once the DoC Complimentary Subscription or the DoC Subscription is exhausted, You may proceed to purchase the DoC Subscription from the three options mentioned in Table A (provided above), through the two modes mentioned below:
    1. Assisted Journey: You may call the Inbound Resolution Team on 9243500459/8971940111 and raise a request to purchase and/or subscribe to a DoC Subscription. The concerned team will assist you with the purchase and/or subscription.
    2. Unassisted Journey: Once you have exhausted the DoC Complimentary Subscription or the DoC Subscription, you may also click on ‘Renew’ option available on the TLPA or Learn Portal to be redirected to the landing page for such renewal. This page can only be accessed by you by navigating from the TLPA or the Learn Portal. You may select the respective DoC Subscription and proceed with the payment through the payment options available thereof at the time of checkout. Upon successful completion of the payment the order shall be automatically punched and completed.
  4. Procedure for initiating a DoC Session:
    1. DoC Sessions can be accessed and utilized through the TLPA and/ or Learn Portal by the Student to get a step by step solution for a question (“Doubt Query”), in Physics, or Chemistry or Biology or Mathematics (each a “Subject”).
    2. For initiating a DoC Session –
      1. through the TLPA, you have to click the “Ask a Doubt” button and type in the Doubt Query/ click or upload an image of the Doubt Query in the search box on the homepage. The TLPA will show some solutions to the Doubt Query as results. If the Student requires more explanation, then you can click on “Connect to a Tutor” button on the page. On the next page, the TLPA will show the remaining number of DoC Sessions. You can click the navigation arrow to start the DoC Session.
      2. through the Learn Portal, by any of the following modes –
        1. You have to login to the Learn Portal and click the “Ask a Doubt” button in the navigation pane to the left. On the next page, a search box will be displayed. You can type in the Doubt Query/ upload an image of the Doubt Query in the search box provided on this page. The Learn Portal will show some solutions to the Doubt Query as results. If the Student requires more explanation, then you can click on “Connect to a Tutor” button on the page. On the next page, you have to select the relevant Subject, to which the Doubt Query pertains to. The Learn Portal will show the remaining number of DoC Sessions. You can click the navigation arrow to start the DoC Session.
        2. You have to login to the Learn Portal to land on the homepage of Learn Portal, where a search box will be displayed. You can type in the Doubt Query/ upload an image of the Doubt Query in the search box provided on this page. The Learn Portal will show some solutions to the Doubt Query as results. If the Student requires more explanation, then you can click on “Connect to a Tutor” button on the page. On the next page, you have to select the relevant Subject, to which the Doubt Query pertains to. The Learn Portal will show the remaining number of DoC Sessions. You can click the navigation arrow to start the DoC Session.
    3. Upon requesting to initiate a DoC Session, you will be connected with an available tutor via live chat. You can type in the Doubt Query/ click or upload an image of the Doubt Query in the chat box provided on this page.
    4. Additional Terms:
      1. DoC is an on-demand service, available 24X7 for the Subjects, and you can connect with a tutor instantly within an estimated time of 01 to 03 minutes from the time you have raised a request for clarification of a Doubt Query (“ETA”). If all the tutors are busy at any moment and you are not allotted any tutor within the ETA, you will be required to connect and request for a DoC Session after some time.
      2. DoC service is available in English language only.
      3. There is no limit for the maximum duration of any DoC Session. However, if there is no activity in the DoC Session, i.e. no text is received from you/ Student for 10 minutes, then the DoC Session is terminated by the system and it will be deducted from the number of DoC Sessions available in the relevant DoC Complimentary Subscription/ DoC Subscription (i.e., one DoC Session will stand exhausted from the remaining DoC Sessions in the relevant DoC Complimentary Subscription/ DoC Subscription).
      4. Only one Doubt Query can be asked in a relevant DoC Session. Follow up questions on the same Doubt Query are allowed during the same DoC Session however, if a question pertaining to another Doubt Query is asked by the you/ Student during the ongoing DoC Session then the tutor will ask you/ the Student to initiate another DoC Session for addressing the such questions pertaining to another Doubt Query.
      5. The number of times you can connect with a tutor depends on the DoC Product available to you (i.e. the DoC Complimentary Subscription or DoC Subscription).
      6. DoC Sessions cannot be scheduled in advance.
      7. During the DoC Session, the tutor and the Student can use the chat window to send texts/ links/ images/ documents etc. For any DoC Sessions, Student’s name and grade are shared with the tutor for reference. The chat logs of each such DoC Session (including the texts, images, attachments etc. exchanged during the respective DoC Session) shall be made available to you for future references, after ending the relevant DoC Session. You shall not be provided any video recording/ screen capture of any of the DoC Sessions for any reasons whatsoever. By availing the DoC Subscription, you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Student) consent to our collection, storage and use of your and/or a Student’s such personal information for the above-mentioned purposes.
      8. During any DoC Session, if the tutor feels he/she/they have resolved the relevant Doubt Query, then the relevant tutor may request to end the concerned DoC Session. You will see a popup which will ask if the concerned Doubt Query is resolved, and if you/ the Student are not satisfied with the doubt resolution the concerned DoC Session will continue with the tutor till such time the Doubt Query is resolved. If you feel your doubt is solved, you can click on ‘Yes’ to end the session and share the feedback.
