RFID Full Form

What is the full form of the RFID?

The full form of RFID is Radio Frequency Identification. It is an automated method of identification that utilizes non-contact wireless radio frequency signals wherein information is digitally embedded in RFID tags or smart labels which can be interpreted by radio signals by the reader. Data transmission happens between such a reader & movable object which can be detected and monitored. As information analysed from tags is stored in a database, RFID can be assumed equal to barcodes, or you can claim that the system that collects the data of the label retains data in the database.

  • The significant difference among QR codes or barcodes and RFID is that beyond-line-of-sight RFID tag data can be read while conventional barcodes can not.
  • RFID doesn’t require any physical contact between the tagged object and the scanner.
  • There seems to be a microchip mounted inside a label that is used when the tag is subjected to radio signals to transmit data.
  • RFID tags are primarily used to record product progress in industries.

Structure of the RFID system

RFID Device includes RFID Reader and RFID Tags.

RFID Reader

It is a system which consists about one or more antennas that used generate radio signals and receive signals from the RFID Tag to interact with the RFID Tag. The RFID reader is often referred to as the interrogator as the RFID tag is interrogated.


  • An integrated circuit is used for data storage & processing.
  • The antenna is used for transmission of receiving signals.
  • The active tag has a power supply of their own and allows a reading range of around 100 feet.
  • A passive tag doesn’t have their power source; a reader inductively provides power to Passive Tags. The most frequently used tags are passive tags, and their reading range is about 30 feet.

Types of RFID

There are mainly two types of RFID which are,

  1. Based on frequency and antenna, Near Field RFID has a thin, omnidirectional reader antenna and tag reading range around 5 mm to 10 cm.
  2. Far-Field RFID has a set of resonant, directional antennas and tags that can exceed 22.1 m.

Usage of RFID

RFID is applicable in many sectors; few are listed below.

  • Tracking Document
  • Tracking assets
  • Tracking Personnel
  • Management of inventories
  • Manufacturing
  • ID badging
  • Controlling access to limited zones
  • Supply chain control
  • Healthcare and so on.


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