Read the article below to know experts’ tips to optimise CAT preparation. CAT 2023 aspirants exam must be mindful of a few everyday routines that can enhance their academic performance. View a few lifestyle elements that are essential for CAT preparation.
Following the trends, CAT 2023 is expected to be conducted on 26 November 2023. So, the candidates have less than 6 months to prepare and to do revisions for the exam.
Preparing for CAT exam sections and their related topics is a difficult task as it is huge. It can be difficult to keep going when you have to dedicate at least 8 to 10 hours a day to CAT preparation. In the midst of all of this, candidates tend to forget about some crucial details that have a substantial impact on their success.
5 Essentials Tips to Optimise CAT Preparation
Your everyday habits can have a significant impact on how well you prepare for the CAT and ultimately perform on test day. You must adequately study for the CAT 2023 exam without endangering your physical or mental well-being. You should pay attention to the following while preparing for the CAT exam.
1. Follow the Healthy Diet Chart
You must be physically fit to prepare for the CAT exam at your best. You also need to keep an eye on your diet. Eat less fried and fatty food because they tend to make you drowsy. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables to receive more protein, vitamins, and other essential minerals.
The brain benefits from dark green vegetables, salmon, berries, walnuts, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid dining out as well to avoid stomach discomfort or any other ailment that can interfere with your study.
2. Recreations
You should devote the majority of your time to your studies, but we want to emphasise that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” You can become slow if you spend an excessive amount of time working through Quant issues and DILR puzzles. Spend some time having fun and taking a rest.
Take an hour off to play any outdoor game, listen to music, or watch your favourite TV show to relax. Take daily breaks to do whatever gives you energy and renews your mind, and then return to your studies with renewed vigour. Additionally, you must engage in some form of physical activity to combat inactivity and sluggishness. For a clear and tranquil mind, you can also choose yoga and meditation.
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3. Good Sleep
For all, a restful night’s sleep is crucial. Particularly for CAT candidates, who must have intense focus, sharp recall, and awareness. According to experts, you should get at least eight hours of sleep each night to be completely aware, focused, and attentive during the day. You must set a time to go to bed to prevent midday weariness.
4. Organised Study Table
Make sure your study desk and chair are the proper height to assist your posture because poor posture can cause discomfort and impair your ability to concentrate. You can also check to see whether your seating arrangement is giving you back pain. Don’t spend hours studying nonstop. Take brief rests of 10 minutes in every 1 hour. You can relax your eyes and your brain in this manner.
5. Time Table for Preparation
You should also make a daily schedule for CAT. According to experts, studying and problem-solving are best done in the morning when the mind is still fresh from sleep. After supper is a nice time for reviewing and studying relatively easy subjects.
For the few months before the CAT exam date, studying will be your primary activity. Therefore you need to set up a conducive environment, without noise or other interruptions. Set up your study space apart from the living room, where family members speak, watch TV, or listen to music. Avoid studying in a space that attracts outside noise.
Join BYJU’S CAT online coaching to prepare for the exam in a structured manner. Our experts are always ready to provide the best assistance to candidates, ensuring that they can achieve a high CAT score with ease