ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 Algebraic Expressions

ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 Algebraic Expressions are given here. These solutions are most valuable that assist students in learning complex and challenging topics. By solving the questions of ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8, students can enhance their problem-solving and analytical abilities and analyse their strengths and weaknesses. It makes them feel confident while answering the question paper in the annual exam.

Chapter 8 – Algebraic Expressions: Expressions are defined as numbers, symbols and operators (such as +. -, × and ÷) grouped together that show the value of something. This chapter contains the topics related to terms of an expression, like and unlike terms, monomials, binomials, trinomials and polynomials, and addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions.

ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 Algebraic Expressions

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1. From the algebraic expressions using variables, constants, and arithmetic operations:
(i) 6 more than thrice a number x.


3x + 6

(ii) 5 times x is subtracted from 13.


13 – 5x

(iii) The numbers x and y are both squared and added.


x2 + y2

(iv) Number 7 is added to 3 times the product of p and q.


3pq + 7

(v) Three times of x is subtracted from the product of x with itself.


x2 – 3x

(vi) Sum of the numbers m and n is subtracted from their product.


mn – (m + n)

2. A taxi charges ₹ 9 per km and a fixed charge of ₹ 50. If the taxi is hired for x km, write an algebraic expression for this situation.


From the question, it is given that,

A taxi charges ₹ 9 per km

A fixed charge of ₹ 50

If the taxi is hired for x km = ₹ (9x + 50)

3. Write down the algebraic expression whose terms are:
(i) 5a, -3b, c


Expressions are defined as numbers, symbols and operators (such as +. -, × and ÷) grouped together that show the value of something.

So, Expressions = 5a – 3b + c

(ii) x2, -5x, 6


Expressions are defined as numbers, symbols and operators (such as +. -, × and ÷) grouped together that show the value of something.

So, Expressions = x2 – 5x + 6

(iii) x2y, xy, -xy2


Expressions are defined as numbers, symbols and operators (such as +. -, × and ÷) grouped together that show the value of something.

So, Expressions = x2y + xy – xy2

4. Write all the terms of each of the following algebraic expressions:

(i) 3 – 7x


In algebra, a term is either a single number or variable, or numbers and variables multiplied together. Terms are separated by + or – signs or sometimes by division.

Terms = 3, -7x

(ii) 2 – 5a + ½b


In algebra, a term is either a single number or variable, or numbers and variables multiplied together. Terms are separated by + or – signs or sometimes by division.

Terms = 2, -5a, ½b

(iii) 3x5 + 4y3 – 7xy2 + 3


In algebra, a term is either a single number or variable, or numbers and variables multiplied together. Terms are separated by + or – signs or sometimes by division.

Terms = 3x5, 4y3, -7xy2, 3

5. Identify the terms and their factors in the algebraic expressions given below:
(i) -4x + 5y
(ii) xy + 2x2y2
(iii) 1.2ab – 2.4b + 3.6a


Expressions are defined as numbers, symbols and operators (such as +. -, × and ÷) grouped together that show the value of something.

In algebra, a term is either a single number or variable, or numbers and variables multiplied together. Terms are separated by + or – signs or sometimes by division.

Factors are defined as numbers we can multiply together to get another number.

Sl.No. Expression Terms Factors
(i) – 4x + 5y -4x


-4, x

5, y

(ii) Xy + 2x2y2 xy


x, y

2, x, x, y, y

(iii) 1.2ab – 2.4b + 3.6a 1.2ab



1.2, a, b

-2.4, b

3.6, a

6. Show the terms and their factors by tree diagrams of the following algebraic expressions:
(i) 8x + 3y2


Expression: 8x – 3y2

Terms: 8x, -3y2

Factors: 8, x; 3, y, y

ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 Image 1

(ii) y – y3


Expression: y – y3

Terms: y, -y3

Factors: y; -y, -y, -y

ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 Image 2

(iii) 5xy2 + 7x2y


Expression: 5xy2 + 7x2y

Terms: 5xy2, 7x2y

Factors: 5, x, y, y; 7, x, x, y

ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 Image 3

(iv) -ab + 2b2 – 3a2


Expression: -ab + 2b2 – 3a2

Terms: -ab, 2b2, -3a2

Factors: -a, b; 2, b, b; -3, a, a

ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 Image 4

7. Write down the numerical coefficient of each of the following:
(i) -7x
(ii) -2x3y2
(iii) 6abcd2

(iv) (2/3)pq2


A coefficient is a number used to multiply a variable (3x means 3 times x, so 3 is a coefficient) Variables on their own (without a number next to them) actually have a coefficient of 1 (x is really 1x)


(i) -7x numerical co-efficient is -7

(ii) -2x3y2 numerical co-efficient is -2

(iii) 6abcd2 numerical co-efficient is 6

(iv) (2/3)pq2 numerical co-efficient is 2/3


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