NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6 - Hiawatha and The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

To enhance the performance of students in the Class 4 exams, experts at BYJU’S have formulated the NCERT Class 4 English Solutions for students to understand the concepts easily and score good marks in the exams. All the questions are explained in a step-by-step manner so that students can grasp the topics easily. In addition, the solutions are designed as per the weightage allotted in the board exam.

Chapter 6 – Hiawatha and The Scholar’s Mother Tongue exercise questions are solved here. Students can download the NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6 here and can access it for future reference as well.

NCERT Solutions Class 4 English – Hiawatha
NCERT Solutions Class 4 English – The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6 – Hiawatha and The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

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Access Answers to NCERT Class 4 English Chapter 6 Hiawatha

Reading is Fun

1. Who was Hiawatha?


Hiawatha was a young Red Indian boy.

2. Who was Nokomis?


Nokomis was Hiawatha’s old grandmother.

3. What did he learn about birds?


He learnt the language of all the birds, their names and all their secrets, how they build their nests in summer, where they hide themselves during winter, etc.

4. What secrets did he learn about beasts?


He learnt the language of all the beasts. He learnt how the beavers build their lodges, where the squirrels hide their acorns, how the reindeer run so swiftly and why the rabbit is so timid.

Let’s Listen

1. Whisper a secret in your partner’s ear. The partner will, in turn, whisper his secret in your ear.

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Now talk about the secret aloud.


Do it with your partner.

2. Form a circle and whisper a secret into the ear of the person on your right. He, in turn, whispers into the ear of the person on the right. Pass the secret on till it goes around the circle. The last person will tell the secret aloud.

Is the secret the same as what the first child had whispered?

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Do it with your friends.

Let’s Talk

1. Do you think that —

(а) Hiawatha liked learning new languages?

(b) Hiawatha called the birds-‘chickens’ and the beasts ‘brothers’. What do you think this shows?

(c) Do birds have secrets?

(d) Do you know the secret language of any animal? Tell the class about it


(a) Yes, Hiawatha liked learning new languages.

(b) This shows that Hiawatha was friendly with birds and animals.

(c) Yes, birds have their secrets.

(d) No, I don’t know the secret language of any animal.

Say Aloud

squirrel     quarrel     queen      quick

quill            quilt         quiet      quality

1. Use words beginning with ‘h’ sound like—

hat, house, hen, hide, horse, heart, hand, etc..

Make a pair of words, one a ‘describing word’ and one a ‘naming word’.

Happy Hiawatha, hungry hippopotamus, high horse, heavy hand,


• Heavy hen

• Happy husband

• Hungry horse

• Hard hand

• Hopeful heart

2. Have you seen

(a) a hippopotamus in a hat?

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(b) a hen in a beehive?

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(c) a helicopter with hair?

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(d) a horse drink honey?

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Let’s Share

Make a story of the poem and share it with your friends. You can change Hiawatha’s name and give the name of your classmate.

Start the story which other children can continue.

You could begin like this –


Once upon a time there was a boy called Anil. He loved playing with birds and animals. He was very caring and looked after them with so much love and affection. He was smart enough to learn all the birds’ languages, their names and all their secrets. He used to talk to them whenever he met them. He was very fond of them and called them ‘Anil’s Brothers’.

Let’s Write

1.This is a park where children talk to different animals and birds. Write four sentences about the picture. Use capital letters where required, complete sentences and punctuation.

Now colour the picture.

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The girl has dressed up very beautifully.

The girl is sitting in the garden filled with lovely roses and flowers.

The girl is enjoying her company with the birds and animals.

The girl and the animals seem very happy with each other.

Now colour the picture by yourself.

2. Where do the following live?

(а) Birds live in


Birds live in nests.

(b) Rabbits live in


Rabbits live in burrows.

(c) Beavers live in


Beavers live in lodges.

3. Describe Hiawatha, his home and friends in ten lines.


Hiawatha was a young Red Indian boy who lived with his old grand-mother, Nokomis, in a Wigwam. Nokomis taught Hiawatha about the wonders around them. He also learnt to love birds and beasts. He used to talk to them whenever he met them. Birds and beasts also loved him and talked back to him. He learnt their languages, their names and all their secrets. He called the birds ‘Hiawatha’s Chickens’ and beasts ‘Hiawatha’s Brothers’.

