The HCF of 391, 425 and 527 is 17. The HCF is the highest integer that evenly divides the numbers 391, 425 and 527. The factors of 391 are 1, 17, 23, 391, the factors of 425 are 1, 5, 17, 25, 85, 425, and the factors of 527 are 1, 17, 31, 527. The methods used to find the HCF are prime factorisation, long division and listing common factors.
What is the HCF of 391, 425 and 527?
The answer to this question is 17. The HCF of 391, 425 and 527 using the different methods is explained accurately in this article. The HCF of 391, 425 and 527 is 17, which can divide 391, 425 and 527 exactly.
Also read: Highest common factor
How to Find HCF of 391, 425 and 527?
There are three methods to find the HCF of 391, 425 and 527:
- Prime Factorisation
- Long Division method
- Listing common factors
HCF of 391, 425 and 527 by Prime Factorisation Method
The prime factorisation of 391, 425 and 527 is given by:
391 = 17 × 23
425 = 5 × 5 × 17
527 = 17 × 31
Common prime factors of 391, 425 and 527 = 17
Therefore, HCF (391, 425, 527) = 17
HCF of 391, 425 and 527 by Long Division Method
We need to divide 391, 425, and 527 by their prime factors to get the HCF of 391, 425 and 527 using the division method. The HCF of 391, 425 and 527 is the divisor we get when the remainder becomes zero.
First, let us divide 527 by 391
Now again, by dividing 425 by 17
Hence, HCF (391, 425, 527) = 17
HCF of 391, 425 and 527 by Listing Common Factors
We can calculate the HCF of 391, 425 and 527 by listing the common factors as provided here:
Factors of 391: 1, 17, 23, 391
Factors of 425: 1, 5, 17, 25, 85, 425
Factors of 527: 1, 17, 31, 527
There are 2 common factors of 391, 425 and 527, and they are 1 and 17.
Therefore, the highest common factor of 391, 425 and 527 is 17.
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HCF of 391, 425 and 527 Solved Example
Question: Among the numbers, 527, 528, 17, 543, 567, 576, 533, 547, find the HCF of 391, 425 and 527.
HCF of 391, 425 and 527 is the number which equally divides 391, 425 and 527 when the remainder is zero.
The number which satisfies this condition is 17.
Hence, the HCF is 17.
Frequently Asked Questions on HCF of 391, 425 and 527
What is the HCF of 391, 425 and 527?
How can we calculate the HCF of 391, 425 and 527, using the prime factorisation method?
Using the prime factorisation method, we can calculate the HCF of 391, 425 and 527,
391 = 17 × 23
425 = 5 × 5 × 17
527 = 17 × 31
Therefore, the HCF is 17.
What methods can we use to find HCF of 391, 425 and 527?
Find the HCF of 391, 425 and 527 using the LCM.
As per prime factorisation
391 = 17 × 23
425 = 5 × 5 × 17
527 = 17 × 31
LCM (391, 425) = 9775
LCM (425, 527) = 13175
LCM (527, 391) = 12121
LCM (391, 425, 527) = 303025
HCF (391, 425, 527) = [(391 × 425 × 527) × LCM (391, 425, 527)]/[LCM (391, 425) × LCM (425, 527) x LCM (527, 391)]
HCF (391, 425, 527) = (87574225 × 303025)/ (9775 × 13175 × 12121)
HCF (391, 425, 527) = 17
Mention the relation between HCF and LCM of 391, 425 and 527.
The relation between HCF and LCM of 391, 425 and 527 is
HCF × LCM = 391 × 425 × 527
HCF × LCM = 87574225