      9. In the event after the conclusion of a relevant DoC Session, you or the Student are not satisfied with the resolution of the relevant Doubt Query or the explanation provided by the tutor thereof, you or the Student may select ‘No’ on the feedback section requested from you/ the Student (after the DoC Session has concluded) and provide reasons for you or the Student not being satisfied with the relevant resolution of the Doubt Query and request for being connected with another tutor to resolve the Doubt Query concerned. This will be escalated internally and a DoC Session may be credited to your account at the sole discretion of the Company.
      10. In the event you/ Student are not comfortable interacting with the tutor due to any inappropriate behavior of the tutor then you/ the Student can end such DoC Session and can provide the appropriate feedback in the feedback section for the DoC Session. This will be escalated internally for review and the necessary action will be taken by the Company in such cases.
      11. If you are facing any impediments or glitches (attributable to the TLPA/ Learn Portal) in joining the DoC Sessions and/or the DoC Session disconnects mid-session, then we request you to raise the complaint in the feedback section provided post the conclusion of the relevant DoC Session and after relevant evaluation, a DoC Session may be credited to your account at the sole discretion of the Company.
      12. Connectivity Issue:
        1. If your/ the Student’s internet connection is lost, they will see internet lost state and they can re-join the DoC Session within 10 minutes of the relevant disconnection at your/the Student’s end. In the event you/ the Student are unable to rejoin the relevant DoC Session within 10 minutes of getting disconnected from the chat due to any connectivity issues, the DoC Session may stand exhausted and getting deducted from your account. In case if a DoC Session is deducted from the number of DoC Sessions available in your account, then we request you to raise the complaint in the feedback section provided post the conclusion of the relevant DoC Session. For this, choose the option “Others” in the feedback section, type your complaint in the text box and submit it to us. After relevant evaluation, a DoC Session may be credited to your account at the sole discretion of the Company.
        2. In case the tutor’s internet connection is lost, he/ she/ they will see internet lost state and they can re-join the DoC Session within 10 minutes of the relevant disconnection at their end. In the event the tutor is unable to rejoin the relevant DoC Session within 10 minutes of getting disconnected from the chat due to any connectivity issues, the DoC Session will be automatically terminated by the system without deducting a DoC Session from your account. However, in such a case if a DoC Session is deducted from the number of DoC Sessions available in your account, then we request you to raise the complaint in the feedback section provided post the conclusion of the relevant DoC Session and after relevant evaluation, a DoC Session may be credited to your account at the sole discretion of the Company.
      13. You/ the Student shall not use or share any content/ document having any abusive words/ phrases/ language or having sexual connotations or overtones during the DoC Session with the assigned tutor. You will not discriminate against any tutor based on race, religion, caste, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, gender identity, age or any other metric which is deemed to be unlawful under applicable laws. Any credible proof of usage of such offensive content by you/ the Student, any discrimination by you/ Student, including any refusal to avail services based on the above metrics, whether alone or in conjunction with any other metric, whether lawful or unlawful, shall render you liable to lose access to the DoC Subscription immediately without any refund(s) and we may also initiate appropriate legal action thereof. You will not have any claim towards, and we will not have any liability towards any termination which is undertaken as a result of the aforementioned event.
      14. Subscription cancellation process: For cancellation and refund policy please refer to https://byjus.com/tnc_app/.
      15. Your calls with us (including the calls made for the ‘Assisted Journey’ of purchase and for customer support) may be recorded for future reference and training purposes in accordance with the Privacy Policy (as defined below).
  5. Communication to You: Any communication in connection with DoC from our end will be sent to you through e-mail or telephonic calls.
  6. Grievance Redressal Mechanism: You can reach out to us on our helpline number to raise any issues pertaining to refund, any complaints against the tutor, technical issues, TLPA, Learn Portal etc. Our customer support team will generate a ticket for such issues raised by you and our concerned team will try to resolve such issues within 48 hours from the time of raising the ticket for the respective issue.
  7. Changes to this Policy: We reserve the right to modify/ amend/ replace these DoC Terms at any time, as deemed fit by us, without any prior notice to you.
  8. Availability of Helpline: The helpline number 9243500459/8971940111 shall be available from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. everyday, except for the public holidays;
  9. These DoC Terms constitute an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000, the applicable rules thereunder (as amended from time to time) and the provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000 and are published in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3(1)(a) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.
  10. Please read the DoC Terms, Terms of Use and the privacy policy of the Company (available at https://byjus.com/tnc_app/#privacydesc and referred to as “Privacy Policy”) with respect to registration with us, the use of the Applications, Website, Services, DoC Product(s) and other products provided by us carefully before using the Applications, Website, Services, DoC Products or any other products. In the event of any discrepancy between the Terms of Use, DoC Terms and any other policies with respect to your/ the Student’s use of the DoC Product(s), then the provisions of the DoC Terms shall prevail.
  12. You hereby represent that you are the parent or legal guarding of the Student and are above 18 years of age. Your use/ access/ browsing of the Applications or Website or the Services or DoC or any of our other products or registration (with or without payment/ with or without subscription) through any means shall signify your acceptance of the Terms of Use, DoC Terms and your agreement to be legally bound by the same.