4. What did Hiawatha love?


Hiawatha loved to learn the language of all the birds and beasts and about the things around him such as the stars, the trees, the insects, the birds, the animals and many other things.

5. Match ‘A’ with ‘B’ and write the complete sentences below:

Whenever I go, I have friends.
Whoever I am hungry, I eat.
Wherever comes first, wins.


1) Whenever I am hungry, I eat.

2) Whoever comes first, wins.

3) Wherever I go, I have friends.

6. Complete the following stories by using an appropriate word from the box given below—

my, his, he, your

(A) Ram was a farmer. He wanted to sell his goats and sheep. So he went to the market. There he sold all his animals to a rich man and got a lot of money. When he was going back to his village, three thieves stopped him. “Stop! Give us all your money.” Ram was very clever. He said, “I’ll give my money to the strongest of you.” On hearing this, the thieves started fighting amongst themselves. Ram slipped away quietly.

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(B) Sitting on a tree a crow was enjoying a piece of bread. A hungry fox wanted to have that bread. He said very sweetly, “Dear brother, I’ve heard that your voice is very sweet. Please sing a song for me.” The foolish crow opened his beak and the piece of bread fell down. The fox picked it up in his mouth and ran away.

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7. Some words have similar sounds, but different meanings. Choose the correct word from the box and fill in the blanks.

(а) The bird sits on a bough. (bow, bough)

(b) The squirrel has a long tail. (tail, tale)

(c) I have to leave at two. (too, two)

(d) This sum is right. (right, write)

(e) I can hear the bird’s song. (hear, here)

(f) Do you know a secret? (no, know)

(g) The King sits on the throne. (thrown, throne)

(h) He is our school principal. (principal, principle)

Access Answers to NCERT Class 4 English Chapter 6 The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

Reading is Fun

1. Who came to Akbar’s court?


A Pundit once visited the court of Akbar.

2. What did he claim to know?


He claimed that he knew many languages and could speak fluently.

3. How did he challenge everybody?


He challenged everybody to name his mother tongue.

Let’s Talk

1. What is your mother tongue?


Do it yourself.

2. Tell the class a joke in your mother tongue.


Do it yourself.

3. Do you know any other language? Do you know a joke in English? Tell your friends.


Do it yourself.

Let’s Listen

1. Listen to your favourite advertisement on the radio or T.V. Repeat it with stress on the words. Act, draw and write the advertisement.


Do it yourself.

Say Aloud

ask bask mask task

scholar school scan skim

We say − I learnt my lesson. (action word)

But A learn-ed pundit came to the court. (describing word)

We pronounce it as learn-id to rhyme with



1. Tick (✓) the words which end with the sound id. Say each word aloud.

accepted    ⬜     answered      ⬜       irritated         ⬜     failed          ⬜

completed  ⬜      challenged   ⬜       cried             ⬜     surprised    ⬜

find             ⬜      licked           ⬜       celebrated    ⬜     fried            ⬜


accepted    ☑️     answered      ⬜       irritated         ☑️     failed          ⬜

completed  ☑️      challenged   ⬜       cried             ☑️     surprised    ⬜

find             ⬜      licked           ⬜       celebrated    ☑️     fried            ☑️

Word Building

1. Make a class dictionary with words from the story. Try to find suitable words for them in your mother tongue. Say these words aloud.

Then make sentences with those words in your class dictionary.

Words in English Sentences



Words in English Sentences
Converse She conversed fluently in her mother tongue.
Tickle I tickled my brother to make him laugh.
Truth Everyone should speak the truth.
Accepted I accepted my friend’s request.
Challenged I challenged my friend to solve the problem.
Difficulty I faced a lot of difficulty in solving a maths problem.
Fluently I can speak fluently in English.

2. Write all the words that show you are happy.

For example: Hurray, Ha! Ha!

Add more


Yahoo! hip, hip, hurray!, yayyyy..

3. Tick (✓) the right answer.

(i) ‘I visited the court of Akbar’ means

(a) You always live there.                     ⬜

(b) You came there for a short time.     ☑️

(c) You were born there.                     ⬜

(ii) To imitate someone means to

(a) copy someone.                                 ☑️

(b) tease someone.                       ⬜

(c) make someone angry.                      ⬜

4. Look and fill in the columns. One has been done for you.


quiet      quietly       sad       sadly

fluent     fluently    fierce      fiercely

angry     angrily     gentle     gently

5. Match the words in Column ‘A’ with words in Column ‘B’

king                                                              children
teacher                                                         patients
doctor                                                           courtiers
bus driver                                                     clients
lawyer                                                           passengers
mother                                                          students


king courtiers
teacher students
doctor patients
bus driver passengers
lawyer clients
mother children

6. Play this game with a friend. Pick up what you want from any basket.

Add a or an before it.

