Which branch is best for the GATE exam? This is a common question asked by newcomers. Well, there is no special branch as it depends on your niche and interest. In general, the syllabus of the GATE Exam depends on the discipline. Talking about the subjects, it comprises 29 subjects. Candidates need to choose any one or two of them.
1. Aerospace Engineering (AE)
2. Agricultural Engineering (AG)
3. Architecture and Planning (AR)
4. Biotechnology (BT)
5. Civil Engineering (CE)
6. Chemical Engineering (CH)
7. Computer Science and Information Technology (CS)
8. Chemistry (CY)
9. Electronics and Communication Engg (EC)
10. Electrical Engineering (EE)
11. Ecology and Evolution (EY)
12. Geology and Geophysics (GG)
13. Instrumentation Engineering (IN)
14. Mathematics (MA)
15. Mechanical Engineering (ME)
16. Mining Engineering (MN)
17. Metallurgical Engineering (MT)
18. Petroleum Engineering (PE)
19. Physics (PH)
20. Production and Industrial Engineering (PI)
21. Textile Engineering and Fibre Science (TF)
22. Statistics (ST)
23. BioMedical Engineering (BM)
24. Engineering Sciences
25. Life Sciences (XL)
26. Humanities and Social Sciences (XH)
27. Environmental Science and Engineering (ES)
28. Geomatics Engineering (GE)
29. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NM)
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