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CAT 2016 – Do’s and Dont’s

With barely a week left before the Common Admission Test (CAT) for the year 2016, there’s a slight frenzy among candidates on how to perfect their game, how to avoid mistakes and ensure they follow all of the do’s and don’t’s of answering. Here are some, from our CAT corner:


  1. Choose your stronghold: Start with the section you have the most confidence in.
  2. Glance through the section: Read through all the questions first. Time management and accuracy are the most important factors while attempting the paper. You can divide the question into three levels:

Level 1: Sitters – Questions that can be easily solved. Try attempting at least 90% of this level.

Level 2: Questions similar to the types of questions you have already solved. Try attempting at least 80% of these.

Level 3: Pattern of questions you have never solved. These are questions you are new to. Try attempting at least 50% of them.

  1. Read the question carefully: While attempting a question make sure you read it very carefully so that you don’t get confused with the options and end up re-reading the question. This saves vital time which can be put forward to actually solving another question.
  2. Start Solving: Put your tricks and techniques to action! Your focus should be on getting the correct answers instead of following the steps to solve the questions. There might be times when you will arrive at the answer by simply eliminating the incorrect options.


  1. Waste your time: If you are stuck solving a particular question, switch to the next question. It is possible that a question that you are addressing later might give you the idea on steps to solve previous ones. This will increase your efficiency of attempting the paper.
  2. Panic: Panicking and worrying will cloud your judgment and flush your efforts down the drain. Don’t let that happen. Keep your morale and confidence in place.
  3. Lose your focus: Stay focused on your paper only. Don’t look around to compare your performance with another’s. Only the results can depict the true story.
  4. Be allured by questions: If you come across a question, which at first glance seems easy to solve but maybe time-consuming, skip to the questions that you know you will solve easily AND quickly first. Once you are done, you can always go back to the time-consuming

We, at BYJU’S, wish to provide you with the best strategy to answer Management questions and also hope you come out with flying colours this exam season. Good luck!