How to Write a Conclusion? - Guide to Perfectly Conclude Your Writing

The most important part of writing is usually the introduction and conclusion. A lot of people just go through the introduction, then directly jump to the conclusion of the article and still get the gist of it. A conclusion plays a major role because it is a brief summary of what is written in the article. A conclusion is written at the end of an article. In a research paper, the conclusion condenses all the major points. Learn how to write a conclusion by going through this article.

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How to Write a Good Conclusion?

It is solely up to the writer to decide how they want to end the article or the essay and what impression they want to leave on the readers. If you wish to end the article on an insightful note, you will have to look back on your observations and remind the readers about the article’s central idea.

After you have stated your central idea, you will have to mention in brief, the supporting points. After you have found all the major points, you will have to find a way to wrap up all these to demonstrate the importance of the ideas. Knowing how to create a solid conclusion is relatively straightforward, depending on the length of your essay. Do not simply summarise what you wrote. Rather, the ending should provide a sense of finality while also addressing the topic’s greater meaning and potential.

What Does a Conclusion Include?

Now, you have understood what a good conclusion would include. Beyond just recapping the central idea and summarising the major points, you can also use the conclusion to put forth your points in a more engaging way. Check the tips provided below for your reference.

Mentioning the Purpose of the Thesis

After you have written an essay, a person might ask you, “So what?” or “What does it matter?”. If you ask these questions to yourself while writing the conclusion, you will leave no question in the reader’s mind. It is a great way to conclude your thesis by explaining the purpose of your observations. You can mention the key takeaways from the thesis.

Adding a Perspective

At times, you might find a relevant quote but get no space in the essay. The conclusion is the best place to add the quote. A quote from one of your primary or secondary sources can help put your thesis or final ideas into perspective. This can give your argument more specificity and texture.

Considering the Clincher

At the end of the essay, there is a need for a closing sentence or a clincher. When we think about any topic, the clincher must be at the top of our mind. This concluding sentence should give readers a sense of completion. It should also end on a good note so that your audience feel grateful for reading your article and for being able to learn something useful.

Things to Avoid in a Conclusion

Just like the kind of points to be included in a conclusion, there are certain things that must be avoided in a conclusion. Here are some of the major points to remember.

  • Avoid the terms like “in conclusion,” “to summarise,” and “in summary.” Readers do not need a marker to realise that they have reached the end of the essay.
  • Do not restate what has already been said in the essay. You do not need to reiterate all of your supporting ideas. It becomes noticeable to the readers if the pointers are just copy-pasted from other sources.
  • Do not introduce any new idea or evidence in the conclusion. This will just confuse your readers and weaken your arguments. If you feel there is a need to make a point, then you can add a supporting paragraph instead of adding them in conclusion.

The introduction is the bridge to connect real-life scenarios with your arguments or analyses. At the same time, the conclusion helps in making the readers understand the value and purpose of the essay.

Frequently Asked Questions on Conclusion


What is meant by a good conclusion?

A conclusion is always written at the end of the essay or article. A conclusion is considered a good conclusion when it leaves an insightful impact on the reader and if the readers can relate to their daily lives after reading the conclusion.


How can I write a good conclusion?

In order to write a good conclusion, you can add relevant quotes and mention the supporting points in brief in a way that it does not sound repetitive. Keep in mind to mention the purpose or relevant impacts of the thesis.


How can I start the conclusion?

Return to your general argument to begin your conclusion, indicating that the essay is coming to a close. Instead of simply restating your thesis, strive to reword it in a way that demonstrates how it has progressed since the introduction.


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