Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Graphical Representation

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Graphical Representation are provided here. Our solution module employs numerous shortcut tips and practical examples to explain all the exercise questions in a simple and easily understandable manner. The expert faculty at BYJU’S have simplified the difficult problems into simple steps, which can be easily understood by students. These solutions will help them obtain in-depth knowledge and strong command of the subject.

Chapter 23 – Graphical Representation: A graph is defined as a pictorial representation or a diagram that represents data or values in an organised manner. The chapter is about graphs, where students will learn how to plot the graph, draw the histogram graph and read the details from the graph, and further solve the questions related to the same. Download the PDF of Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 from the link provided below.

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Access Answers to Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Graphical Representation

1. Construct histograms for each of the following frequency distributions:


Class Interval 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60
Frequency 8 20 34 22 10 6


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

3. Draw rectangles of histograms as per the given frequency distribution.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 1


Class Interval 130 – 140 140 – 150 150 – 160 160 – 170 170 – 180
Frequency 24 16 29 20 11


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

3. Draw rectangles of histograms as per the given frequency distribution.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 2


Class Interval 1 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50
Frequency 11 23 30 20 16


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. First, we have to make the class intervals continuous by subtracting 0.5 from the lower limit of each class and adding 0.5 to the upper limit of each class.

Then we have,

Class Interval 0.5 – 10.5 10.5 – 20.5 20.5 – 30.5 30.5 – 40.5 40.5 – 50.5
Frequency 11 23 30 20 16

2. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

3. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

4. Draw rectangles of histograms as per the obtained data.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 3


Class Interval 110 – 119 120 – 129 130 – 139 140 – 149 150 – 159
Frequency 15 23 30 20 16


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. First, we have to make the class intervals continuous by subtracting 0.5 from the lower limit of each class and adding 0.5 to the upper limit of each class.

Then we have,

Class Interval 109.5 – 119.5 119.5 – 129.5 129.5 – 139.5 139.5 – 149.5 149.5 – 159.5
Frequency 15 23 30 20 16

2. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

3. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

4. Draw rectangles of histograms as per the obtained data.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 4


Class Mark 6 12 18 24 30 36
Frequency 8 12 15 18 25 7


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. First, we have to calculate the class interval from the class mark using the following adjustment formula.

Value of Adjustment = (One class mark – Preceding class mark)/2

Then, the value obtained is added to the class mark to obtain the upper limit and subtracted from the class mark to obtain the lower limit.


Value of adjustment = (12 – 6)/2

= 6/2

= 3

So, we add and subtract 3 to each class mark to obtain the class interval.

The lower limit of first class = 6 – 3 = 3

The Upper limit of first class = 6 + 3 = 9

Hence, the first class interval is (3 – 9).

Similarly, we can calculate the remaining class intervals.

Class Mark 3 – 9 9 -15 15 – 21 21 – 27 27 – 33 33 – 39
Frequency 8 12 15 18 25 7

2. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

3. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

4. Draw rectangles of histograms as per the obtained data.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 5

2. Construct a histogram and then a frequency polygon for each of the following frequency distributions:


Class Interval 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60
Frequency 8 13 27 35 14 3


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

3. Draw rectangles of histograms as per the given frequency distribution.

4. Then, for each rectangle, mark the midpoint of its length at the top.

5. So, in the graph, midpoints are (5, 8), (15, 13), (25, 27), (35, 35), (45, 14), (55, 3)

6. Also mark two more midpoints of zero frequency on the x-axis at the start and at the end.

7. Finally, Connect the points using straight lines.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 6


Class Interval 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50 51 – 60 61 – 70
Frequency 15 28 50 35 20 12


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. First, we have to make the class intervals continuous by subtracting 0.5 from the lower limit of each class and adding 0.5 to the upper limit of each class.

Then we have,

Class Interval 10.5 – 20.5 20.5 – 30.5 30.5 – 40.5 40.5 – 50.5 50.5 – 60.5 60.5 – 70.5
Frequency 15 28 50 35 20 12

2. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

3. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

4. Draw rectangles of histograms as per the given frequency distribution.

5. Then, for each rectangle, mark the midpoint of its length at the top.

6. So, in the graph, midpoints are (15.5, 15), (25.5, 28), (35.5, 50), (45.5, 35), (55.5, 20), (65.5, 12)

7. Also mark two more midpoints of zero frequency on the x-axis at the start and at the end.

8. Finally, Connect the points using straight lines.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 7


Class Interval 100 – 150 150 – 200 200 – 250 250 – 300 300 – 350
Frequency 10 15 17 12 10


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

3. Draw rectangles of histograms as per the given frequency distribution.

4. Then, for each rectangle, mark the midpoint of its length at the top.

5. So, in the graph, midpoints are (125, 10), (175, 15), (225, 17), (275, 12), (325, 10).

6. Also mark two more midpoints of zero frequency on the x-axis at the start and at the end.

7. Finally, Connect the points using straight lines.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 8

3. Construct a frequency polygon without using a histogram for the following frequency distribution:


Class Mark 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency 4 20 40 45 30 25 5


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

3. So, in the graph, mark the given data.

4. Also mark two more midpoints of zero frequency on the x-axis at the start and at the end.

5. Finally, Connect the points using straight lines.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 9


Class Interval 10 – 20 20 – 40 40 – 60 60 – 80 80 – 100
Frequency 9 17 15 20 14


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.

