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Should I Re-Attempt CAT Exam?

Should I Re Attempt CAT Exam

Did you score less than expected in the CAT exam last year?

Or doesn’t your sectional cut-off comply with the cut-offs of top institutes?

Or are you surprised because you always scored 99% in CAT Mock Tests but couldn’t score the desired marks in the actual exam?

As you know, in the last year, 1800+ among 2.55 candidates who took the CAT scored 98 percentile. It doesn’t mean you don’t have the calibre to score 99 percentile. The reason why they scored 99 percentile is they did not work harder, but they worked smarter. One of the hardest parts of life is whether to walk away or try harder. It’s always easier to give up than try harder. You might regret that 20 years later that you gave up on CAT and couldn’t end up being in that coveted seat of a top management college. Or maybe, when you couldn’t get that promotion because your colleague is an IIM graduate. Keep in mind: there is always a next time. And also, there is no limit to the number of times you can take the CAT.

Let’s see what probably could have happened during preparation.

You Love Quant’s, But Verbal Gives You a Headache: Let me remind you that it is going to take you to love every topic that you come across. Be it politics, current awareness, science, tax or non-fiction. Verbal is the trickiest part of CAT, and reading comprehension is the hardest of all to crack.

The same goes for the fact that you like the verbal section more than quant or logical reasoning. Then you need to focus your preparation on quant.

Proper Time Management: A Class 10 student could have scored 99% percentile with a little preparation in CAT, if they took it without the time limit. To be an effective manager, you need to master the art of time management. As CAT is the exam to select future management executives, the IIMs have cleverly incorporated a time limit to the sections of the test. Speed and accuracy is the key to cracking the exam.

Correct Timing of Preparation: It might be possible that you didn’t start your preparation at the right time. Or even if you started at the right time, the strategy to prepare might not have been adequate. You ended up being stressed and couldn’t cover all the topics for CAT. All these factors could have led you to be unsuccessful in scoring the desired marks.

Review and Every Mock Test to Analyse and Work on Your Weakness: Revision is vital for any test preparation. Revision and mock tests would give you a clear picture of the areas of your weakness. The more the attempts, the better.

It is not a miracle for those people who scored 99 percentile in CAT. They just prepared at the right time, with the right attitude.

Don’t Be Overwhelmed with Your CAT Score: You can start preparing for the next CAT exam from today itself. You have 10 months to prepare for the CAT 2023. According to Byju Raveendran, to score 100% percentile in CAT, now is the best time to prepare. We have the best preparation tip that would help you score 99% percentile this year.

BYJU’S well-crafted coverage of all the topics has been ranked the best in India: Don’t worry about what you don’t know, but instead, be confident of what you know. Let BYJU’S worry about the things you don’t know and help you learn them in the easiest way possible. Be determined about your goals and flexible about your methods.

BYJU’S faculty use the best techniques and shortcuts that will help you increase your speed and accuracy level for CAT. With BYJU’S in hand, you don’t have to worry about how to solve the questions in time. Every class ends with shortcuts and tricks to solve questions in seconds.

Learn in a Stress-Free Way with the Experts: The unique visualisation techniques that make you love every topic you come across have been used by more than 2 million students.

Byju Raveendran believes any exam calls for a qualitative amount of time and not a quantitative amount of time.

Watch Video on CAT Preparation Plan for Retakers


So don’t worry if the results were not favourable because sometimes, you win, and other times, you learn. Now that you know the pattern of the examination, it is going to be easy for you to adapt to the appropriate strategy and important topics to cover to take CAT with confidence.

Get in touch with BYJU’S mentors now to learn more about the CAT 2023 Preparation Tips.