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Trigonometric Equations and Identities Solved Examples

Trigonometric Equations and Identities Solved Examples are given on this page. Trigonometric identities have different formulae, which are inequalities involving trigonometric functions of one or more angles. Trigonometric equations and identities are useful for solving trigonometric problems.

Consider a right-angled triangle ABC. Here, ∠CAB = A and ∠BCA = 90°. AB is called the hypotenuse of a triangle. The trigonometric ratios are defined using the adjacent, opposite and hypotenuse sides of the triangle.

Trigonometric Equations And Identities Solved Examples


BC / AB = (Opposite side) / hypotenuse,Β  gives sine of A and is denoted as sin A.

AC / AB = (adjacent side) / hypotenuse gives the cosine of A and is denoted as cos A.

BC / AC = (Opposite side) /(adjacent side), gives the tangent of A and is denoted as tan A.

cosec A = 1/sin A

sec A = 1/cos A

cot A = 1/tan A

Trigonometric Equations and Identities

An equation which consists of 1 or more trigonometric ratios of angles that are unknown is called a trigonometric equation. A trigonometric equation is written as P1 (sin ΞΈ, cos ΞΈ, tan ΞΈ, cot ΞΈ, sec ΞΈ, cosec ΞΈ) = P2 (sin ΞΈ, cos ΞΈ, tan ΞΈ, cot ΞΈ, sec ΞΈ, cosec ΞΈ), where P1 and P2 are rational functions.

A trigonometric equation which is always true and holds well for every angle is called a trigonometric identity.

The steps to solve a trigonometric equation are as follows:

Type – I

The first type of equation involves factorising them or expressing them in quadratic form. They can be solved by converting them into factors and finding the solution for each factor. The solution obtained finally is the association of solutions of all the factors.

Type – II

This type of equation can be written in the form of cos ⁑A + b sin⁑ B = c and then find the solution.

List of Trigonometric Equations and Identities

Trigonometric Identities

a) sin2 ΞΈ + cos2 ΞΈ = 1

b) sec2 ΞΈ = 1 + tan2 ΞΈ

c) cosec2 ΞΈ = 1 + cot2 ΞΈ

General Solution of Some Trigonometric Equations

a) sin ΞΈ = 0 β‡’ ΞΈ = n Ο€

b) tan ΞΈ = 0 β‡’ ΞΈ = n Ο€

c) cos ΞΈ = 0 β‡’ ΞΈ = (2n + 1) Ο€/2

d) sin ΞΈ = 1 β‡’ ΞΈ = (4n + 1) Ο€/2

e) cos ΞΈ = – 1 β‡’ ΞΈ = (4n – 1) Ο€/2

f) cos ΞΈ = 1 β‡’ ΞΈ = 2nΟ€

g) cos = – 1 β‡’ ΞΈ = (2n + 1) Ο€

h) cot ΞΈ = 0 β‡’ ΞΈ (2n + 1) Ο€/2

General Solution of Some Standard Equations

a) sin ΞΈ = sin Ξ± β‡’ ΞΈ = nΟ€ + (-1)n ΞΈ

b) cos ΞΈ = cos Ξ± β‡’ ΞΈ = 2nΟ€ Β± ΞΈ

c) tan ΞΈ = tan Ξ± β‡’ ΞΈ = nΟ€ +ΞΈ

Angle-Sum and Difference Identities

  • sin (Ξ± + Ξ²) = sin (Ξ±)cos (Ξ²) + cos (Ξ±)sin (Ξ²)
  • sin (Ξ± – Ξ²) = sin (Ξ±)cos (Ξ²) – cos (Ξ±)sin (Ξ²)
  • cos (Ξ± + Ξ²) = cos (Ξ±)cos (Ξ²) – sin (Ξ±)sin (Ξ²)
  • cos (Ξ± – Ξ²) = cos (Ξ±)cos (Ξ²) + sin (Ξ±)sin (Ξ²)
  • tan (A + B) = (tan A + tan B)/(1 – tan A tan B)
  • tan (A – B) = (tan A – tan B)/(1 + tan A tan B)
  • cot (A + B) = (cot A cot B – 1)/(cot A + cot B)
  • cot (A – B) = (cot A cot B + 1)/(cot B – cot A)

Negative Angle Identities

  • sin (-A) = – sin A
  • cos (-A) = cos A
  • tan (-A) = – tan A
  • cosec (-A) = – cosec A
  • sec (-A) = sec A
  • cot (-A) = – cot A

Also, Read:

Trigonometric EquationsΒ  and Its Solutions

Trigonometry Previous Year Questions with Solutions

Trigonometric Equations and Identities Examples

Some trigonometric identity problems are given below. JEE aspirants are advised to practise trigonometric equations and identities solved examples so that they can score better ranks.

Example 1: In Ξ” ABC, sin (A βˆ’ B) / sin (A + B) = ?


sin (A βˆ’ B) / sin (A + B) = [sin A cos B βˆ’ sin B cos A] / [sinC]

= [a / c] [cos B] βˆ’ [b / c] [cos A]

But cos B = [a2 + c2 βˆ’ b2] / 2ac,cos A = b2 + c2 βˆ’ a2 / 2bc

β‡’ [a / c] [cos B] βˆ’ [b / c] [cos A] = 1 / 2c2

= (a2 + c2 βˆ’ b2 βˆ’ b2 – c2 + a2) / 2c2

= [a2 βˆ’ b2] / [c2]

Example 2: If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1: 2: 7, then what is the ratio of its greatest side to the least side?


x + 2x + 7x = 180o

β‡’ x = 18o

Hence, the angles are 18o, 36o, 126o

Greatest side ∝ sin(126o) Smallest side ∝ sin(18o) and

Ratio = sin126o / sin(18o)

= [√5+1] / [√5βˆ’1]

Example 3: The value of sin25o + sin210o + sin215o + . . . + sin285o + sin290o is equal to


Given expression is sin25o + sin210o + sin215o + . . . + sin285o + sin290o.