Class Interval Class Mark Frequency
10 – 20 (10 + 20)/2 = 15 9
20 – 40 (20 + 40)/2 = 30 17
40 – 60 (40 + 60)/2 = 50 15
60 – 80 (60 + 80)/2 = 70 20
80 – 100 (80 + 100)/2 = 90 14

3. So, in the graph, mark the points (15, 9), (30, 17), (50, 15), (70, 20), (90, 14).

4. Also, mark two more midpoints of zero frequency on the x-axis at the start and at the end.

5. Finally, Connect the points using straight lines
Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 10


Class Interval 1 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50
Frequency 8 12 10 16 6


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. First, we have to make the class intervals continuous by subtracting 0.5 from the lower limit of each class and adding 0.5 to the upper limit of each class.

Then we have,

Class Interval 0.5 – 10.5 10.5 – 20.5 20.5 – 30.5 30.5 – 40.5 40.5 – 50.5
Frequency 8 12 10 16 6

2. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

3. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.


Class Interval Class Mark Frequency
0.5 – 10.5 (0.5 + 10.5)/2 = 5.5 8
10.5 – 20.5 (10.5 + 20.5)/2 = 15.5 12
20.5 – 30.5 (20.5 + 30.5)/2 = 25.5 10
30.5 – 40.5 (30.5 + 40.5)/2 = 35.5 16
40.5 – 50.5 (40.5 + 50.5)/2 = 45.5 6

3. So, in the graph, mark the points (5.5, 8), (15.5, 12), (25.5, 10), (35.5, 16), (45.5, 6).

4. Also mark two more midpoints of zero frequency on the x-axis at the start and at the end.

5. Finally, Connect the points using straight lines.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 11

4. Draw an ogive for the following:


Class Interval 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50
Frequency 8 12 10 14 6


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.


Less than Cumulative Frequency
10 8
20 20
30 30
40 44
50 50

3. So, in the graph, mark the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (10, 8), (20, 20), (30, 30), (40, 44), (50, 50).

4. Finally, join the points plotted by a smooth curve.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 12


Class Interval 100 – 150 150 – 200 200 – 250 250 – 300 300 – 350 350 – 400
Frequency 10 13 17 12 10 8


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.


Less than Cumulative Frequency
150 10
200 23
250 40
300 52
350 62
400 70

3. So, in the graph, mark the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (150, 10), (200, 23), (250, 40), (300, 52), (350, 62), (400, 70).

4. Finally, join the points plotted by a smooth curve.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 13


Class Interval 10 – 19 20 – 29 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59
Frequency 28 23 15 20 14


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.


Less than Cumulative Frequency
19 28
29 51
39 66
49 86
59 100

3. So, in the graph, mark the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (19, 28), (29, 51), (39, 66), (49, 86), (59, 100).

4. Finally, join the points plotted by a smooth curve.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 14


Marks obtained Less than 10 Less than 20 Less than 30 Less than 40 Less than 50
Number of Students 8 22 48 60 75


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.


Marks less than Cumulative Frequency
10 8
20 22
30 48
40 60
50 75

3. So, in the graph, mark the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (10, 8), (20, 22), (30, 48), (40, 60), (50, 75).

4. Finally, join the points plotted by a smooth curve.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 15


Age in years Less than 10 Less than 20 Less than 30 Less than 40 Less than 50
Number of people 0 17 42 67 100


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. On the x-axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot class interval.

2. On the y–axis, take 1 cm = 5 units and plot frequency.


Marks less than Cumulative Frequency
10 0
20 17
30 42
40 67
50 100

3. So, in the graph, mark the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (10, 0), (20, 17), (30, 42), (40, 67), (50, 100).

4. Finally, join the points plotted by a smooth curve.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 16


Marks obtained More than 10 More than 20 Less than 30 Less than 40 Less than 50
Number of students 8 25 38 50 67


Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. With lower limits of class intervals and from cumulative frequency, subtract the frequency of each class to obtain cumulative frequency distribution.

2. Then mark lower class limits along the x-axis; take 1 cm = 5 units.

3. Also mark cumulative frequency along the y-axis; take 1 cm = 5 units.


Marks more than Frequency Cumulative Frequency
10 8 188
20 25 180
30 38 155
40 50 117
50 67 67

4. So, in the graph, mark the points (x, f), where x is the lower limit of one class and f is the corresponding cumulative frequency (10, 188), (20, 180), (30, 155), (40, 117), (50, 67).

5. Finally, join the points plotted by a smooth curve.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 17



(more than)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Cumulative Frequency 100 87 65 55 42 36 31 21 18 7 0



Steps to construct histograms for given frequency distributions,

1. With lower limits of class intervals and from cumulative frequency, subtract the frequency of each class to obtain cumulative frequency distribution.

2. Then mark lower class limits along the x-axis; take 1 cm = 5 unit.

3. Also mark cumulative frequency along the y-axis; take 1 cm = 5 unit.


Marks more than Cumulative Frequency
0 100
10 87
20 65
30 55
40 42
50 36
60 31
70 21
80 18
90 7
100 0

4. So, in the graph, mark the points (x, f), where x is the lower limit of one class and f is the corresponding cumulative frequency, (0, 100), (10, 87), (20, 65), (30, 55), (40, 42), (50, 36), (60, 31), (70, 21), (80, 18), (90, 7), (100, 0).

5. Finally, join the points plotted by a smooth curve.

Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 23 Image 18


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