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Differentiation of Functions

Differentiation is a method to find rates of change. It is an important topic for the JEE exam. Derivative of a function y = f(x) of a variable x is the rate of change of y, with respect to the rate of change of x. This article helps you to learn the derivative of a function, standard derivatives, theorems of derivatives, differentiation of implicit functions and higher order derivatives, along with solved examples. 

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How to Differentiate a Function

The differentiation of a function is a way to show the rate of change of a function at a given point. For real-valued functions, it is the slope of the tangent line at a point on a graph.

The derivative of y with respect to x is defined as the change in y over the change in x, as the distance between x0 and x1 becomes infinitely small (infinitesimal).  The derivative is often written as dy/dx.

In mathematical terms, if f is a real-valued function, and a is a point in its domain of definition, the derivative of f at a is defined by


Standard Derivatives

1] dx(un)=nun1dudx
2] ddx(c)=0,where c is a constant
3] If y=F(u) where u=f(x) then dydx=dydu×dudx

(Chain rule or function of a function rule)

4) Derivatives of trigonometric functions

ddx(sinu)=cosududxddx(cosu)=sinududxddx(tanu)=sec2ududxddx(secu)=secutanududxddx(cosec u)=cosecu cotu dudxddx(cot u)=cosec2u dudx

5) Derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions

ddx(sin1u)=11u2dudx,1<u<1ddx(cos1u)=11u2dudx,1<u<1ddx(tan1u)=11+u2dudxddx cosec1u=1|u|u21dudx|u|>1ddx(sec1u)=1|u|u21dudx|u|>1ddx(cot1u)=11+u2dudx

6) Exponential and logarithmic functions

ddx(eu)=eududxddx(au)=aulnadudx,where a>0,a1ddx(lnu)=1ududxddx(lnau)=1ulnadudx, where a>0,a1

7) Hyperbolic functions

ddx(sinhu)=coshududxddx(coshu)=sinhududxddx(tanhu)=sech2ududxddx (sechu)=sechu tanhududxddx (cosechu)=cosechu cothududxddx (cothu)=cosech2ududx

8) Inverse hyperbolic functions


Some Standard Substitution

Expression Substitution

Simple tricks to solve complicated differential equations are listed below.

(i) If a function contains

, then substitute x = a sinθ or x = a cosθ

(ii) If a function contains

, then substitute x = a cotθ or x = a tan θ

(iii) If a function contains

, then substitute x = a cosecθ or x = a sec θ

Theorems of Derivatives

Find some of the important theorem results below.

ddx[u±v]=dudx±dvdxddxuv=udvdx+vdudx(Product Rule)ddxuv=vdudxudvdxv2(Quotient Rule)ddx(kf(x))=kddx(f(x)),wherekisconstant


Example 1: Find dy/dx for y = x sinx log x



Example 2: Find dy/dx for y = sin(x2 + 1).



= 2x cos (x2 + 1)

Differentiation of Implicit Function

Implicit differentiation, also known as the chain rule, differentiate both sides of an equation with two given variables by considering one of the variables as a function of the second variable. In short, differentiate the given function with respect to x and solve for dy/dx. Let us have a look at some examples.

Example 1: If x2 + 2xy + y3 = 4, find dy/dx.

Solution: Differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we get


Example 2: Differentiate log sin x w.r.t


Solution: Let u = log sin x  and v =


Higher Order Derivatives

The differentiation process can be continued up to the nth derivation of a function. Usually, we deal with the first-order and second-order derivatives of the functions.

dy/dx is the first derivative of y w.r.t x.

d2y/dx2 is the second derivative of y w.r.t x.

Similarly, finding the third, fourth, fifth and successive derivatives of any function, say g(x), which are known as higher-order derivatives of g(x). The
nth order derivative numerical notation is gn(x) or dny/dxn

Example: If




= (1-2x)dy/dx      (from eqn (i))

Hence proved.

Video Lessons

Methods of Differentiation – JEE Solved Questions


Important Theorems of Differentiation for JEE


Frequently Asked Questions


What do you mean by differentiation in mathematics?

Differentiation is the process of finding the derivative of a function.


Give the product rule of differentiation.

Product rule: (d/dx) (uv) = u (dv/dx) + v (du/dx).


Give the quotient rule of differentiation.

Quotient rule: (d/dx)(u/v) = (v (du/dx) – u (dv/dx))/v2.


What is the derivative of cot x w.r.t. x?

The derivative of cot x w.r.t.x = -cosec2x.

Test your Knowledge on differentiation


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