HCF of 35 and 40

The HCF of 35 and 40 is 5. HCF is the greatest integer that can divide 35 and 40 evenly. HCF stands for Highest Common Factor. As the name suggests, for a given set of numbers, there would be common factors, and the highest among the common factors is known as the HCF. In the given set of numbers, 35 and 40, the common factors are 1 and 5. Since 5 is the highest among the given factors, HCF would be 5 for 35 and 40. HCF is also termed GCF, which is the Greatest Common Factor. Learn more on HCF.

What is the HCF of 35 and 40?

The Highest Common Factor, also known as the Greatest Common Factor of 35 and 40, is 5. 

How to Find HCF of 35 and 40?

There are three methods to find the HCF of 35 and 40:

  • Prime Factorisation
  • Long Division method
  • Listing common factors

HCF of 35 and 40 by Prime Factorisation Method

In the prime factorisation method, the numbers can be expressed as the product of prime numbers. Here, 35 and 40 can be expressed as:

35 = 5 × 7

40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 

The common prime factor is 5. 

HCF (35, 40) = 5

HCF of 35 and 40 by Long Division Method

In the long Division Method, from the given set of numbers, the smaller number is used as the divisor to the larger number. The smaller number is divided by the remainder. This step is repeated till the remainder becomes zero.

Detailed steps are as follows:

  1. From the given set of numbers, the smallest number becomes the divisor, and the larger number becomes the dividend.
  2. In the next step, the smaller number becomes the dividend, and the remainder becomes the divisor. 
  3. The above step is followed until the remainder is zero. 
  4. The last divisor would be the HCF.

For 35 and 40, the HCF by long division method is:

HCF 34

Therefore, HCF (35, 40) = 5

HCF of 35 and 40 by Listing Common Factors

By listing common factors of given numbers, we can identify the Highest/Greatest/Biggest Common Factor, which is the HCF. Below is the list of factors for 35 and 40:

Factors of 35: 1, 5, 7, 35

Factors of 40: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 40

Therefore, HCF (35, 40) = 5

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Solved Examples

1. Find the greatest number that divides 5 and 25 evenly.

Solution: The common factors for 5 and 25 are 1 and 5. The greatest number that divides 5 and 25 evenly is nothing but the GCF. Hence, 5 is the GCF of 5 and 35.

2. What is the HCF of 12 and 96?

Solution: The HCF of 12 and 96 is 12.

Frequently Asked Questions on HCF of 35 and 40


What is the HCF of 35 and 40?

The HCF of 35 and 40 is 5.

What is the HCF of 5, 35 and 40?

The HCF of 5, 35 and 40 is 5.

What is the second HCF of 35 and 40?

The second HCF of 35 and 40 is 1.

Is the HCF of 35 and 40 the same as the LCM of 35 and 40?

No. The Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 35 and 40 is 5, and the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 35 and 40 is 280.

What are the common factors of 35 and 40?

1 and 5 are the common factors of 35 and 40.


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