At Think & Learn Private Limited (hereinafter “BYJU’S”/ “we”/ “our”/ “us”), we value the trust of our customers (“Customer(s)”/ “you”/ “your” / “Subscriber(s)”). In order to honour that trust, we have created this refund policy (“Policy”) to work in a transparent manner.

  1. Objective: The objective of this Policy is to ensure transparency in refund process & complete satisfaction of our Customers. This Policy enables that the refunds (if any) are processed in a fair manner.
  2. Scope: This Policy is applicable to processing of any refund of applicable fees paid by the Customer(s) for enrolling their wards for DoC Product(s) more particularly described under the Terms and Conditions for Doubts on Chat available at https://byjus.com/doubts-on-chat-tnc/ (“DoC T&Cs”). Capitalised terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning assigned to in the DoC T&Cs available at https://byjus.com/doubts-on-chat-tnc/.
  3. Validity: This Policy shall come into effect from 17-November-2022 and shall continue to remain valid until it is specifically replaced/ revoked by us. Any refund request, received from you on or after 17-November-2022 will be processed in accordance with this Policy.
  4. Process for Requesting Refunds:
    1. Obligation of Customer: If a Customer wants to cancel the DoC Subscription, such Customer will be required to send an email stating reason for cancellation to support@byjus.com or call 9243500459/8971940111.
    2. Applicable Fees and Refunds:
      1. Refunds for DoC Complimentary Subscription: Thirty DoC sessions are provided complimentary to all Customers who have enrolled to purchase a subscription of Think and Learn Premium App on or after 17-November-2022. If You do not wish to avail or continue with the DoC sessions provided under DoC Complimentary Subscription, You can stop using the DoC Complimentary Subscription. You shall not be eligible for any refund for cancellation/ non-usage of the DoC Complimentary Subscription.
      2. Refunds for DoC Subscription(s): You are eligible for refund calculated in the manner set forth in Table A below, only if the request for cancellation is raised within 15 (fifteen) days of the Order Date (as defined below).

    For the purposes of this Policy, “Order Date” shall mean such date on which the Customer Order Verification Form (as defined in the DoC Terms) is created by us and issued to you, as more particularly mentioned therein.

    Table A

    Refund Scenarios

    Sr. No.

    Relevant DoC Product

    Upto 15 days from the Order Date for the relevant DoC Product

    Post completion of 15 days from the Order Date for the relevant DoC Product


    DoC Complimentary Subscription

    No Refunds

    No Refunds


    Exam Preparation Pack – DoC Subscription

    Refund Amount = Fee paid by the Customer for this DoC Subscription – [(Fee Paid/ Number of DoC sessions in the DoC Product) * Number of DoC Sessions consumed/exhausted]

    No Refunds


    Half Yearly Pack – DoC Subscription

    Refund Amount = Fee paid by the Customer for this DoC Subscription – [(Fee Paid/ Number of DoC sessions in the DoC Product) * Number of DoC Sessions consumed/exhausted]

    No Refunds


    Full Year Pack – DoC Subscription

    Refund Amount = Fee paid by the Customer for this DoC Subscription – [(Fee Paid/ Number of DoC sessions in the DoC Product) * Number of DoC Sessions consumed/exhausted]

    No Refunds

    Note: The refund terms for DoC Product(s) mentioned under this policy shall supersede any other refund policy provided on the website or application. No refunds shall be provided if the concerned DoC Subscription is cancelled post the expiry of 15 (fifteen) days from the Order Date.


    Sr. No.


