Speech on Father

Do you love your father? Are you thinking of gifting him something? If so, use this article, prepare a wonderful speech, and present this speech to him. Express your love to him because people cannot read minds. A gentle reminder, don’t forget to put your heart in it.

Table of Contents

Top Quotes to Use in a Speech on Father

  • “She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life, was the love of her father.” – Harper Lee.
  • “My favorite thing about being a father is just seeing my kids grow and do some of the same things that I did when I was a kid, man.” – LeBron James.
  • “If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.” – James A. Baldwin.
  • “I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.” – Hedy Lamarr.
  • “I’ve said it before, but it’s absolutely true: My mother gave me my drive, but my father gave me my dreams. Thanks to him, I could see a future.” – Liza Minnelli
  • “The greatest tribute a boy can give to his father is to say, ‘When I grow up, I want to be just like my dad.” – Billy Graham.
  • “In my career, there’s many things I’ve won and many things I’ve achieved, but for me, my greatest achievement is my children and my family. ” – David Beckham.

Sample Speeches on Father

Here are a few sample speeches that you can refer to for preparing a speech on father.

Short Speech on Father

“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society”. These are the words of Billy Graham, an American evangelist. If you agree with this statement and, at the same time, thought about your father, then I must say that you really love your father. There are multiple sacrifices that a father makes for his family and children. Without complaining, he works all day, in order to assure that the best is delivered to his wife and children. A good father loves his family more than anything in this world, and he commits all the actions not as a sacrifice but as a reverence for the family. Even though a father does all these duties, he still remains the most unsung, unpraised, and unnoticed. Fathers don’t usually seek attention; they don’t do things for exhibition but for showing their pure love.

Speech on Father in 200 Words

Children often seem to be closer to their mothers in the initial stages as they spend most of their time with them. Fathers play a very important role but goes unnoticed most of the time as they are away at work. Just like mothers, fathers crave to be with their children too. They are left with no other option but to leave their beloved newborns and go to work in order to meet their family’s needs. Being a father is a huge responsibility. There will be occasions when they will even have to sacrifice their own happiness to make their children and family content. A father offers enough support and helps his children achieve their dreams and aspirations. A father provides a strong backup (both financially and morally) for his children to reach successful heights in their life. He will always have a resolute mindset to protect and support them in all inconveniences. 

Two Minute Speech on Father

Do you know what Ama H Vanniarachchy said about fathers? Ama H Vanniarachchy is a Sri Lankan writer, illustrator, journalist, and scholar in archaeology. According to her, “A father’s tears and fears are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remain as a pillar of strength throughout our lives”. What a wonderful quote about fathers, right!

A father is always someone whom we look up to with great hope. For every problem that an individual faces in one’s life, in some way or the other, the father will come up with solutions. Whenever something bad happens to us, the very first image appearing in our minds will be that of our father. Even though we all praise different superheroes from different films, the real superhero that needs to be praised is our father. Even in the darkest of times, a father will be there to light up our lives.

Frequently Asked Questions on Speech on Father


What are the top quotes that we can use while presenting a speech on father?

  • “A father’s tears and fears are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remains as a pillar of strength throughout our lives”. – Ama H Vanniarachchy
  • “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society” – Billy Graham.
  • “The greatest tribute a boy can give to his father is to say, ‘When I grow up, I want to be just like my dad.” – Billy Graham.

What are the sweet things to say to my father to make him happy?

  • I’m so happy that you’re my father.
  • I am prouder than you can imagine.
  • I am so grateful to have you as my father.

How can I express my love to my father?

Don’t hesitate. If you want to express your love to your father, go and tell him. Give him a hug. Try to write down words of affection or prepare a speech for him.


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