XHTML Full Form

What is the full form of XHTML?

The full form of XHTML is Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. It is a cross between a programming language HTML & XML. XHTML is almost the same as HTML, but it’s more rigid than HTML. XHTML is an XML app specified in HTML. All major web browsers support it.

While XHTML is about the same as HTML, since XHTML is more stringent in syntax and context-sensitivity than HTML, it is much more important to build the code properly. Unlike HTML, which includes a lenient HTML-specific parser, XHTML files are well-formed and interpreted using standard XML parsers.

A brief history of XHTML

The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) created it. Web designers use XHTML in order to migrate from HTML to XML. XHTML guarantees content consistency and it’s easier for developers to use XHTML to enter XML.

  • The first document form in the XHTML family is XHTML 1.0, as suggested by W3C on 26 January 2000.
  • The second form of the document is XHTML 1.1 and was suggested on 31 May 2001 by W3C.
  • The third document form is XHTML5, a standard used to create the HTML5 standard for XML adaptation.

Various component of XHTML

XHTML documents consist of three sections, listed as follows:


DOCTYPE is used to declare a DTD.


The Head segment is used to announce the title and other associated attributes.


The body is used to provide the content on web pages. It is composed of several tags.

In order to construct an XHTML webpage, it is essential to provide a (DTD) Document Type Definition. The three types of DTD are

  1. Transitional DTD – it is supported by older browsers that do not have CSS support.
  2. Strict DTD – It is used when only markup language is included in the XHTML page.
  3. Frameset DTD – It is used when XHTML pages include frames.

XHTML Benefits

  • XHTML tags have closing tags to create a clean code and they are appropriately encoded.
  • It requires less bandwidth that significantly reduces website costs.
  • In association with CSS, web pages are developed.
  • Simple to send to wireless computers, braille readers and other expert web conditions. Correct formatting.
  • Development of Web Technology.


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