NOC Full Form

What is the Full form of NOC.?

The full form of NOC is No Objection Certificate. NOC is a type of legal certificate issued by any organization, entity, institute or individual in some situations. It does not object to the certificate covenants. Certification is an essential prerequisite at most departments in India that are based in government.

Advantages of NOC

  • NOC is a legal document indicating that a person, organization, agency or institution does not have an objection to the information stated in the document.
  • It can also be used for lawsuits, education, trade, immigration and several other reasons to neutralize any complaint in the process by the responsible party.
  • In the court of law, such legal documents can be used for or against the situation. NOC typically consists of some necessary information about the parties concerned and is addressed to all individuals involved.


Let’s consider an example of an individual purchasing a vehicle that is registered in another state, say in Bihar, being used in another state, say in Delhi. In this situation, the vehicle’s seller must obtain a NOC from the Bihar RTO (Regional Transportation Officer) and give that to the vehicle’s buyer in Delhi.


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