The International Astronomy Olympiad is an annual examination for high school astronomy and science students. It includes intellectual rivalry among the students who participate. The IAO was founded in 1996 by the Eurasian Astronomical Society. It’s part of the International Science Olympiad series. In the absence of a state’s national team, the state’s regions, cities, and towns are responsible (with permission from the Coordinating Council) for participating in the IAO.
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The IAO’s main purpose is to promote astronomy and associated sciences in schools, especially through general education, and develop worldwide astronomy promotion partnerships. More talented high school students are likely to be interested in studying astronomy at the university level due to events like IAO, paving the way for the next generation of astronomers. In this article, we’ll go through IAO dates 2021-2022 in detail.
Important dates
Due to the obvious recurrence of COVID, the NSEA (IOQA) has been postponed indefinitely. The IOAA and IAO have been postponed indefinitely due to the recurrence of COVID.
Every year, there are five steps to the selection process.
Stage 1
The National Standard Examination (NSE) is administered by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). The National Standard Examination (NSE) in Junior Science, conducted by IAPT, is the first step toward junior category qualification for the International Astronomy Olympiad.
Stage 2
In the second stage, the top NSE performers (about 300 in each field) advance to the Indian National Olympiad (INO) – Junior Science. NCSM will manage the programme from now on. HBCSE, Mumbai aids NCSM in choosing applicants for the OCSC in the second stage.
Stage 3
Students will be given instructions on how to prepare for Olympiad-level theoretical and observational events. Students will learn the fundamentals of astrophysics, astronomical data processing, and night sky watching, with a focus on developing intellectual foundations and problem-solving skills. Several theoretical and observational tests will be conducted during the camp. Based on their success in these exams, they select a few students (top 3) who would represent India in the International Astronomy Olympiad.
Stage 4
The selected Indian teams go through a rigorous observational astronomy training programme at one of NCSM’s scientific centres before travelling for the International Astronomy Olympiad.
Stage 5
Three students compete in the International Astronomy Olympiad as part of the Olympiad programme.