DNS Full Form

What is the full form of DNS?

The full form of DNS is the Domain Name System . DNS is linked to the internet and focused on a system using Internet Protocol ( IP). DNS servers are required for the working of DNS. The IP address is calculated with the aid of a lookup table. Each computer system or website has its own unique IP address. It’s a lengthy digital code. DNS is an IP service that translates the name of a domain into an individual IP address. DNS is alphabetic, and thus convenient and straightforward.

Working principles of DNS

DNS is essential because, while domain names are easy to remember for people, computers or devices, sites are accessed based on IP addresses. Working in DNS is processed, with the help of DNS servers. Into a web browser, when a domain name entered by the user, the supplication goes to the DNS server. The DNS server decides the IP address by using a lookup table. Then, it transmits the supplied information to the user’s web browser through genuine servers.

Information from all website domain servers on the internet is collected and kept at the Central Registry. Host companies and service providers regularly interact with the Central Registry to obtain updated DNS data. Your Internet Service Provider will view the DNS associated with the domain name when you type in a web address, translate it into a machine-friendly IP address and direct your Internet connection to the correct website. Usually, it takes around 12-36 hours for the domain name servers world-wide to be updated and able to obtain the data after you register a new domain name or when updating the DNS servers on your domain name. These 36 hours is called propagation.

Important features of DNS

  • The number of features is responsible for the success of DNS, some of them are
  • A DNS consists of a distributed database.
  • Additional lists of data are also reserved within the DNS database.
  • DNS server offers user interface and excellent features. A considerable amount of DNS has to be managed through the user interface.


  • The users receive important messages with zero downtime.
  • Through Anycast technology, in an instance of maintenance or downtime, the supplications are answered by the nearest node.
  • DNS immediately rectifies the errors.


  • ICANN can control the DNS root registry that is a private non – profit organization that connects to a particular country and difficulties the abstract idea of network neutrality.
  • The collapse of DNS would destroy the World Wide Web(WWW), even if there are more than one root server and backup servers, which will cause immense harm at different locations, DNS servers have decided.


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