EEG Full Form

What is the full form of EEG?

The full form of EEG is Electroencephalogram. It is a procedure that is carried out to evaluate the brain’s electrical behaviour. Brain cells, known as neurons, interact through electrical impulses with one another. EEG includes a brain wave metric, which is how the brain functions throughout time. It detects brain wave patterns of the brain’s electrical impulses and records them.

  • Tiny metal discs with a fine wire that are labelled as electrodes arrive with the system that users perform the test.
  • The electrodes are mounted on the scalp from where it passes signals to the computer to track the result.
  • It produces a standard or identifiable pattern for familiar brain activity, but the pattern can be altered or unrecognizable for abnormal brain activity.

Working principle of EEG

  • The EEG procedure is safe and pain-free.
  • The electrodes mounted on the scalp collect electrical activity within your brain from the brain cells known as neurons and forward it to a system where they are seen as a series of lines registered or shown on a computer monitor (running paper).
  • The technician would take the electrodes off after getting results.
  • Your brain wave sequence recordings can be studied by a doctor specializing in the brain, like a neurologist.

Why does the doctor suggest the individual take the EEG test?

The EEG is carried out to treat the specific health conditions or in the following cases:

  • To diagnose and track seizure diseases
  • To detect sleep disorders & epilepsy
  • To figure out the source of several other issues, like sleep disorders and behavioural changes issues.
  • After a major head injury or before a liver or heart transplant, to determine brain activity.


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