Value of Log 2

The value of log 2, to the base 10, is 0.301. The log function or logarithm function is used in most mathematical problems that hold the exponential functions. Log functions are used to eliminate the exponential functions when the equation includes exponential values.

The logarithmic function is defined by:

                                                    if logab = x, then ax = b.


x is the logarithm of a number ‘b.’

‘a’ is the base of the log function.

Note: The variable “a” should be any positive integer, and it should not be equal to 1.

The classification of logarithmic functions is:

  • Common Logarithmic Function – Log function with base 10
  • Natural Logarithmic Function – Log function with base e

If the base of the logarithmic function is other than 10 or e, convert it into either base e or base 10 using the change of base rule. In this article, we are going to discuss the value of log 2 to the base 10 and base e with a step-by-step procedure also learn the log values from 1 to 10.

How to calculate the value of Log 2?

Now, let us discuss how to find the value of log 2 using a common log function and natural log function.

Value of Log10 2

The log function of 2 to the base 10 is denoted by “log10 2”.

According to the definition of the logarithmic function,

Base, a = 10 and 10x = b

With the use of logarithm table, the value of log 2 to the base 10 is given by 0.3010.

                                                  Log10 2 = 0.3010

Value of ln (2) or loge 2

The natural log function of 2 is denoted by “loge 2”. It is also known as the log function of 2 to the base e. The representation of the natural log of 2 is ln(2).

The value of loge 2 is equal to 0.693147.

                                                loge 2 = ln (2) = 0.693147

Log Values from 1 to 10

The values from log 1 to 10 to the base 10 are:

Log 1 0
Log 2 0.3010
Log 3 0.4771
Log 4 0.6020
Log 5 0.6989
Log 6 0.7781
Log 7 0.8450
Log 8 0.9030
Log 9 0.9542
Log 10 1

Ln Values from 1 to 10

The values from log 1 to 10 to the base e are:

ln (1) 0
ln (2) 0.693147
ln (3) 1.098612
ln (4) 1.386294
ln (5) 1.609438
ln (6) 1.791759
ln (7) 1.94591
ln (8) 2.079442
ln (9) 2.197225
ln (10) 2.302585

Solved Problem

Question :

Solve log (x-2) – log (2x -3) = log 2


Given that, log (x-2) – log (2x -3) = log 2

Using the properties of the logarithm (log a – log b = log a/b)

It can be written as,

log ((x-2)/(2x-3)) = log 2

Since the base of the log function is 10, it becomes;

⇒10log((x-2)/(2x-3)) = 10log(2)

⇒(x-2)/(2x-3) = 2

Bring 2x-3 to R.H.S

⇒(x-2)= 2(2x-3)


⇒x-4x =-6+2

⇒-3x = -4

⇒ x = 4/3

Therefore, the value of x is 4/3.

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Related Links
Natural Log Calculator Log Base 2
Difference Between log and ln Natural Log Formula


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