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Shear Force

Shear force is a fundamental concept in mechanics and structural analysis that plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of various structures under load. It is a force that acts parallel to the cross-section of a material and tends to cause deformation or failure by sliding one part of the material relative to another. Shear force is commonly encountered in engineering disciplines, such as civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering, where the stability and integrity of structures are of utmost importance.

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Shear force is a vital concept in structural analysis and engineering design, enabling engineers to assess the strength and stability of structures under different loading conditions. By studying shear forces, engineers can ensure the safe and efficient performance of structures. In this article, we have provided the complete study notes about the topic shear force which is considerably important in civil engineering related works.

What is Shear Force?

When a load is applied to a structure, shear force induces internal forces that act within the material. These internal forces can be categorized into two types: shear forces and axial forces. While axial forces act parallel to the longitudinal axis of the structure, shear forces act perpendicular to the axial forces, causing the material to deform or fail in a shearing manner. Understanding shear forces is crucial for analyzing the structural response to external loads and designing safe and efficient structures.

The magnitude and distribution of shear forces along a structure depend on the applied loads, the geometry of the structure, and the support conditions. Engineers and designers utilize various analytical methods and mathematical techniques, such as shear force diagrams and calculations, to determine the shear forces at different locations along a structure. By understanding the shear force distribution, engineers can assess the structural integrity and make informed decisions regarding material selection, cross-section design, and reinforcement requirements.

Shear Force Definition in Civil Engineering

In the field of civil engineering, shear force is a fundamental concept that plays a crucial role in the analysis and design of structures. It refers to the internal force that acts parallel to the cross-section of a structural member, causing it to deform or fail. Shear force is an essential consideration in understanding the structural behavior and ensuring the safety and stability of various construction elements, such as beams, columns, and slabs. Shear force is primarily associated with the concept of stress and is closely related to the distribution of forces within a structural element. It arises from external loads applied to a structure, such as the weight of the structure itself, live loads, or environmental loads. When these loads are transferred through a member, the shear force develops as a result of the internal resistance to the applied forces.

The significance of understanding shear force lies in its direct influence on the structural integrity and performance of a construction project. Engineers and designers need to accurately determine the magnitude and distribution of shear forces to ensure that a structure can withstand the applied loads without experiencing excessive deformations or failures. In civil engineering, shear force is commonly represented by diagrams known as shear force diagrams, which provide a visual representation of the variation of shear forces along the length of a structural member. By analyzing these diagrams, engineers can identify critical locations where shear forces are at their maximum, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding the selection of materials, dimensions, and reinforcement requirements for structural elements.

Shear Force Examples

Shear force is a term used in engineering to describe the force that acts parallel or tangential to a surface, causing it to deform or slide. Shear forces are encountered in various applications and can have different effects depending on the context. Here are some examples of shear force:

Cutting: When you use a knife or scissors to cut through a material, shear forces are applied to the surface of the material. These forces cause the material to deform and eventually separate.

Metalworking: Shearing is a common process in metalworking industries. Machines such as shearing presses or guillotines exert shear forces to cut or shape metal sheets, plates, or bars.

Riveting: Riveting is a technique used to join two or more pieces of material together. It involves inserting a rivet into aligned holes and then deforming the rivet to hold the pieces together. The process of deforming the rivet creates shear forces that hold the joint in place.

Earthquakes: During an earthquake, shear forces can cause the ground to move horizontally along a fault line. These forces can lead to the rupture and displacement of the Earth’s crust, resulting in seismic waves and ground shaking.

Structural engineering: Shear forces play a crucial role in the design and analysis of structures. In beams, for example, shear forces cause internal stresses along the cross-section of the beam. Excessive shear forces can lead to structural failure if not properly accounted for in the design.

Fluid dynamics: When a fluid flows past a solid surface, shear forces occur at the boundary between the fluid and the surface. This phenomenon is known as viscous drag. Shear forces between adjacent layers of fluid also contribute to the flow properties, such as viscosity and turbulence.

These are just a few examples of shear force in different contexts. Shear forces can be found in many other situations, ranging from material deformation to geology, and they are necessary to understanding the behavior and stability of various systems.

What is Shear Force Diagrams?

Shear force diagrams, also known as SFDs, are graphical representations of the variation of shear forces along the length of a structural member such as a beam. They are used in structural analysis and engineering to understand and visualize the distribution of internal forces within a beam. In a shear force diagram, the shear force is plotted on the vertical axis, typically measured in units of force. The horizontal axis of SFD represents the length of the beam. The shear force at any point along the beam is determined by the external forces acting on the beam, such as applied loads, support reactions, or moments.

The shear force diagram is constructed by starting from one end of the beam and moving along its length. At any location where a force or a moment is applied, the diagram is updated to reflect the change in shear force. For example, if a downward force is applied at a certain point, the shear force diagram would show a sudden decrease in shear force at that location. The shear force diagram helps engineers and designers to identify critical sections of a beam where the shear force is maximum or changes sign. These critical points are crucial in determining the size and placement of structural members, as they affect the beam’s strength and stability.

Relation Between Shear Force and Bending Moment

Shear force and bending moment are two fundamental concepts that help designers to understand that how forces are distributed and resisted within a structural member. They play a vital role in determining the behavior and integrity of a structure. Shear force refers to the internal force that acts parallel to the cross-section of a structural member, attempting to shear it apart. It is represented by the symbol “V” and is measured in units of force. Shear force acts perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the member and varies along its length due to applied loads.

