UCO Full Form

What Is the Full Form of UCO?

The full form of UCO is United Commercial Bank. It is an Indian Government Corporation and also a commercial bank. The Board of Directors involves representatives of the government and respected specialists like accountants, accounting consultants, economists, business people, and so on. Its headquarter is located in Kolkata.

Mission and Objectives of UCO

The mission of UCO are listed below,

  • Achieving sustainable market growth and success.
  • To comply with socio-economic responsibilities.
  • By enhancing the expertise of workers and by using state-of-the-art technology to succeed in customer support.

Its fundamental objective is to be a finance company of the most prestigious, respected and top quality and to be the best destination for any investor and client.

Services of UCO

Since 1943, UCO Bank has been in the service sector. Currently, it has more than 3000 service units in the nation’s various cities. It also works in Singapore and Hong Kong and has worldwide correspondents. It has more than 50foreign-exchange market units in India. The following are among its common services.

  • Corporate Banking
  • Rural Banking
  • International Banking
  • Personal Banking
  • MSME
  • Govt. Business


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