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How to Improve Reading Speed for CAT Exam 2023?

The Reading Comprehension for CAT is an important section where CAT aspirants can score well to obtain an MBA seat in any of the top MBA colleges in India as well as abroad. Reading Comprehension (RC) is a topic that cannot be avoided, as it constitutes a majority of the questions that come from the verbal section. With up to 4 passages coming up in CAT exams every year, RC needs to be tackled strategically. Please refer BYJU’S CAT College Predictor tool.

CAT 2023 Preparation

Important Tips to Improve Reading Speed

Five different ways in which CAT aspirants can improve their reading speed for RC are given here. With these tips, they can easily understand how to improve their score in the Reading Comprehension section and answer RC-related questions easily and effectively.

Skipping the Passage Completely

This has been an age-old method in CAT exams. The trick is to go directly to the questions. If the questions are of a data-based model, it is an easy task to scan the passage for the key phrase and answer the questions. This saves valuable time that can be used to tackle Quantitative and DI questions.

Poriborton Method

Poriborton is the Bengali pronunciation of ‘Parivarthan’, which means change. Scan the passage for words like hence, meanwhile, even though, but, unlike, etc. These represent a deviation in the thought process or flow pattern. This is an excellent way to understand contradictory points in a passage and often gives us enough information to fill in the answer options. This method improves your RC answering ability.

Tracing the Passage with a Pen or a Finger

Tracing the screen line by line makes sure that your eyes remain focused on the part of the passage being traced. If not traced, your eyes might tend to pick up words of different lines reducing your ability to comprehend the passage effectively.

Increasing Eye Span

Eye span in reading refers to the maximum number of words that can be read in a single glance without any change in the position of the eyes. The average word per minute a college student reads is 280. But for CAT, this has to reach a minimum of 450-500 words per minute. This can be increased by the earlier mentioned methods of tracing as well as reading by enunciating.

Watch the Below Video to Tackle the 5 Toughest RCs of CAT:


Cultivating a Hobby of Reading Extensively

Not only does the reading habit benefit MBA aspirants, but a well-read person is also adored and respected everywhere. According to the previous CAT exam patterns, passages for RC are picked from Literature, Arts, History, Science and Technology, and Philosophy. Reading a variety of books of different types enables an individual to be familiar with the terminology used, which will considerably help in improving their reading comprehension.

Doing well in RC is of utmost importance as this can mean the difference between an IIM call or a third-tier management college in a remote town in India.

Stay focussed on RC, as it will help you score a good rank in the CAT exam. Read the question multiple times to understand what it is exactly trying to convey.

Steady practice and patience can do wonders in solving RCs. Aspirants often get anxious when they see the size of the passage or are unfamiliar with the computer-based model of doing RC. This can only be solved by attempting a wide range of mock tests. Ultimately, perfection in CAT preparation can be attained only through regular practice.

Practice, Practice and Practice

Repeat this mantra to score the best percentile in the CAT exam. Check out BYJU’S – The Learning App to attempt the maximum number of mock tests and get detailed solutions and mentor support to help you crack CAT.

With the aforementioned tips, CAT aspirants can easily improve their reading speed and attempt the CAT reading comprehension questions easily.

How to Improve Reading Speed for CAT Exam?

Good Luck.