Table of 245

The table of 245 is the multiplication table of the number 245. Memorising this table helps students in calculating the problems relying on multiplication, division and square roots with ease in a short duration. Students are suggested to memorise the tables thoroughly to solve the problems more effectively in a specified time. Also, learn various tricks to save time in the exams using multiplication tables.

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Table of 245


What is the 245 Times Table?

The constant addition of number 245 is the multiplication table of 245. Multiplication tables play a vital role in the simplification of problems. Students who aspire to solve the problems easily are recommended to follow the table of 245 from the chart below.

245×1 = 245 245
245×2 = 490 245 + 245 = 490
245×3 = 735 245 + 245 + 245 = 735
245×4 = 980 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 = 980
245×5 = 1225 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 = 1225
245×6 = 1470 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 = 1470
245×7 = 1715 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 = 1715
245×8 = 1960 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 = 1960
245×9 = 2205 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 = 2205
245×10 = 2450 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 + 245 = 2450

Multiplication Table of 245

The multiplication table helps students in quick calculations and builds their confidence in solving complex problems effectively. Let us glance at the chart below and learn the 245 times table up to 20 values.

245 × 1 = 245
245 × 2 = 490
245 × 3 = 735
245 × 4 = 980
245 × 5 = 1225
245 × 6 = 1470
245 × 7 = 1715
245 × 8 = 1960
245 × 9 = 2205
245 × 10 = 2450
245 × 11 = 2695
245 × 12 = 2940
245 × 13 = 3185
245 × 14 = 3430
245 × 15 = 3675
245 × 16 = 3920
245 × 17 = 4165
245 × 18 = 4410
245 × 19 = 4655
245 × 20 = 4900

Solved Example on the Table of 245

Example 1:

A pair of earrings cost Rs 245. Estimate the cost of 5 such pairs.


The cost of a pair of ear-rings = Rs 245

Cost of 5 such pairs = 5 x 245 = 1225

Therefore, the cost of 5 ear-ring pairs is Rs 1225.

Frequently Asked Questions on Table of 245


Find the value of 245 times 12 using the table of 245.

From the table of 245,
245 times 12 = 245 x 12 = 2940.
Hence, the value of 245 times 12 is 2940.

Estimate how many times we should multiply 245 to get 3920.

From the table of 245,
245 times 16 = 245 x 16 = 3920.
Therefore, 245 has to be multiplied by 16 times to get 3920.

What is 245 times 15 minus 10 plus 19?

245 times 15 = 245 x 15 = 3675.
245 times 15 minus 10 plus 19 = 3675 – 10 + 19 = 3684.
Hence, 245 times 15 minus 10 plus 19 is 3684.


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