Ovulation and Menstruation

When a mature egg is released from the ovary, it is ovulation. The egg then moves to the fallopian tube, where it is fertilized. If the sperms are present in the tube when the egg gets released, there is a good chance to conceive, which creates an embryo.


  • At the time of the follicular phase, the rising estrogen levels trigger the pituitary glands to release the LH (luteinizing hormone). This commences the process of ovulation.
  • The process of ovulation causes the release of the mature egg, which travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus for fertilization (in case sperm is present).
  • This is the only time during the menstrual cycle when one can conceive.
  • Some of the symptoms of the phase of ovulation are – slight rise in the basal temperature of the body and thicker discharge which has the egg white’s texture.
  • One ovulates at around the 14th day in the case of a 28-days cycle – i.e., right at the middle of the menstrual cycle and it lasts for close to 24 hours.
  • A day after this, the egg dissolves or dies in case it was not fertilized.


  • It is the monthly shedding of the uterine lining in a woman and is referred to by several names – menstrual period, menses, menstrual cycle or period.
  • The menstrual blood is a mix of tissue and blood from inside the uterus, flowing from the uterus through the cervix, finally exiting the body through the vagina.
  • The menstrual cycle is distinguished by the rise and decline of hormones.
  • It is triggered by the falling levels of progesterone and is a sign that pregnancy has not taken place.

Key Differences Between Ovulation and Menstruation

The table below depicts the differences between Ovulation and Menstruation.



When does it occur

Ovulation occurs during a particular day of the menstrual cycle, the 14th day

The menstrual process lasts for 28 days ideally and one starts menstruating on the 1st day of the cycle

What it means

It occurs when an egg is released from the ovaries to be fertilized.

It is the bleeding occurring after ovulation if one doesn’t get pregnant. At this time, mucus, blood and tissue flow out of the cervix and vagina every month

The Temperature of the Body



Levels of Hormones

Estrogen, LH, FSH – high

Progesterone, estrogen, LH, FSH – low


Ovary releases egg

The uterine lining is shed

You read some differences between Ovulation and Menstruation. For more such articles, visit us at BYJU’S NEET.

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