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Tips to Remain Motivated During CAT Exam Preparation

How do you retain self-belief throughout your CAT preparation?

An important aspect of preparing for the CAT exam is to maintain your concentration and drive towards your training for the entire duration. Too often, candidates do not include the importance of motivation while drawing up their study plan. While due diligence and sincerity do help, remaining motivated throughout your preparation period becomes a serious task.

So, how do you remain focused and motivated towards the task at hand? Here are a few tips to help you out:

Define Your Reasons:

Working on something daily is not necessarily a hard task if your reasons are strong enough. It doesn’t matter whether the reasons might seem trivial to others or not, as long as it is something that excites you every step of the way. Higher salary, better career options, getting into a top B-school or providing your family with a better life. Choose one that is big for you – big enough that you’ll not succumb to any excuses. Once you’ve found your reason, remind yourself of the goal every time you feel yourself faltering in your CAT preparation.

Believe in yourself:

Before you draw up your study plans and take out the books, change your outlook towards the exam. CAT exam is not the monster that people make it out to be. Yes, the competition is quite tough and acceptance rates are low. But, if you look at the exam objectively, ultimately it is an aptitude-based exam. Even the syllabus is not extremely complicated– you’ve already covered most of the topic in your school life. You just need to prepare yourself to get the correct approach in attempting the questions.

Plan Your Preparation:

Proper preparation can never be achieved without proper planning initially. Before you sit down to study, make a detailed plan of action. Keep in mind the syllabus and the amount of time you have left for the exam. Divide your preparation into stages – covering your CAT syllabus, practising questions, giving mocks, revising your weaker areas etc. Set a reasonable timeframe for all these stages. Follow this schedule meticulously and you’ll find it’s easier to remain motivated when you know what the next task at hand is.

Set Targets and Reward Yourself:

Haphazard planning will get you nowhere. So, set yourself targets – both long-term and short-term. Divide your syllabus on a weekly basis and plan your week accordingly. Plan your preparation in slots. Don’t overdo your task- it’s easier to achieve your targets when the said target is to finish a limited number of topics. You have to learn how to walk first before you think about running. Setting a vague target like finishing your syllabus by August will not work.

Break it down into simple, achievable targets. And when you achieve your target, reward yourself. Go out for a meal, or meet your friends or do something you like. The joy of rewarding yourself after successfully completing the task at hand is a brilliant source of motivation.

Give Yourself a Break:

There is no need to work yourself to death. Take a well-timed break after every session. Small duration of rest after a thorough study session will help you break the monotony of CAT preparation to keep yourself fresh. However, make sure such breaks are reasonably spaced, of appropriate duration and involve tasks not requiring any effort. Talk to your parents, watch TV, take a rest and recharge yourself for the next period of the slog.

Keep yourself sufficiently motivated and focused and you can do wonders in the CAT exam. Remember, hard work goes a long way but the drive to work hard for long periods is what will help you achieve success.

For more such information, keep visiting BYJU’S. At BYJU’S, various free materials, video lectures and practice papers are provided to help the CAT candidates prepare effectively for the exam and ace it easily.