What Is The Full Form Of JSX?
The Full Form Of JSX is a JavaScript XML
JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript. JSX provides an easy way to write HTML in React and easy to create templates. Though it is easy to write the template using JSX in React, the language for creating templates is JavaScript, which is a bit complicated. There are components used by React which clear the complication of separating logic and mark-up in different files. JSX optimizes while translating to regular JavaScript. Thus, both the process optimization and translation go simultaneously, due to which the speed gets enhanced.
Characteristics Of JSX
- The XML rule is followed by JSX.
- The large block of HTML code can be inserted in parentheses.
- It is easy to develop React applications in JSX.
- JSX expression can be transformed into a regular JavaScript function call once the code is completed.
Advantages of JSX
- The process of optimizations goes simultaneously with translation to regular JavaScript. Thus, it is much faster than normal JavaScript
- React is allowed to display the errors and warning messages in JSX.
- While writing a large piece of code, JSX allows to keep it simple.
- When developing React applications, it is easy to use JSX if one knows HTML well.
Disadvantages of JSX
- It is a must to close the HTML properly else JSX will show an error message.
- The HTML code must be enclosed in one top-level, else it can be a reason for JSX to show an error message.
- If there is even a single mistake in HTML code, then JSX shows the error message.