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CAT Score vs Percentile

Here, in this article, we have shared all the details related to CAT Score vs Percentile to assist the candidates to calculate their scores and percentile. CAT marks vs percentile study is an analysis that helps the candidates to understand the score and its difference with the percentile.

The CAT exam 2023 is expected to be conducted in the last week of November 2023 (final dates yet to be announced) through online mode. The official CAT 2023 result is expected to be announced in the last week of December 2023

CAT Marks vs Percentile: One of the common doubts that CAT candidates have is the concept of CAT score vs percentile mapping. Here, this concept is explained in detail, and candidates can better understand what CAT Total Marks vs Percentile is and why it is important. Read the article below to know about CAT Score vs Percentile in detail along with its importance to get shortlisted in the selection process.

CAT Score vs Percentile โ€“ Overview

Since the CAT is a prerequisite for admissions to the IIMs and other top management colleges in India, several MBA aspirants register for it every year. The exam is conducted by the IIMs on a rotational basis, and they use the CAT score of the individuals according to their respective selection criteria.

CAT Marks vs Percentile โ€“ What is CAT Score?

The CAT score refers to the total score of a candidate. The sectional papers of the candidates are summed and sorted in descending order of their respective marks. This facilitates the process of percentile, as explained below.

CAT Score vs Percentile โ€“ What is CAT Percentile?

A simple definition of the CAT percentile is that it reflects the total percentage of the exam-takers who scored equal to or less than a particular individual. For example, someoneโ€™s 99 percentile implies that the particular individual scored more than 99 per cent of the total test-takers.

CAT Marks vs Percentile: Scaling and Normalisation

Before 2015, the CAT was conducted across various slots. After that, CAT has been conducted in 3 slots. Since replicating the difficulty in all the slots is impossible, the conducting authority of the CAT does a process of normalisation to maintain equality and fairness for all the exam takers.

After normalising the scores using the equipercentile method, the candidates are given a scaled score. This scaled score might be more or less than the actual CAT score depending upon the performance of the fellow candidates.

CAT Score vs Percentile โ€“ Calculation of Composite CAT score

Each candidateโ€™s composite score is determined by computing each candidateโ€™s score based on a number of factors. The following factors will be used to determine and to understand the difference between score vs percentile CAT 2023:

  • CAT score (scaled)
  • Class 10 and 12 marks
  • Graduation score
  • Work Experience (If Have)
  • Diversity (Gender)
  • Diversity (Academic)

CAT percentile calculation

Marks vs Percentile CAT โ€“ Estimation

The CAT Score and the CAT Percentile are completely different concepts connected at the base. A higher CAT score most likely results in a higher CAT percentile. Therefore, the CAT Score vs Percentile becomes extremely important as the CAT Exam pattern keeps changing depending on the level of difficulty.

Since the CAT Score vs Percentile comparison varies every year depending upon the difficulty of the exam, one needs to understand how much to score in order to get into their dream institution.

To stand a chance at getting into your dream institution, past year trends of CAT total marks vs percentile will help you identify the kind of score that they would require.

Percentile Marks in Marks in Marks in Marks in Marks in Marks in Marks in
CAT 2022 CAT 2021 CAT 2020 CAT 2019 CAT 2018 CAT 2017 CAT 2016
Total Marks 198 198 228 300 300 300 300
99.9 110.72 120 131 196 192 208 191
99.5 93 107 115 170 170 183 168
99 82.5 97 102 157 155 173 153
95 60 71 77 120 125 139 123
90 48.5 59 63 90 110 121 108
80 35.5 45 49 75 80 98 84

*CAT 2020 had a different exam pattern, with the duration and number of questions reduced to 2 hours and 76 questions, respectively. This resulted in a drop in the overall scores required for the given percentiles. Here, we have tabulated the past yearsโ€™ trends of percentiles

Video on CAT Score vs Percentile

Watch the below video to understand the CAT marks vs percentile analysis conducted by our experts. It will help you to understand the difference between the CAT score and the CAT percentile in a better way.

CAT Percentile Predictor

The composite score of each student is based on the scaled CAT score, Class 12 marks, Class 10 marks, graduation score, work experience (more than 2 years) diversity, academic diversity and gender diversity.

Note one thing, the CAT Percentile Predictor model can work extremely well for candidates, who score 99 percentile or above. The average difference between the projected and actual percentiles was approximately 0.08%. The model continues to function reasonably effectively for candidates with scores of 95% and higher.

All CAT aspirants should know the CAT Score vs Percentile mapping so they can target the institutions accordingly. But, while the CAT Score vs Percentile mentioned in this article is based on past yearsโ€™ trends, this could change if the convening IIM tweaks the format or difficulty level of the CAT Exam drastically.

In conclusion, the CAT percentile matters since IIMs take into account CAT percentiles and not the marks when selecting candidates for the second round.

Stay tuned to BYJUโ€™S to get more information about the CAT exam. Also, get various preparation tips, sample papers, mock tests and several engaging video lessons to prepare for the CAT more effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions on CAT Score vs Percentile


What is the difference between CAT Score and Percentile?

The total marks a student receives on the test are their CAT score, while their rank on the test is their CAT percentile. The CAT percentile is taken into account for admission.


How do I calculate the CAT Percentile?

Calculating a candidateโ€™s percentile in the CAT is based on the overall percentage of candidates who scored lower than or equal to that candidate. The CAT percentile measures a candidateโ€™s performance in relation to the other test participants. For the CAT percentile formula, scroll above.


What is a good CAT Score?

For IIMs, 90โ€“95 percentile is considered good; however, for other top MBA programs, 97โ€“98 percentile is required. Most CAT test takers lie in the 80โ€“90 percentile band, and hundreds of B-schools accept applicants with CAT scores in this range.


I have a 90 percentile in CAT. Will I get selected for a good MBA college?

Yes, with an 85 percentile in the CAT, you can get into a good private MBA school like GIM Goa, GLIM, FORE School of Management, LIBA, etc.


Which are the most important factors to calculate CAT percentile?

The difficulty level of the exam (to normalise raw score), raw CAT score, and the total number of candidates that passed the test are taken into account when calculating the CAT percentile.