Class 10 Physics Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources MCQs are provided here with answers. This chapter discusses what happens when we add waste to the environment, the components of the ecosystem, and how our activities affect the environment. These MCQ questions are designed as per the latest CBSE syllabus and NCERT curriculum. Solving these chapter-wise MCQs will help students to score good marks in the final exam. Management of Natural Resources Chapter Class 10 Science MCQs are prepared for a better understanding of the concept. It allows students to test their knowledge and answering skills in the given time frame.

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MCQs on Class 10 Physics Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources

Check the multiple-choice questions for the Class 10 Physics Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources. Each MCQ will have four options here, out of which only one is correct. Students have to pick the correct option and check the answer provided here.

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1. Which of the following is a natural resource?

  1. Water bottle
  2. Cupboard
  3. Glass
  4. Water

Answer: (d) Water

Explanation: Among the following water is a natural resource.

2. Expand the GAP project.

  1. Government Application Plan
  2. Government Auction Plan
  3. Ganga Action Plan
  4. Ganga Application Plan

Answer: (c) Ganga Action Plan

3. What are the plans to save the environment?

  1. Reduce
  2. Reuse
  3. Recycle
  4. All the above options

Answer: (d) All the above options

Explanation: 3R’s to be followed to save the environment are reduce, reuse, and recycle.

4. _________________ are biodiversity hotspots.

  1. Schools
  2. Highways
  3. Forests
  4. Apartments

Answer: (c) Forests

Explanation: Forests are known as biodiversity hotspots.

5. State true or false: Excessive monoculture destroys biodiversity.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: (a) True

Explanation: The cultivation of a single crop in a given area is known as monoculture. Excessive monoculture destroys biodiversity.

6. What are the problems caused by forest fires?

  1. ozone layer depletion
  2. increase in global warming
  3. degradation of catchment areas
  4. All the above options

Answer: (d) All the above options

Explanation: Some of the problems caused by forest fires are: loss of wildlife habitat, increase in diseases, extinction of animals and plants, reduction in forest cover, ozone layer depletion, loss of livelihood of tribal people and biodiversity, loss of valuable timber resources, increase in carbon dioxide level, global warming, and degradation of catchment areas.

7. Disadvantage of fossil fuels is _________________.

  1. Floods
  2. Rains
  3. Acid rain
  4. None of the options

Answer: (c) Acid rain

Explanation: Burning of fossil fuels causes global warming and is the cause of acid rain.

8. Does using recycled paper bags reduce environmental pollution?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: (a) Yes

Explanation: Purchasing products that can be recycled significantly contributes to saving the environment.

9. What are the causes of environmental hazards?

  1. rise in the temperature of Earth
  2. melting of polar ice caps
  3. flooding in low-lying areas
  4. All the above options

Answer: (d) All the above options

Explanation: rise in the temperature of Earth, melting of polar ice caps, and flooding in low-lying areas causes environmental hazards.

10. Lignite is a type of _________________.

  1. Iron
  2. Soil
  3. Coal
  4. Petroleum

Answer: (c) Coal

Explanation: Lignite, Peat, Bituminous, and Anthracite are the various types of coal.

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