We know that sin 90o = 1 or sin2 90o = 1.

Similarly, sin 45o=1 / √2 or sin245o = 1 / 2 and the angles are in AP of 18 terms.

We also know that sin285o = [sin (90oβˆ’5o)]2 = cos25o.

Therefore, from the complementary rule, we find sin25o + sin285o = sin25o +cos25o = 1

Therefore, sin25o + sin210o + sin215o + . . . + sin285o + sin290o =(1 + 1 + 1+ 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 ) + 1 + 1 / 2 = 9 [1 / 2].

Example 4: Find the value of 1 + cos 56o + cos58o βˆ’ cos66o.


1 + cos 56o + cos58o βˆ’ cos66o

Apply the conditional identity

cos A + cos B βˆ’ cos C = βˆ’ 1 + 4 cos [A / 2] cos [B / 2] sin [C / 2] [∡56o + 58o + 66o = 180o]

We get the value of the required expression equal to 4 cos28o cos29o sin33o.

Example 5: If a cos3Ξ± + 3a cos Ξ± sin2Ξ± = m and a sin3Ξ± + 3a cos2Ξ± sin Ξ± = n, then find (m + n)2/3 + (m – n)2/3.


Adding and subtracting the given relation, we getΒ 

\(\begin{array}{l}(m+n)=a{{\cos }^{3}}\alpha +3a\cos \alpha \,{{\sin }^{2}}\alpha +3a{{\cos }^{2}}\alpha .\sin \alpha +a{{\sin }^{3}}\alpha =a{{(\cos \alpha +\sin \alpha )}^{3}}\end{array} \)
and similarlyΒ 

\(\begin{array}{l}(m-n)=a\,\,{{(\cos \alpha -\sin \alpha )}^{3}}\end{array} \)


\(\begin{array}{l}{{(m+n)}^{2/3}}+{{(m-n)}^{2/3}}={{a}^{2/3}}{{\{\cos \alpha +\sin \alpha )}^{2}}+{{(\cos \alpha -\sin \alpha )}^{2}}\}\\={{a}^{2/3}}\{2({{\cos }^{2}}\alpha +{{\sin }^{2}}\alpha )\}=2{{a}^{2/3}}\end{array} \)

Example 6: If sin A = n sin B, then

\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{n-1}{n+1}\tan \,\frac{A+B}{2}=\end{array} \)


We haveΒ 

\(\begin{array}{l}\sin A=n\sin B\Rightarrow \frac{n}{1}=\frac{\sin A}{\sin B}\\ \Rightarrow \frac{n-1}{n+1}=\frac{\sin A-\sin B}{\sin A+\sin B}=\frac{2\cos \frac{A+B}{2}\sin \frac{A-B}{2}}{2\sin \frac{A+B}{2}\cos \frac{A-B}{2}}\\ =\tan \frac{A-B}{2}\cot \frac{A+B}{2}\\ \Rightarrow \frac{n-1}{n+1}\tan \left( \frac{A+B}{2} \right)\\ =\tan \frac{A-B}{2}.\end{array} \)

Example 7: If

\(\begin{array}{l}\tan \theta =\frac{\sin \alpha -\cos \alpha }{\sin \alpha +\cos \alpha },\ \text{then}\end{array} \)
sin Ξ± + cos Ξ± and sin Ξ± – cos Ξ±.


We haveΒ 

\(\begin{array}{l}\tan \theta =\frac{\sin \alpha -\cos \alpha }{\sin \alpha +\cos \alpha } \\ \Rightarrow \tan \theta =\frac{\sin \left( \alpha -\frac{\pi }{4} \right)}{\cos \left( \alpha -\frac{\pi }{4} \right)}\Rightarrow \tan \theta =\tan \left( \alpha -\frac{\pi }{4} \right)\\ \Rightarrow \theta =\alpha -\frac{\pi }{4}\Rightarrow \alpha =\theta +\frac{\pi }{4}\\ \sin \alpha +\cos \alpha =\sin \left( \theta +\frac{\pi }{4} \right)+\cos \left( \theta +\frac{\pi }{4} \right)\\ =\sqrt{2}\cos \theta \text \ and \ \sin \alpha -\cos \alpha =\sin \left( \theta +\frac{\pi }{4} \right)-\cos \left( \theta +\frac{\pi }{4} \right)\\ =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\sin \theta +\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\cos \theta -\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\cos \theta +\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\sin \theta \\ =\frac{2}{\sqrt{2}}\sin \theta =\sqrt{2}\sin \theta\end{array} \)

Example 8:Β Evaluate tan Ο€/8.


Let x = Ο€/8

2x = Ο€/4

We have tan 2x = 2 tan x /(1-tan2 x)

So, tan Ο€/4 = 2 tan Ο€/8 /(1-tan2 Ο€/8)

Put y = tan Ο€/8

∴ 1 = 2y / (1-y2)

β‡’ 1-y2 = 2y

β‡’ y2+2y-1 = 0

y =  (-2 ± √(4+4))/2

= (-2 ± 2√2)/2

= -1±√2

Ο€/8 lies in the first quadrant. So, tan Ο€/8 is positive.Β 

Hence, tan Ο€/8 = √2 -1.

Trigonometric Equations – Important Topics

Trigonometric Equations - Important Topics
Test Your Knowledge On Trigonometric Equations And Identities Solved Examples!


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