Wise Opposite Word | Antonyms for Wise

It is essential to have a good hold of the English language. From our very childhood, we have been taught to learn different words, their spellings, meanings, and usage in various sentences. When we grow up, we are taught the various forms of words and their meanings. Similarly, learning nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, antonyms, synonyms, etc., is also crucial.

Examples of ‘Wise’ in Sentences

Here are a few examples of the usage of the word ‘wise’ in sentences:

  • I think it is wise to go ahead with this.
  • She has made a wise decision.
  • He was wise enough to wear this dress.
  • Not every old man is a wise person.

Antonyms for ‘Wise’

Trying to find the opposite words for wise? We have found all the relevant terms which are opposite to wise. The term wise, as well as its antonyms, can be used in various ways. One word can have various meanings and can be used in different instances in different forms. Wise is an adjective which is used to denote someone who has or is showing deep intelligence, who is smart enough to make a good decision, or who has gained experience, etc. The opposite of wise can be foolish or stupid. The antonyms can be used for someone who is unable to make a good decision or is not intelligent enough.

The antonyms for ‘wise’ is ‘foolish’, ‘dull’ etc.

List of Opposite Words for Wise

careless dull heedless stupid
foolish inadvisable unwise ignorant
unintelligent injudicious rash silly

Frequently Asked Questions on Wise Antonyms


What is the antonym for wise?

Depending on the sentences, the term wise can be used in various ways. The antonyms also vary accordingly. The most common antonym of ‘wise’ is ‘foolish’.


What are the other terms for wise?

The other terms synonymous with ‘wise’ are judicious, sane, sensible, etc.