Bending moment, on the other hand, describes the internal moment or torque that causes a structural member to bend. It is denoted by the symbol “M” and is measured in units of force multiplied by distance. Bending moment induces stresses and deformations within a member, influencing its structural capacity. The relationship between shear force and bending moment can be understood through their interdependence. It is governed by the fundamental equilibrium equations, which state that the sum of forces and moments acting on a body must be zero for it to be in equilibrium.

In a simply supported beam subjected to various loads, the shear force at any point is equal to the rate of change of the bending moment with respect to the position along the beam. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

V = dM/dx

Where V represents the shear force, M denotes the bending moment, and dx represents an infinitesimal element along the beam’s length. This equation illustrates that shear force is the derivative of the bending moment with respect to position.

Additionally, the sign conventions for shear force and bending moment should be noted. Positive shear force implies a force directed upwards, tending to rotate the member clockwise, while positive bending moment results in convex bending of the member. By analyzing the shear force and bending moment diagrams, engineers can gain valuable insights into the structural behavior of a member. They can identify critical locations of maximum shear force and bending moment, which aid in determining the required material strength and selecting appropriate cross-sectional dimensions.

Comparision Between Shear Force Diagram and Bending Moment Diagram

In structural analysis and design, engineers often rely on graphical representations to understand and evaluate the behavior of beams and other structural elements. Two important diagrams used for this purpose are the Shear Force Diagram (SFD) and the Bending Moment Diagram (BMD). While both diagrams provide valuable insights into the internal forces and moments within a structure, they serve different purposes and offer distinct information. So, Let’s understand more about these diagrams, which will be very much useful for various competitive exams like GATE and ESE.

Shear Force Diagram (SFD)

The Shear Force Diagram represents the variation of the internal shear forces along the length of a beam or structural member. It plots the magnitude and direction of the shear force acting on the structure at different locations. The SFD is typically depicted as a series of line segments with positive and negative values, indicating whether the shear force is upward or downward, respectively.

Characteristics of the SFD

  1. Shear force changes abruptly at points where concentrated loads, moments, or supports are present.
  2. Positive shear force indicates a tendency to cause upward deformation, while negative shear force indicates a tendency to cause downward deformation.
  3. The SFD intersects the horizontal axis at points of zero shear force.

Applications of the SFD

  1. Determining the maximum shear force magnitude and its location in a beam.
  2. Analyzing the behavior of a structure under varying loads and boundary conditions.
  3. Assessing the design requirements for structural elements, such as selecting appropriate materials and dimensions.

Bending Moment Diagram (BMD)

The Bending Moment Diagram represents the variation of the internal bending moments along the length of a beam or structural member. It plots the magnitude and sign of the bending moment acting on the structure at different positions. The BMD is typically shown as a continuous curve, indicating the bending moment’s distribution along the beam.

Characteristics of the BMD

  1. Bending moment changes smoothly along the beam’s length, unless there are concentrated loads or moments present.
  2. Positive bending moment causes sagging or concave-upward deformation, while negative bending moment causes hogging or concave-downward deformation.
  3. The BMD intersects the horizontal axis at points of zero bending moment.

Applications of the BMD

  1. Determining the maximum bending moment magnitude and its location in a beam.
  2. Evaluating the beam’s resistance to bending and its capacity to withstand applied loads.
  3. Designing structural elements to ensure they can withstand the anticipated bending moments.

Comparison Between SFD and BMD

  1. Representation: SFD uses line segments, while BMD uses a continuous curve.
  2. Shear Force: SFD depicts the shear force along the beam, while BMD represents the bending moment.
  3. Variation: Shear force changes abruptly, while bending moment changes smoothly.
  4. Zero Points: Both diagrams intersect the horizontal axis at points of zero force/moment.
  5. Deformation: SFD provides information about vertical deformation, while BMD focuses on the beam’s curvature.

Frequently Asked Questions on Shear Force


What is shear force?

Shear force refers to the internal force that acts parallel to a section of a structural element, such as a beam or column. It arises due to the external loads applied to the structure and represents the tendency of the structure to be sliced or sheared at a particular section.


What is SFD (Shear Force Diagram)?

A Shear Force Diagram (SFD) is a graphical representation that shows how the shear force varies along the length of a structural element, typically a beam. It is a plot of the magnitude and direction of the shear force at different locations along the beam, providing a visual understanding of the internal forces within the structure.


What is BMD (Bending Moment Diagram)?

A Bending Moment Diagram (BMD) is a graphical representation that illustrates how the bending moment varies along the length of a structural element. It depicts the magnitude and direction of the bending moment at different points along the beam, helping engineers analyze the structural behavior and design appropriate supports.


How are SFD and BMD related?

SFD and BMD are related to each other as they both represent the internal forces within a structural element. The SFD shows the variation of the shear force along the length of the element, while the BMD illustrates the variation of the bending moment. By analyzing both diagrams together, engineers can determine critical points, maximum loads, and design suitable structural components.


What are the examples related to shear force, SFD, and BMD?

Let’s consider a simply supported beam with a concentrated load applied at its midpoint. The load causes the beam to bend, resulting in shear forces and bending moments. The SFD for this example would show a positive shear force at one end, decreasing to zero at the midpoint, and then becoming negative at the other end. The BMD, on the other hand, would display a parabolic shape, reaching its maximum positive value at the midpoint and symmetrically decreasing towards the ends.