Now say the sentences below, using these things –

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• a rug, a pillow, a bedsheet

• an alarm clock, a wall clock, a wrist watch

• an apple, an orange, a banana, an ice-cream

• a bow, an arrow, a ball, a bat, a doll

• a waistcoat, a long coat, a raincoat, an umbrella

Neena : Can I have an orange, please?

Rahul    : Yes, here you are.

Jeevika : Can I have a banana, too.

Nikhil    : No, sorry. You can’t have that.

Make more sentences using words from the baskets.

Can you please clean the bedsheet?

Where did you buy this wall clock?

Which flavour ice-cream do you like?

Can you give me a bat?

Would you like a banana?

Can I have a wrist watch, please?

Can I have a long coat, please?

Would you please give me a doll?

Let’s Share

1. How did Birbal find out about the Pundit’s mother tongue?


Birbal quietly entered into the Pundit’s room when he was fast asleep. He tickled the Pundit’s ear with a feather and whispered something into his ear. Suddenly the Pundit woke up from his sleep and started shouting in his mother tongue. This way, Birbal found out about the Pundit’s mother tongue.

2. Act this out with your friends and make it into a class play.


Do it yourself.

The Truth Balloon

Suppose you are going on a camping holiday.

What are the four most important things you will carry with you?

Choose from the tags attached to the hot air balloon.

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• Money

• First aid kit

• Food packets

• Water bottles

Fun Time

Crossword Fun

India is a country of many languages. Let’s see if you know what the people of the states in this crossword puzzle speak. The clues are given below. The first letter of each answer has been filled in for you.


1. This language is spoken in Orissa

2. It is spoken in Karnataka

4. The people of Assam speak this language

7. This language is used in Andhra Pradesh

8. You can hear this spoken in Maharashtra


3. The people of Kerala speak this language

5. This is our national language

6. The language of the Goan people

7. This is spoken in Tamil Nadu

9. It is widely spoken in Uttar Pradesh and elsewhere

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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6 – Hiawatha

This chapter gives an overview of a red Indian boy called Hiawatha who lived with his grandmother in a wigwam. She shows him the wonders on the earth. Hiawatha learned the birds’ and the beasts’ language, and their secrets and talked with them when they met. If one aims to score well in the exams, students must practise the solutions with utmost sincerity and can download the NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English PDF from the given links.

Chapter 6 – Hiawatha

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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6 – The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

This chapter briefs about a pandit who was a master of languages. He was very fluent in many languages where no one could find what his mother tongue was, and he challenged everyone to find out. Birbal took up the pandit’s challenge and found out what the pandit’s mother tongue was by waking him up in the middle of the night. “In times of difficulty, a person speaks only in his mother tongue.” explained Birbal to the King of the court. Experts have formulated the NCERT Class 4 English Solutions keeping in mind the understanding abilities of the students. Students can download the solutions PDF from the links given.

Chapter 6 – The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

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Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6


What did Hiawatha learn about birds in Chapter 6 of NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English?

Hiawatha learnt the language of all the birds, their names and all their secrets, how they build their nests in summer, where they hide themselves during winters, etc. To know more about Hiawatha, quickly begin reading Chapter 6 of NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English. The solutions are prepared by the expert team of faculty members at BYJU’S in a clear manner for students to understand the method of answering the questions in different ways.


Where can I access Solutions for NCERT Class 4 English Chapter 6?

The NCERT Solutions can be referred to both in online and offline modes from the BYJU’S website. Expert tutors have provided detailed answers for all the questions in the NCERT textbook for Class 4 English after conducting vast research on the concepts, as per the latest CBSE guidelines.


How do NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6 help students in their exam preparation?

NCERT books are the best source of study material for CBSE board exam preparation. The subject experts have answered all the questions from every section to make students’ exam preparation easier. The solutions are completely based on an exam-oriented approach to help students score well in their board examinations. Students are advised to practise the solutions regularly to yield good results in the exams.


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