Geometric Optics Questions

Geometrical optics defines the propagation of light in terms of rays. Optics is the branch of physics that studies light and its behavioural pattern and properties.

Reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, and dispersion are some of the properties of light.

Light can travel in a straight line; it can bend and be split into its constituent colour depending on the medium of travel and the interface between two different mediums. The light may be reflected or absorbed as well.

Read more: Geometrical optics

Important Geometric Optics Questions with Answers

1. The visible light has a wavelength of range ______.

  1. 100–200 nanometres
  2. 250–300 nanometres
  3. 300–350 nanometres
  4. 400–700 nanometres

Answer: d) 400–700 nanometres.

Explanation: The visible light has 400–700 nanometres of wavelength.

2. What branch of physics deals with determining behaviour and the properties of light?

Optics is the branch of physics that deals with determining behaviour and the properties of light.

3. What is the formula to find the refractive index?

  1. n=c-v
  2. n=2cv
  3. n = c/v
  4. n = c+v

Answer: c) n = c/v

Explanation: The formula to find the refractive index is n=c/v.

4. Photons feature the property of _____.

  1. Wave only
  2. Particle only
  3. Both wave and particle
  4. Neither wave nor particle

Answer: c) Both wave and particle

Explanation: Photons have both the properties of a wave as well as a particle.

5. The spectrum of visible light is emitted and absorbed in the form of ______.

  1. Protons
  2. Photons
  3. Electrons
  4. Neutrons

Answer: b) Photons

Explanation: The spectrum of visible light is emitted and absorbed in the form of photons, which are tiny packets of energy.

6. Separation of white light into different colours is known as _____.

  1. Reflection
  2. Refraction
  3. Dispersion
  4. Total internal reflection

Answer: c) Dispersion

Explanation: Dispersion is the process of separation of white light into various colours when passed through the prism.

7. The speed of light in a vacuum is represented by _____.

  1. s
  2. l
  3. v
  4. c

Answer: d) c

Explanation: The speed of light in a vacuum is represented by the letter ‘c’.

8. Bending of light when it passes from one medium to another is known as ______.

  1. Reflection
  2. Refraction
  3. Dispersion
  4. Total internal reflection

Answer: b) Refraction

Explanation: In the process of refraction, the light rays bend when they pass from one medium to another medium.

9. State true or false: The image formation in an optical system can be explained by geometric optics.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: Geometric optics explains how images are formed in an optical system.

10. What does VIBGYOR mean?

VIBGYOR is abbreviated as Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.

Practice Questions

  1. What is light?
  2. Explain the electromagnetic spectrum.
  3. What is wave-particle duality?
  4. Explain refraction through a glass prism.
  5. What are the various optical properties of light?