NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 2 Teamwork and Flying Together

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 2 Teamwork and Flying Together are provided here for students to boost their exam preparations. The solutions are prepared by our faculty in accordance with the CBSE syllabus to provide easy-to-understand learning material to students. Those who are facing difficulty in solving the problems can make use of these solutions to understand the method of solving in a better way.

Chapter 2 Teamwork and Flying Together provides answers to help students who are facing obstacles in solving textbook problems. Students who practise these solutions obtain an idea of solving complex problems more effectively in the exams. For a better understanding of the concepts, students can access the solutions PDF from the links provided below.

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Teamwork
NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Flying Together

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 2 Teamwork and Flying Together

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Team Work


Complete the following sentences.

1. If nobody passes the ball in a basketball game, then you can’t _______________.

2. In a relay race, if no one passes the baton, then _____________.


1. If nobody passes the ball in a basketball game, then you can’t shoot.

2. In a relay race, if no one passes the baton, then the relay race can’t go on.

2. Name the team members needed for the following.

(i) To play cricket we need

Batsmen, bowlers, fielders, coaches

(ii) To make a film we need


(iii) To run a good school we need


(iv) To run a restaurant we need



(i) To play cricket we need batsmen, bowlers, fielders, coaches.

(ii) To make a film we need a producer, a director, actors, and a cameraman.

(iii) To run a good school we need a principal, teachers, students, and peons.

(iv) To run a restaurant we need a finance manager, chefs, and waiters.

3. Complete the sets of rhyming words. One has been done for you

Word from the poem team plus done hoop shoot goal joy
Your own words beam


Words from the poem Your own words
team  beam
plus puss
done fun
hoop group
shoot boot
goal  hole
joy boy

4. Now form questions for the answers given in the speech bubbles.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Teamwork - 1


1. How did the shoe get lost?


The shoe was lost because of the nail.

2. How did the kingdom get lost?


The kingdom was lost because the battle could not be fought.

3. How did the battle get lost?


The battle was lost because there was no rider.

5. Now make three more questions and answers from the poem, Teamwork.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Teamwork - 2


1. How can we make our dream work?


By working together, we can make our dream work.

2. What can we share in teamwork?


Joy can be shared in teamwork.

3. How can we achieve a common goal?


By working together, we can achieve a common goal.


Look at the picture and answer the questions in one sentence, using the word clues given in the box.


NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Teamwork - 3

plumber painter mason
electrician labourer carpenter gardener

1. Who is laying the bricks?


2. Who is holding the ladder?


3. Who is the man on the ladder?


4. Who is making the door?


5. Who is painting the walls?


Now make up a story about the picture. Give names to the people. Write the story showing the importance of teamwork. 


1. A mason is laying the bricks.

2. A labourer is holding the ladder.

3. An electrician is standing on the ladder.

4. A carpenter is making the door.

5. A painter is painting the walls.

The above picture shows the construction of a house. People are engaged in different work. Harish is the person who is laying the bricks. Ramesh, the carpenter is busy making the doors. Ajay is the labourer who is holding the ladder to help the electrician who is busy with electrical fittings. A house is incomplete without a plumber. Therefore, Rohan is called to lay the water pipes. A house does not look beautiful without a painter. Hence, for this work, Mohan is called who is a good painter. He paints the house beautifully, for which everyone admires him. Therefore, a beautiful house is constructed through teamwork.


In the puzzle find the words given in the column. Notice that these words are formed by joining two words. One is done for you. Find more such words.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Teamwork - 4


NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Teamwork - 5

8. We sometimes use short forms for some words. For example, we use I’m for I am and I’ve for I have. These shortened words are called contractions.

The mark (’) is an apostrophe which shows where the letters are left out. Now read together.

we will – we’ll cannot – can’t we have – we’ve
you have – you’ve there is – there’s what have – what’ve
we are – we’re they are – they’re

1. Write the contractions for the following phrases.

has not ______________  have not  ____________

do not  ______________ are not  ______________

2. Write the full forms for the following.

weren’t ____________ she’ll _______________

wasn’t _____________ who’s _______________



has not hasn’t.

have not haven’t.

do not don’t.

are not aren’t.


weren’t   were not.

she’ll she will.

wasn’t was not.

who’s who is.


Access Answers to NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 2 Flying Together

Flying Together

1. Where did the geese live?


The geese lived in leafy branches on top of a tall tree.

2. Why did the old bird advise the other birds to destroy the creeper?


The old bird advised the other birds to destroy the creeper because it would become thick and strong, and help the hunter to climb up the tree easily and kill all of them.

3. Why did the geese cry, “Help Help”?


The geese cried ‘’Help Help’’ because they were caught in the hunters net.

4. What did the hunter do when he thought that the geese were dead? 


The hunter started to throw the geese out of the net one by one.

5. Why did the geese pretend to be dead?


The geese pretended to be dead because they knew that the hunter would not want the dead birds and would set them free.

6. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. The tree was the house of a flock of parrots.


2. The wise old bird wanted the creeper to be destroyed.


3. The hunter climbed the tree with the help of a ladder.


4. When caught in the net the foolish birds began to weep.


5. The wise old bird helped them to escape.



1. False.

2. True.

3. False.

4. True.

5. True.

7. Here are some answers about the given picture.

(i) The colour of the ant is black. 

(ii) It lives on land.

(iii) It has two long antennae.

(iv) It crawls on the ground.

(v) It eats sugar.

Now frame the questions for the above answers.


(i) Name the colour of the ant given in the picture.

(ii) Where does it live?

(iii) How many antennae does an ant have?

(iv) Where does it crawl?