    Upto 15 days from the Order Date for the relevant DoC Product

    Post completion of 15 days from the Order Date for the relevant DoC Product


    Illustration 1:

    DoC Complimentary Subscription

    No Refunds

    No Refunds

    Set forth below are the illustration(s) for each of the DoC Subscriptions:


    Illustration 2:

    Exam Preparation Pack – DoC Subscription

    Total Fee Paid: INR 3,000/-*

    Number of DoC sessions: 100

    Number of DoC sessions already consumed/exhausted: 50

    Refund Amount = 3000 – [(3000/100) X 50] = INR 1,500/-

    No Refunds


    Illustration 3:

    Half Yearly Pack – DoC Subscription

    Total Fee Paid: INR 5,000/-*

    Number of DoC sessions: 200

    Number of DoC Sessions already consumed/exhausted: 150

    Refund Amount = 5000 – [(5000/200) X 150] = INR 1,250/-

    No Refunds


    Illustration 4:

    Full Year Pack – DoC Subscription

    Total Fee Paid: INR 10,000/-*

    Number of DoC sessions: 500

    Number of DoC Sessions already consumed/exhausted: 400

    Refund Amount = 10000 – [(10000/500) X 400] = INR 2,000/-

    No Refunds

    *Note: All prices shown here are for illustration purposes only. Actual prices for each of the DoC Products shall be as per the prices shown on the Customer Order Verification Form. No refunds shall be provided for any cancellation request raised after 15 (fifteen) days from the Order Date for the relevant DoC Products.

  5. Mode of Refund:
    1. No refunds for any DoC Product(s) will be refunded in cash. All applicable refunds shall be processed through online transfer ONLY, to the source account from where the payment was originally made within a reasonable period of thirty (30) calendar days from the date of cancellation. Further, all refund(s) shall be processed in Indian Rupees only. The refund amount shall not be greater than the amount paid by you for the purchase of DoC Product(s).
    2. In the event your payment instrument/account through which original payment was made, is not active or does not support refunds, you shall be required to provide other bank account details belonging to you for processing the relevant refund. We shall not be held responsible and/ or accountable for crediting refund money to the wrong account due to incorrect details furnished by you. You shall be required to furnish a declaration for transfer of refund to another bank account in the format and manner as may be required by us.
    3. In case you have not received the refund within the abovementioned thirty (30) calendar days period, then please reach out to us at 9243500459/8971940111 or write to us at support@byjus.com.
  6. If the Customer cancels his/her/their subscription to Think and Learn Premium App, then the subscription for DoC Product shall also stand cancelled on the last day of subscription of Think and Learn Premium App and the refunds for the DoC Product shall be processed as per the Clause IV (2) above and refunds for Think and Learn Premium App shall be processed as per the existing terms and conditions and relevant refund policies applicable to Think and Learn Premium App.
  7. Important Terms & Conditions
    1. You represent and warrant that – (i) any information that is provided to us or submitted in the Customer Order Verification Form and related documents for subscribing to any of the DoC Products, is accurate, true and current; and (ii) you will adhere to the DoC Terms, terms of this Policy and the Terms of Use (as defined in the DoC Terms). Any deviation, breach or non-compliance of any of these terms and conditions will result in immediate cancellation of your subscription to the relevant DoC Product with no refund thereof and such DoC Product will not be resumed under any circumstances.
    2. If due to a Force Majeure Event (as defined herein below), we have to discontinue your subscription of Think and Learn Premium App and/or DoC Product; then we are under no obligation to refund the fee for such portion of the service already availed by you. We are also not liable to provide any additional service in lieu of the service so discontinued.
    3. We shall be not be liable for any delay or failure to perform our obligations (in total or in part) if such delay or failure is due to any cause(s) including but not limited to, acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, lockdown, government restrictions, sanctions, wars, terrorism, insurrections, civil disturbances, earthquake, weather, fire, epidemic, pandemic, lockdown, explosions, and/or any other cause beyond our reasonable control making the performance of our obligations/ services inadvisable, commercially impracticable, illegal, or impossible (“Force Majeure Event“).
    4. Any other refund policy, mentioned anywhere on our website or any other place, does not hold true for the subscription of DoC Product offered along with the Think and Learn Premium App.
    5. On account of cancellation of the subscription for DoC Product by you, the services to be provided by us, from the Order Date for the relevant DoC Product, up to exhaustion or expiry of such DoC Product, shall be considered as services not performed. Accordingly, we will issue a GST credit note to you, which otherwise may not be issued if the withdrawal and issuance are beyond the timelines allowed under applicable law. In case the cancellation request submission date is after the prescribed timeline, we may issue a commercial credit note, on your request. You may be required to furnish a declaration for the same, in the format and manner as may be required by us.
  8. Changes to this Policy: We reserve the right to modify/ amend/ replace this Policy at any time, as deemed fit by us, without any prior notice to you.

– END –