NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 1 Ice Cream Man and Wonderful Waste

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 1 Ice Cream Man and Wonderful Waste are prepared by experienced teachers to help students ace the exam. The solutions are designed in a comprehensible manner based on the grasping power of Class 5 students. Practising these solutions while solving textbook problems helps to grasp the concepts effectively. The solutions also help them to obtain an idea of problems which need to be further focused upon.

Chapter 1 Ice Cream Man and Wonderful Waste provides descriptive answers to each textbook question. Students can find NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 1 Ice Cream and Wonderful Waste from the links provided below.

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Ice Cream Man
NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Wonderful Waste

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 1 Ice Cream and Wonderful Waste

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Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 1 Ice Cream Man

Ice Cream Man

1. In which season is ice cream popular?


In the Summer season, ice cream is popular.

2. Who feels joyful on seeing the Ice-cream Man?


On seeing the Ice-cream Man, children feel joyful.

3. Name the different flavours of ice cream the Ice-cream Man has in his cart.


Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are the flavours of ice cream the Ice-cream Man has in his cart.

4. What are the two things that the Ice-cream Man is selling?


The two things the Ice-cream Man is selling are ice cream and chilled drinks from the bottles of frosty-fizz.

5. What is the ice-cream cart compared to in the poem?


The ice cream cart has been compared to a flower bed in the poem.

6. Circle the words where you get a zzz sound. One is done for you.

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7. Colour the boxes that have rhyming words.

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8. What do the following words describe in the poem?

joyful _____________________________

little ______________________________

round _____________________________


The  words describe in the poem as below

Joyful sight.

Little cart.

Round umbrella.

9. Colour the boxes with colours of the flavours mentioned in each.

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10. Have you ever eaten kulfi, the ice cream from North India?

The following sentences describe how it is served but they are not in the correct order. Write the correct number before each sentence.

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Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 1 Wonderful Waste

Wonderful Waste

1. What were the preparations in the palace for?


In the palace, there were preparations for a grand feast.

2. Why did the Maharaja go into the kitchen in the afternoon?


The Maharaja went into the kitchen in the afternoon to inspect the dishes that had been prepared for the feast.

3. What had the cook planned to do with the vegetable scraps?


The cook planned to throw away the vegetable scraps considering them as waste.

4. Ingredients are the things that are used to make a dish.

Circle the ingredients of avial in the box below.

chillies groundnut wood vegetable scraps
coconut roasted peanuts curd pot
garlic broken bangles basket curry leaves


NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Wonderful Waste - 1

5. State whether the following are True or False.

(i) The king had ordered a dinner in the palace.


(ii) No one had heard of or tasted avial before.


(iii) The cook had planned to make another dish using the vegetable scraps.



(i) True

(ii) True

(iii) False

Bamboo Curry

1. Complete the sentences meaningfully.

(i) The bridegroom left with the door of his in-laws’ house because it was made of _____________ and there was no bamboo in his ___________.

(ii) The bridegroom was unable to have bamboo curry in the end because _______________


(i) The bridegroom left with the door of his in-laws’ house because it was made of bamboo and there was no bamboo in his village.

(ii) The bridegroom was unable to have bamboo curry in the end because it was too hard to eat.

2. Word hunt

Fill in the blanks with words from the story.

(i) The bridegroom went to visit his ____________.

(ii) The mother-in-law pointed ________ __________ the bamboo door.

(iii) He stayed the night ____________ his in-laws.

(iv) He carried the ___________ ___________ back with him.

(v) The curry was made __________ bamboo shoots.


(i) The bridegroom went to visit his mother- in-law.

(ii) The mother-in-law pointed at the bamboo door.

(iii) He stayed the night with his in-laws.

(iv) He carried the bamboo door back with him.

(v) The curry was made from bamboo shoots.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 1 Ice Cream Man

The chapter Ice Cream Man describes how the Ice Cream Man comes with his little cart to sell different flavours of ice cream in summer. On seeing the Ice Cream Man, children feel joy. To learn more about the concepts, students are advised to practise these solutions on a regular basis in depth.

Chapter 1 Ice Cream Man

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 1 Wonderful Waste

This chapter discusses how the cook prepared the new dish using vegetable scraps. This dish was named Avial, which is one of the dishes in the traditional Kerala feast. Students who find difficulty in solving textbook questions can download the PDF both online and offline as per their requirements.

Chapter 1 Wonderful Waste

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Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 1


How does NCERT Solutions of Class 5 English Boost Exam Preparation among students?

NCERT Solutions have been formulated for students who are facing difficulties in finding the right source. The answers are so apt that students can understand the complex problems effortlessly. The solutions are constructed by teachers who have vast experience handling the subject. Diligent practice of textbook questions using NCERT Solutions helps students to come out with flying colours in their academics.


Why do you think the Ice Cream Man is everyone’s favourite in the hot summer, as in Chapter 1 of NCERT Solutions Class 5 English?

The Ice Cream Man is popular as he brings ice cream of different flavours in his cart, which is popular in summer. For better academic performance, students are suggested to work on the questions which are important from an exam perspective. Students can download the NCERT Solutions for a better understanding of the topics from the links provided here.


What made the cook collect all the vegetable scraps and make a new dish in Chapter 1 of NCERT Solutions Class 5 English?

The Maharaja of Travancore held a grand dinner in his palace. He wanted to survey the dishes once. Hence, in the afternoon, he entered the kitchen and found the vegetable scraps were being wasted by the cook. He told the cook not to waste the vegetable scraps. This made the cook prepare a new dish called ‘Avial’. Students are suggested to practise the textbook problems using solutions created by the experts to ace the examination.


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