PDF Full Form

What is the full form of PDF?

The full form of PDF is Portable Document Format. PDF is a file format developed in the 1990s by Abode to view files, such as text formatting & images, independent of application software, hardware & operating systems. In other terms, it is a program, hardware, or operating system-free file type that is used to present and exchange information safely. PDF is a file type that collects as an electronic image all the components of a printed document that someone can display, navigate, print, or forward to others.

Using Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat Capture, or similar items, PDF files are developed. To display and to use the files and Acrobat Reader is required. When the reader is downloaded, it automatically starts whenever you want to open a PDF file. For files where you’d like to maintain the original graphic appearance online, like newspaper columns, document formats, flyers, and so on., PDF files are incredibly helpful.

The advantages of PDF

  • PDF facilitates mobility & portability. Only by using free software like the Adobe Acrobat viewer can you read a PDF file wherever.
  • If you create some visual effects in your file and convert the document to a PDF file, you can easily convert all the text, graphics and photos you have generated in your file.
  • For data transfer and sharing by emails, PDF offers a safe and straightforward approach. The extent of user access can also be customized.
  • Besides, PDF can include interactive types that can import and export data as requested.
  • Without compromising with quality, you can compact your actual data file. It will make the exchange of data faster.


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