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XOR Gate Truth Table

Among the most essential logic gates is the XOR gate, short for Exclusive OR gate. The XOR gate’s unique behavior and logical operations make it a fundamental building block in various applications, including data encryption, error detection, and arithmetic operations. In this article, we will delve into the XOR gate truth table, XOR gate symbol, XOR gate circuit diagram, XOR gate pin diagram and more.

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What is XOR Gate?

The XOR gate is a digital logic gate that takes in two binary inputs and produces an output based on their logical relationship. It returns a HIGH output (usually represented as 1) if the number of HIGH inputs is odd, and a LOW output (usually represented as 0) if the number of HIGH inputs is even. The XOR gate’s output is TRUE only when its inputs differ, hence the term “exclusive OR.”

XOR Gate Truth Table and XOR gate symbol

Let’s examine the XOR gate truth table:

XOR gate truth table

From the XOR gate truth table, we can observe that the XOR gate produces a HIGH output when the inputs A and B are different, and a LOW output when the inputs are the same.

The XOR gate symbol is as follows:

XOR gate

XOR Gate Expression

Y = AB + AB = A ⊕ B

XOR Gate Circuit Diagram

In the XOR gate circuit diagram, Input A and Input B are the two input lines, and the output is represented by the Output line. The XOR gate is represented by the symbol “XOR Gate” in the diagram. The inputs in the XOR gate circuit diagram are connected to the XOR gate, which performs the XOR operation on the inputs and produces the output based on their logical relationship. The switching XOR gate circuit diagram is shown below:

XOR gate circuit diagram

XOR Gate Pin Diagram

The XOR gate is a logic gate with two input pins and one output pin. The XOR gate pin diagram is as follows:

XOR gate pin diagram

The inputs, A and B, are represented by two separate input pins, and the output is represented by the output pin in the XOR gate pin diagram. The XOR gate performs the logical XOR operation on the inputs and generates the output based on the logical relationship between the inputs.

Applications of XOR Gate

XOR Gate has the following applications:

  • Data Encryption
  • Error Detection and Correction
  • Arithmetic Operations
  • Digital Circuit Design

Properties of XOR Gate

Understanding the properties of XOR Gate is essential for understanding the working of XOR gates in various applications, including encryption, error detection, and arithmetic operations.

  • Commutative Property: The XOR gate follows the commutative property, which means that the order of the inputs does not affect the output. In other words, K XOR L produces the same result as L XOR K.

Example: K XOR L = L XOR L

  • Associative Property: The XOR gate also adheres to the associative property, implying that the grouping of inputs does not affect the final output. Thus, (K XOR L) XOR M is equivalent to K XOR (L XOR M).

Example: (K XOR L) XOR M = K XOR (L XOR M)

  • Self-Inverse Property: When both inputs of the XOR gate are the same (either both 0 or both 1), the output is always 0. Conversely, when the inputs are different, the output is always 1. This self-inverse property makes the XOR gate its own complement.

Example: K XOR K = 0

  • Exclusive Operation: The XOR gate performs an exclusive operation, producing a TRUE output (1) only when the inputs differ. If both inputs are the same, the output is FALSE (0).

Example: 0 XOR 0 = 0, 1 XOR 0 = 1, 0 XOR 1 = 1, 1 XOR 1 = 0

  • Bit Flipping: The XOR gate is often used for bit flipping. XORing a bit with 1 toggles its value, while XORing it with 0 keeps the value unchanged.

Example: 1 XOR 1 = 0 (flips the bit), 0 XOR 1 = 1 (flips the bit), 1 XOR 0 = 1 (keeps the bit unchanged), 0 XOR 0 = 0 (keeps the bit unchanged)

  • No Dependency on Input Order: The XOR gate does not depend on the order in which the inputs are given. The output remains the same regardless of whether A is the first input and B is the second input or vice versa.

Example: K XOR L produces the same output as L XOR K

  • Non-Associative Property with More Than Two Inputs: While the XOR gate follows the associative property with two inputs, it does not hold the associative property when extended to more than two inputs. The grouping of inputs can affect the final output.

Example: (K XOR L) XOR M is not necessarily equal to K XOR (L XOR M)

The XOR gate, with its distinct behavior and logical operations, is a vital component in digital logic. Its ability to produce a HIGH output only when the inputs differ makes it indispensable in various applications, including data encryption, error detection, and arithmetic operations. Understanding the principles and applications of the XOR gate is essential for anyone venturing into the fascinating world of digital electronics and computer science. As technology continues to evolve, the XOR gate remains an integral part of our increasingly interconnected world.

Frequently Asked Questions on XOR Gate Truth Table


What are the conditions for XOR gate?

The conditions for an XOR gate are that it outputs a true (1) only when the number of true inputs is odd, and false (0) otherwise.


What is the logic behind XOR gate?

The logic behind an XOR gate is that it compares two inputs and outputs true if exactly one of the inputs is true, and false if both inputs are the same (either both true or both false).


Why is XOR gate not universal?

An XOR gate is not universal because it cannot be used to create all possible logic functions. It cannot replicate the behavior of AND or OR gates.


How many outputs can an XOR gate have?

An XOR gate has one output.


Can XOR have multiple inputs?

Yes, an XOR gate can have multiple inputs. It typically takes two or more inputs and compares them pairwise.


What is the maximum XOR operator?

The maximum XOR operator is not well-defined as it depends on the specific context and data type being used. In general, the XOR operation is performed on binary values, where the maximum XOR output is the result of XORing the largest possible binary values.