Paragraph on Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggle - Check Samples

India’s independence is all about a lot of sacrifices and struggles. The Independence movement of India would not have been possible without the contribution of the great freedom fighters. Some of the freedom fighters are Rani Laxmi Bai, Subhash Chandra Bose, Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, etc. Other than these freedom fighters, there are a lot of other fighters who have sacrificed their lives for the country’s independence.

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Writing a paragraph on the unsung heroes of the freedom struggle? Refer to the samples provided below for reference.

Paragraph on Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggle in 100 Words

India’s independence has been a historic change for the country. The British ruled India for a long period of time, and freeing India from the British Raj was a long-drawn affair. So many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the happiness of the people of India. Some well-known freedom fighters are Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, Rani Laxmi Bai, etc. But along with these popular faces, there were a lot of other freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the people of India. With time, the names of these fighters have faded into darkness. Some unsung heroes of the freedom struggle are Birsa Munda, Kamla Devi, Tirupur Kumaran, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, etc.

Paragraph on Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggle in 150 Words

India’s independence struggle was a historic movement to bring a beautiful future to this wonderfully diverse and rich continent. India was under the British Raj for a very long period, and the Indians had no freedom of their own. The freedom fighters of our country decided to take a step ahead and move on with a struggling life and get done with the British Raj. Many freedom fighters came in and joined hands together to fight against injustice and free the country with pride. Some fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Bhagat Singh, etc., are the popularly known faces of the free India movement. Still, other heroes have sacrificed their today for a beautiful tomorrow along with these faces. Some heroes are Birsa Munda, Kamala Das, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, Khudiram Bose, etc. In some way or the other, these people have made enormous contributions toward the country’s freedom.

Paragraph on Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggle in 200 Words

The Independence movement of India is known to each and every individual. Many rulers have ruled India, and the last was the British, who ruled the country for a long time. The Indians had to live with a lot of restrictions and had no freedom of their own. So to help people live a peaceful life, freedom fighters of India joined hands together and promised to save the people of India. Some popular freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Rani Laxmi Bai, etc., took the lead to free India from the British Raj. Other than these freedom fighters, several other people had come forward to free India from British rule. But these faces are not well known to us because of various reasons. Some of the faces are Birsa Munda, Kamala Das, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, Khudiram Bose, etc. They have sacrificed their lives and their happiness for a better tomorrow. The way we appreciate the contributions of well-known freedom fighters, the contributions of the unsung freedom fighters must also be appreciated and regarded.

Paragraph on Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggle in 250 Words

Every person in India is familiar with the country’s independence movement. India has had several rulers, the most recent of whom were the British, who ruled for a long time. India was colonised by the British for a long period of time, and the freedom fighters had to dream of removing the British from the country and living a free life. The Indians were subjected to several limitations and lacked personal liberty. A lot of freedom fighters struggled to remove the Sati Pratha from society. They fought for the widows’ rights and started the girl’s education system. So, in order to assist people in leading peaceful lives, India’s freedom fighters joined hands and pledged to save the Indian people. Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Rani Laxmi Bai, and other well-known independence warriors led the charge to liberate India from the British Raj. Apart from these independence warriors, there were others whose sole motivation was to liberate India from British control. However, for a variety of reasons, we are unfamiliar with their faces. They have given up their life and their happiness in the hopes of a brighter tomorrow. Birsa Munda, Kamala Das, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, Khudiram Bose, and others are among the faces. Their contributions must be valued in the same manner that we value the contributions of well-known freedom fighters. With these popular faces, we have somehow forgotten the faces of those who have contributed to the freedom struggle. Now it is time to pay tribute to these faces.

Frequently Asked Questions on Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggles


Who are the Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggles?

Many freedom fighters have struggled to free India, like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, etc. Still, we have somehow forgotten the other freedom fighters who had struggled for India and are known as Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggles like Peer Ali Khan, Khudiram Bose, Birsa Munda, Kamala Das, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, Khudiram Bose, etc.


What do you mean by unsung?

Unsung means the ones who are not praised and who are not appreciated for their contributions.


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