(v) What does it eat?

8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions such as to, at, off, on, in, into, with. One has been done for you.

(i) This tree was the home of a flock of wild geese.

(ii) He noticed the creeper _______ the foot of the tree.

(iii) “It would be a pity ________ destroy it now.”

(iv) As they flew ________ the tree they were trapped.

(v) The boy ran ________ the dog.

(vi) The frogs jumped _________ the well.

(vii) The girl was thrilled ________ see her new bicycle.

(viii) The birds were caught _________ the net.

(ix) The children walked _______ the bridge. 


(i) This tree was the home of a flock of wild geese.

(ii) He noticed the creeper at the foot of the tree.

(iii) “It would be a pity to destroy it now”.

(iv) As they flew into the tree they were trapped.

(v) The boy ran with the dog.

(vi) The frogs jumped into the well.

(vii) The girl was thrilled to see her new bicycle.

(viii) The birds were caught in the net.

(ix) The children walked on the bridge.

9.  Complete the paragraph with suitable words from the box.

around across with along to
after next to into from

One day, as I was walking _____________ the bank of the river, I saw my friend running ____________ the field. He was calling my name and waving ____________ me. I stopped and waited. _________ some time he reached where I was standing. 

He said, “I went all _____________ the town looking for you. I have some exciting news to share ________________ you. Do you remember the old house ___________ the neem tree? Guess who is moving ________________ that house? Janak Das, the great magician. Now we can learn lots of magic trick ___________ him. 


One day, as I was walking around the bank of the river, I saw my friend running into the field. He was calling my name and waving to me. I stopped and waited. After some time, he reached where I was standing.

He said, “I went all around the town looking for you. I have some exciting news to share with you. Do you remember the old house next to the neem tree? Guess who is moving into that house? Janak Das, the great magician. Now we can learn lots of magic tricks from him.”

10. Fill in the blanks given below with question words.

For example, where do you live?

(i) __________ do you play?

(ii) _________ do you get up?

(iii) _________ do you have for breakfast?

(iv) __________ do you go to school

(v) __________ do you like best in the school – games, art or music?

(vi) _________ is your birthday?

(vii) _________ do you want for your birthday?


(i) When do you play?

(ii) When do you get up?

(iii) What do you have for breakfast?

(iv) When do you go to school?

(v) What do you like the best in the school – games, art or music?

(vi) When is your birthday?

(vii) What do you want for your birthday?

11. Proverbs are short, wise sayings. For example – Look before you leap. This means that we should think carefully before we take any action. Here are some popular English proverbs. Read them aloud together and discuss what each could mean. 

  1. Old is gold
  2. As you sow so shall you reap
  3. Unity is strength
  4. United we stand divided we fall
  5. A friend in need is a friend indeed


1. Old is gold

Anything or anyone that has been around for a long time, is precious.

2. As you sow so shall you reap

The action of a person, whether good or bad, will repay him in the same manner.

3. Unity is strength

People working in unity will solve all problems easily.

4. United we stand divided we fall

If we are together we win otherwise we lose.

5. A friend in need is a friend indeed

A friend who helps you in trouble or need is a true friend.

12. The clap word game

Let’s play the clap word game.

Where the word produces one sound, clap once, as in ‘creep’. Clap twice if the word can be broken up into two syllables as in cree-per, and thrice as in to-mo-rrow.

creeper struggled tomorrow geese

throw foolish possible noticed

carefully flapped returned evening

trapped surprise


creeper (clap twice)

struggled (clap twice)

tomorrow (clap thrice)

geese (clap once)

throw (clap once)

foolish (clap twice)

possible (clap thrice)

noticed (clap twice)

carefully (clap thrice)

flapped (clap once)

returned (clap twice)

evening (clap twice)

trapped (clap once)

surprise (clap twice)

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 2 Teamwork

The chapter Teamwork explains the importance of working together. It also describes how dream work can be achieved easily by Teamwork. The solutions in PDF format help students to get accurate answers to the questions, which are essential from an exam point of view.

Chapter 2 Teamwork

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 2 Flying Together

The chapter Flying Together is the story of the birds who did not listen to the old bird’s advice to destroy the creeper and got trapped in the hunter’s net. This story tells us how important it is to obey our teachers and parents and act accordingly to avoid any obstacles. The solutions are designed by the experts as per the CBSE syllabus. Students can access the solutions in PDF format to boost exam preparations.

Chapter 2 Flying Together

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Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 2


Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English important in Exams?

The solutions are created by our faculty who have vast experience in the subject. The main purpose of solving these solutions is to give students a clear understanding of how to frame the solutions effectively in exams. Students who wish to score high marks in their academics must practise these solutions as much as possible. This also helps the students to score well in the exams and ace a subject.


What makes the poet think that dreamwork can be achieved by Teamwork in Chapter 2 of NCERT Solutions of Class 5 English?

According to the poet, Teamwork not only helps us to achieve our goals easily but also gives us the great pleasure of working together. For example, a house can be constructed by a group of workers. To complete the construction, we need a mason, electrician, plumber, carpenter, painter, etc. Every person plays an important role in the construction of a house. For in-depth knowledge of the concepts students can make use of the solutions provided in PDF format, from the given links.


Why did the wise old bird order the birds to cut the little creeper in Chapter 2 of NCERT Solutions of Class 5 English?

The old bird knew that the small creeper would grow soon. As it creeps up the tree, it becomes thick and strong. This helps the hunter to climb up the tree easily and kill them all. He advised the birds to cut it while it is still young otherwise, it will be hard once it grows. Students who aspire to understand the concepts easily can make use of the solutions in PDF format, as per their needs.


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